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This table was automatically generated based on the content of this template at 2025-01-24 05:30:51 GMT. Any updates since then to individual values will be reflected here. However, any new parameters will not appear here until the table is regenerated.
language code |
text key | |
Prefix | Suffix | |
ar | Prefix | Suffix |
bg | Prefix | Suffix |
ca | Prefix | Suffix |
cs | Předpona | Přípona |
da | Prefix | Suffix |
de | Präfix | Suffix |
el | Prefix | Suffix |
en | Prefix | Suffix |
eo | Prefikso | Sufikso |
es | Prefijo | Sufijo |
fa | Prefix | Suffix |
fi | Prefix | Suffix |
fr | Préfixe | Suffixe |
gl | Prefix | Suffix |
he | Prefix | Suffix |
hi | Prefix | Suffix |
hr | Prefix | Suffix |
hu | Prefix | Suffix |
id | Prefix | Suffix |
ii | Prefix | Suffix |
io | Prefikso | Sufikso |
it | Prefisso | Suffisso |
ja | 接頭辞 | 接尾辞 |
jv | Prefix | Suffix |
ko | 접두사 | 접미사 |
lb | Präfix | Suffix |
mk | Prefix | Suffix |
ne | Prefix | Suffix |
nl | Prefix | Suffix |
nn | Prefix | Suffix |
no | Prefix | Suffix |
oc | Préfixe | Suffixe |
pa | ਅਗੇਤਰ | ਪਛੇਤਰ |
pl | Przedrostek | Sufiks |
pt | Prefix | Suffix |
ru | префикс | постфикс |
sh | Prefix | Suffix |
sr | Prefix | Suffix |
sv | Prefix | Suffix |
tl | Prefix | Suffix |
tt | префикс | постфикс |
uk | Префікс | Суфікс |
vi | Tiền tố | Hậu tố |
yi | Prefix | Suffix |
yue | Prefix | Suffix |
zh-hans | Prefix | Suffix |
zh-hant | Prefix | Suffix |
(You may want to add new languages to show in this table, by editing Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table/rowgroup.
The appearance of parameters in the table sections is controlled by Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table/row.)