Template:Cs:Map Features:contact

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Kontaktní údaje

Klíč Hodnota Prvek Poznámka TagInfo Ilustrace

Contact details

contact:phone +420 123 456 789 uzel cesta plocha relace telefonní číslo (viz také phone=*) Black telephone icon from DejaVu Sans.svg
contact:website http://priklad.cz uzel cesta plocha relace URL webové stránky (viz také website=* a url=*) Vista-www.png
contact:email mail@priklad.cz uzel cesta plocha relace e-mailová adresa (viz také email=*) Contactenos.jpg
contact:fax +420 123 456 789 uzel cesta plocha relace faxové číslo (viz také fax=*) Emoji u1f4e0.svg
contact:mobile +44 11223 456-789 uzel cesta plocha relace A telephone number connecting to a mobile phone. The more general tag contact:phone=* should be preferred. Roadsign - Cellphone.svg
contact:tty +44 11223 456-789 uzel cesta plocha relace A dedicated telephone number connecting to a teletypewriter (tty).
contact:sms +44 11223 456-789 uzel plocha A dedicated telephone number that receives SMS text messages, but does not have voice-calling capability.
Klíč Hodnota Prvek Poznámka TagInfo Ilustrace

Social media, messengers, web services

contact:facebook plné URL na Facebook uzel cesta plocha relace profil na Facebooku - preferujeme plné URL (protože na Facebooku jsou různé druhy stránek), ale také se používá jednoduše veřejné uživatelské jméno. (Viz také facebook=*) Facebook f logo (2019).svg
uživatelské jméno uzel cesta plocha relace název účtu nebo plné URL na Instagram Instagram logo 2016.svg Threads (app) logo.svg
contact:vk VK.com uzel cesta plocha relace VK link to social network service VK Compact Logo (2021-present).svg
contact:twitter @OpenStreetMap uzel cesta plocha relace název účtu nebo plné URL na Twitter (viz také twitter=*) Twitter-logo.svg
contact:youtube Youtube account/channel URL uzel cesta plocha relace URL YouTube účtu nebo kanálu oficiálně prvkem používaného. Někdy se uvádí pouze uživatelské jméno. YouTube Logo 2017.svg
contact:ok ok URL uzel cesta plocha relace ok link to social network service. Ok new logo.png
contact:linkedin uživatelské jméno uzel cesta plocha relace název účtu nebo plné URL na LinkedIn LinkedIn Logo.svg
contact:telegram https://t.me/Example or Telegram number uzel cesta plocha relace Telegram account name or full URL or Telegram number officially used by the POI. Telegram logo.svg
contact:whatsapp WhatsApp number uzel cesta plocha relace WhatsApp number officially used by the POI. WhatsApp.svg
contact:webcam URL webové kamery uzel Pro označení umístění webové kamery použijte uzel se značkou surveillance=webcam Camera-example.jpg
contact:viber +44 11223 456-789 uzel cesta plocha relace Viber account name (phone number) or full URL Viber logo.svg
contact:tiktok Username uzel cesta plocha relace TikTok account name or full URL Tiktok logo text.svg
contact:skype Skype jméno uzel cesta plocha relace Přihlašovací jméno na Skype Skype logo (2019–present).svg
contact:pinterest Pinterest URL uzel cesta plocha relace Pinterest URL officially used by the POI. Pinterest Logo.svg
contact:foursquare https://foursquare.com/v/Example uzel cesta plocha relace Foursquare account name (hash) or full URL Foursquare logo 2018.png
contact:xing uživatelské jméno uzel cesta plocha relace název účtu nebo plné URL na XING(en) Xing logo.svg
contact:mastodon @username@server.example uzel cesta plocha relace Mastodon social network handle or full URL[1] Mastodon Logotype (Full Reversed).svg
contact:line Line ID uzel cesta plocha relace Line ID or URL LINE logo.svg
contact:flickr Flickr URL uzel cesta plocha relace URL Flickr. Podobně jako u ostatních se jedná o místo, kde lze prvek oficiálně kontaktovat, nebo kde šíří informace. Nemělo by ukazovat na vlastnoručně udělanou fotografii místa. Flickr wordmark.svg
contact:vhf kanál VHF Channel nebo frekvence uzel cesta plocha relace Zajímavé pro námořní a letecké služby Torre de controle Rio de Janeiro (Galeao).jpg
contact:wechat wechat ID uzel cesta plocha relace Wechat ID Ionicons logo-wechat.svg
contact:matrix @username:server.example or #room:server.example uzel cesta plocha relace Matrix social network handle Matrix logo icon 169963.png
contact:sip sip@example.com uzel cesta plocha relace SIP address SIP-registration-flow.png
contact:diaspora URL a uživatelské jméno uzel cesta plocha relace plné URL na Diaspora Diaspora logotype.svg
contact:gnusocial username@server.example uzel cesta plocha relace GNU Social social network handle or full URL GNU-social-logo.svg
contact:xiaohongshu Xiaohongshu URL uzel cesta plocha relace Xiaohongshu social network handle or full URL Xiaohongshu logo&slogan.png
contact:mobilizon @username@example.com or https://example.com uzel cesta plocha relace Mobilizon social network handle or full URL Mobilizon EN.png
contact:user_defined user defined uzel cesta plocha relace All commonly used namespace keys according to Taginfo
Klíč Hodnota Prvek Poznámka TagInfo Ilustrace

Mail address

contact:street street name uzel cesta plocha relace For use when the contact address is not the same as the address of the physical location.

For denoting the street name where a POI is located, see also addr:street=*

contact:housenumber housenumber uzel cesta plocha relace For use when the contact address is not the same as the address of the physical location. (Status: "draft" Text-x-generic.svg)

For denoting the housenumber where a POI is located, see also addr:housenumber=*

contact:postcode postcode uzel cesta plocha relace For use when the contact address is not the same as the address of the physical location.

For denoting the postcode number where a POI is located, see also addr:postcode=*

contact:city city name uzel cesta plocha relace For use when the contact address is not the same as the address of the physical location.

For denoting the city name where a POI is located, see also addr:city=*

contact:country country uzel cesta plocha relace For use when the contact address is not the same as the address of the physical location.

For denoting the country where a POI is located, see also addr:country=*

contact:pobox Post Box Number uzel cesta plocha relace Companies and organizations sometimes have a post office box (P.O. Box) to receive mail instead of to their physical address. The value should contain the box number as well as a post office identifier, such as a post code. Note this may be different from addr:postcode=*. USPS Post office boxes 1

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.Český překlad lze editovat zde.

  1. The domain in a Mastodon handle usually matches the domain in the full URL, but some instances use a different domain for the Web application versus their users' handles. [1]