Talk:Tag:vending=bottle return

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Troll tag

This tag is odd and is not compatible with the definition of amenity=vending_machine: A vending machine is a machine which dispenses items such as snacks, beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, cologne, consumer products and even gold and gems to customers automatically, after the customer inserts currency or credit into the machine. The use of payment=* tags for refunding is also very much trolling.

Why not tagging with amenity=recycling + recycling_type=reverse_vending_machine + recycling:glass_bottles=yes/no recycling:plastic_bottles=yes/no? A reverse vending machine is a recycling feature after all.
-- Freetz (talk) 02:49, 4 November 2022 (UTC)

Tagging concept + missing option to tag areas

It is good, that this feature of circular economy is getting tagged now. However I currently see 2 problems here (we are still at 1200 tags now):

1. As it is not a typical vending machine and in many countries of lower labour costs there still are facilities to give bottles away over the counter, then this tagging solution would have the best coverage: amenity=bottle_return + bottle_return=machine|service_counter

Or if we prefer that it is an extension of recycling concept, then: amenity=recycling + recycling=bottle_return_machine

2. And also vending=bottle_return can now be applied only to nodes, not areas. But over 50% of locations that I have seen, are actually separate buildings (like the one in the article), meant only for bottle return. Now you have to add a node, however OSM standard is not to add nodes, when you can tag area (i.e. building in this case).

An additional issue would be "how to tag access with cars". Typically people collect big amounts of bottles to be returned and probably would be interested to find bottle return locations with the shortest distance from car parking. In the other hand data users can and should solve this in their applications.

-- Vtkamm (talk) 06:33, 12 August 2024 (UTC)

  1. It has to be amenity=recycling . Shouldn't create another recycling feature. Don't want a amenity=*_return for everything recyclable.
  2. Yes, this is a common issue for machines, including amenity=parcel_lockers , and amenity=atm . The amenity=* is used for both the function and the machine structure, as a single one. So besides the possibility of having multiple amenity=vending_machine , you can only use eg indoor=room or indoor=area , or the building=* here, to show the area. Areas need to distinguish whether it is a very large machine, or a large space with small machines inside. Talk:Tag:amenity=vending_machine#Vending_machine_as_area

—— Kovposch (talk) 15:36, 13 August 2024 (UTC)

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