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Acara menurut kalender +/-
15 MaretMapping MarathonPune, Maharashtra, India
15 MaretBalade et cartopartie - Parcours de fraîcheurMarseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
15 MaretCartopartie - Quartier du Pontiffroy MetzMetz, Grand Est, France
15 MaretJunta OSM Latam - Avances SotM Latam 2025 MedellínMedellín, Antioquia, Colombia
15 MaretLocal Chapters and Communities Congress 2025
16 MaretOSM Bengaluru Mapping PartyBengaluru, Karnataka, India
17 MaretPanoramax monthly international meeting
18 MaretMissing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]
18 MaretRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
18 Maret186. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
18 MaretSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
18 MaretLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
19 Maret16. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
19 MaretMissing Maps Zürich MapathonZurich, Zurich, Switzerland
19 MaretStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
21 MaretOSMF Engineering Working Group meeting
21 MaretDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
22–23 MaretChemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany
22 MaretOSM-TR Online Meet-UpIstanbul, Turkey
24 MaretBremer MappertreffenBremen, Bremen, Germany
25 MaretEast Midlands pub meet-upDerby, England, United Kingdom
26–29 MaretFOSSGIS-Konferenz 2025Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
27 Maret[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
28 MaretMapathon @ UZH DSI 2025Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
29 MaretFOSSGIS 2025 - OSM-SamstagMünster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
31 MaretGreen Open Data Day 2025 (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos 2025)Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
31 MaretGreen Open Data Day (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos)
1 AprilMissing Maps Lisbon Mapathon with MSFMadalena, Lisbon, Portugal
1 AprilOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
1 AprilSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
1 AprilMissing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng]
2 AprilStuttgarter OpenStreetMap-TreffenStuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
5 AprilOSMF Affiliation Focus Group Discussion: Thematic and non-geographical groups
6 April15th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online)Delhi, Delhi, India
8 AprilOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
8 AprilMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
8 AprilHamburger MappertreffenHamburg, Germany
10 AprilMapping & HikingAmandola, Marche, Italy
13 April15th OSM Delhi Mapping PartyDelhi, Delhi, India
13 AprilOSMmapperCPHCopenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
14 AprilOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #75Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
15 AprilRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
15 April187. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
15 AprilSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
15 AprilLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
16 April74. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
22 AprilEast Midlands pub meet-upDerby, England, United Kingdom
24 April[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
29 AprilSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
30 AprilDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
4 Mei16th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online)Delhi, India
6 MeiOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
11 Mei16th OSM Delhi Mapping PartyDelhi, India
12 MeiOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #76Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
13 MeiHamburger MappertreffenHamburg, Germany
13 MeiSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
14 MeiMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
16–18 MeiFOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen im LinuxhotelEssen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
17 MeiMicrocartopartie Estrablin (38)Estrablin, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
20 MeiRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
20 Mei188. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
20 MeiLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
27 MeiSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
28 MeiDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
29 Mei[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
3 JuniOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
9 JuniOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #77Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
10 JuniSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
12 JuniMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
12 Juni17. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
13–15 JuniState of the Map France 2025Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
17 Juni188. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
17 JuniLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
19–21 JuniState of the Map USBoston, Massachusetts, United States
24 JuniSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
26 Juni[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
27 JuniDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
8 JuliSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
14–20 JuliFOSS4G Europe 2025Mostar, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
14 JuliOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #78Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
15 JuliLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
22 JuliSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
24 Juli75. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
31 Juli[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
5 AgustusSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
11 AgustusOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #79Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
19 AgustusSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
19 AgustusLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
28 Agustus[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
15 SeptemberOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #80Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
16 SeptemberLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
17–18 SeptemberJornadas de SIG Libre / SOTM EspañaGirona, Catalonia, Spain
17 September18. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
25 September[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
3–5 OktoberState of the Map 2025Quezon City, Philippines
13 OktoberOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #81Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
21 OktoberLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
22 Oktober76. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
10 NovemberOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #82Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
18 NovemberLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
8 DesemberOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #83Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
16 DesemberLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
18 Desember19. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria

About Template:Calendar3

This is just another wrapper for the main Template:Calendar.

So although this template renders the celendar box as above, if you edit this page you will not see the events information. Go to Template:Calendar to add/modify events information.

The idea of this wrapper is to add some colour/style/border decoration to the calendar box.

It is different from Template:Calendar2 in that this is full width designed for the Main Page, whereas the other is a fixed-width box.