Template:Cs:Map Features:vending

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Prodejní automat je přístroj, který poté, co zákazník vloží peníze, vydá zboží. Pro více informací viz amenity=vending_machine.

Klíč Hodnota Prvek Popis Vykreslování Ilustrace
vending admission_tickets uzel Vstupenky
HK KT 觀塘道 418 Kwun Tong Road APM mall Cinemas Palace June 2021 SS2 04.jpg
vending animal_feed uzel Jídlo pro zvířata
Menzenschwand Hirschfutterautomat.jpg
vending art uzel A vending machine that sells art.
Kunstautomat Bad Fallingbostel.JPG
vending bicycle_tube uzel Duše pro jízdní kola
Jt osm schlauch-o-mat-schwalbe.jpg
vending books uzel Knihy
Book vending machine.jpg
vending bottle_return uzel Výkup prázdných lahví
vending bread uzel Chléb
vending candles uzel Svíčky
vending check-in uzel Check-In counter, like camping-site
Vending check-in.png
vending chemist uzel Lékárna
Jt osm vending chemist.jpg
vending chewing_gums uzel Žvýkačky
Wringley's chewing gum vending machine.JPG
vending cigarettes uzel Balíčky cigaret
Zigarettenautomat Melsdorf.jpg
vending coffee uzel Káva
Coffee vending machine.jpg
vending coin_change_machine uzel A coin-change machine that accepts any amount of loose coins, counts them and exchanges them for a voucher. The operator determines where and at what cost the voucher can be redeemed.
Coin change machine.jpg
vending coin_rolls uzel A coin roll machine is a machine that dispenses coins in the form of coin rolls.
vending condoms uzel Kondomy
vending contact_lenses uzel Contact lenses
Vending machine with contact lens, Łódź 2020.jpg
vending drinks uzel Nápoje: kola, voda, ice tea. Pro popis konkrétních nápojů přidejte: drink:*=*.
Viz také: vending=coffee, vending=milk, vending=water
Soda Vending Machine Japan Coast.jpg
vending e-cigarettes uzel An e-cigarette machine is a vending machine that dispenses e-cigarettes or e-cigarette refill cartriges.

See also: vending=cigarettes

Daze Vapor House, Lons-le-Saunier 02.jpg
vending eggs uzel A machine vendings eggs or boxes of eggs
Egg Vending Machine (2751303465).jpg
vending electronics uzel Elektronika
vending elongated_coin uzel Mince jako suvenýr
Elongated coin press in Nashville, Indiana - 2009.jpg
vending excrement_bags uzel Pytlíky na exkrementy
Excrement bags-14.svg
Dog excrement bags.jpg
vending feminine_hygiene uzel Dámská hygiena
vending first_aid uzel První pomoc
First aid med-o-mat 24h munich 2010 09 28.JPG
vending fishing_bait uzel Rybářské návnady - živé fishing_bait:live=yes, mražené fishing_bait:frozen=yes.
Viz také: vending=fishing_tackle
Live bait vending machine Brighton Recreation Area.JPG
vending fishing_tackle uzel Rybářské vybavení (háčky, vlasce, olůvka, návnady...)
Viz také: vending=fishing_bait
Distributeur d'appâts de pêche à Vénissieux 1 (mai 2019).jpg
vending flowers uzel Květiny
Flower vending machine.jpg
vending flower_seeds uzel Flower seeds in reusable capsules with the purpose of self-sowing, e.g. at home in your own garden as a food source for bees. The empty capsules can then be thrown into the return bin.
vending food uzel Potraviny (sýr, vejce, mléko, nudle, ...)
Werrabronn Eierautomat.jpg
vending fuel uzel Palivo pro auta (použijte s: amenity=fuel, vending_machine=yes, vending=fuel)
Vending machine for motor fuel, Thailand.jpg
vending gas uzel A vending machine for gas bottles.
Vending gas bottles.jpg
vending ice_cream uzel Zmrzlina
Glico ice cream vending machine.jpg
vending ice_cubes uzel Led
Ice Machine in resort.jpg
vending ink_cartridges uzel Inkoustové náplně do tiskáren
HK Fortress Canon Vending machine Feb-2011.JPG
vending laundry_detergent uzel Prací prostředky
Laundry (Bar) Vending Machine.jpg
vending lottery uzel Lottery ticket dispenser
vending milk uzel Čerstvé mléko
Frischmilchautomat Tannheim Gesamtansicht.jpg
vending newspapers uzel Noviny
Newspaper vending machines in Canada - 20110803.jpg
vending parcel_mail_in uzel Nepoužívejte. Nahraďte za amenity=parcel_locker
Fedex+UPS Drop-Box.jpg
vending parcel_pickup uzel Nepoužívejte. Nahraďte za amenity=parcel_locker
Packstation winter.jpg
vending parking_tickets uzel Lístky na parkování
Parking tickets-14.svg
Parkscheinautomat 01 KMJ.jpg
vending pet_food uzel Machine vending food for domestic pets.
Děčín, zoologická zahrada, automat.jpg
vending photos uzel Výjimka, nepoužívejte. Radši použijte konkrétní značku: amenity=photo_booth
vending pizza uzel A machine selling pizza
Pizza vending machine Jindabyne (2024).jpg
vending public_transport_plans uzel Public transport plans. (Definition unclear, see the page.)
vending public_transport_tickets uzel Jízdenky na veřejnou dopravu
Public transport tickets-14.svg
vending raw_milk uzel Raw milk
vending sex_toys uzel Erotické pomůcky
vending SIM_cards uzel SIM karty pro mobilní telefony
Simcard Vending Machine.JPG
vending stamps uzel Poštovní známky
Type B52.jpg
vending sweets uzel Sladkosti
vending syringes uzel Injekční stříkačky
091021 1731 99 spritzenautomatart g2416p5ch1immer wieder1 media big.jpg
vending telephone_vouchers uzel Telephone vouchers, telephone cards, or over-the-air prepaid credit top up
vending toll uzel Poplatky za mýto
Toll Point - ticket machine.jpg
vending toys uzel Hračky
Jt osm vending machine toy.jpg
vending umbrellas uzel Deštníky
Spb Umbrella vending machine at Potemkinskaya.jpg
vending water uzel Pitná voda
vending wood_pellet uzel A machine selling wood_pellet bags
Vending machine pellet.png

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