Template:OpenHistoricalMap/On this day/02/15

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In Peru, Simón Bolívar renames Huamanga to Ayacucho.
Great Vietnam is renamed Dainam.
In Paris, Vincennes cedes right of way along the Avenue de Vincennes to Saint-Mandé.
Riva Trigoso station opens in Sestri Levante, Genoa.
In British Honduras, Stann Creek is declared a town.
Japan invades Malacca in the Straits Settlement, establishing Syonan.
Poland and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic exchange territory under the Polish–Soviet border adjustment treaty.
Aki Japanese Restaurant closes in Vancouver, British Columbia, after 13 years in business.
Carpaccio closes in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, after five years in business.
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This is a selection of establishments and disestablishments on February 15, based on OpenHistoricalMap data, that automatically appears on the OpenHistoricalMap page on February 15 of each year. This list highlights important changes in the world, as well as more mundane events that demonstrate the project's ambitious tendency toward micromapping history.


We appreciate your help in curating these events from OpenHistoricalMap data. Items should be based on fully qualified start_date=* and end_date=* tags, plus any other metadata tagged on features in OpenHistoricalMap. To the extent possible, the list should feature a wide range of years and include events from different continents.

See also