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タグ 説明 写真
tomb=loculi Loculus (architecture) Nichos cemiterio Pradorramisquedo.jpg
tomb=tumulus 墳丘墓古墳 Evessen Tumulus 2.jpg
tomb=rock-cut Rock-cut tombs。岩肌に彫られた墓。 Matala caves.jpg
tomb=hypogeum Hypogeumカタコンベ Etruscan hypogeum.jpg
tomb=war_grave War grave Commonwealth war grave WWI.JPG
tomb=mausoleum Taj Mahal in March 2004.jpg
tomb=columbarium 納骨堂 Ballybeg Priory St. Thomas Columbarium Nesting Boxes 2012 09 08.jpg
tomb=crypt 地下聖堂 Wola Gułowska-trumna.jpg
tomb=pyramid ピラミッド All Gizah Pyramids.jpg
tomb=sarcophagus 石棺サルコファガス Contantinople Christian sarcophagus circa 400.jpg
tomb=vault 埋葬庫 Perelachaise-p1000391.jpg
tomb=turbe A turbe is Islamic building enclosing burial chamber or grave (individual or group). Usually domed, can be opened with a columns supporting a roof or enclosed space. In the case of a mausoleum, use tomb=mausoleum with mausoleum=turbe Travnik 0492-border.jpg
Turbe u Travniku, turbeta - nahrobky muslimskych svetcu.jpg
tomb=table A table-shaped tomb built above the grave and supported by a series of pillars. Joseph William Noble's Grave.jpg
Lanyon Quoit 05.jpg
tomb=cenotaph (deprecated) Do not use this tag because a cenotaph is not a kind of tomb. Use historic=memorial or historic=monument instead. Cenotaph, Hong Kong 1.jpg
tomb=tombstone (deprecated) このタグは使わないでください。tombstoneは墓の種類ではないからです。 Grob2.jpg

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