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[Edit] [Purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation

This template allows an easy input of publications about OpenStreetMap on the page OpenStreetMap in the media. You should use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country (two capital letters), and the ISO 639-1 code for the language (as two lowercase letters, otherwise the ISO 639-3 code as three lowercase letters).

  • (en) Usage: {{Publication|date= date |country= ISO 3166-1 country code |lang= ISO 639 language code |URL= external link |source= Source name |heading= Heading |description= Description. }}
  • (fr) Utilisation: {{Publication|date= date |country= code pays ISO 3166-1 |lang= code langue ISO 639 |URL= lien externe |source= Nom de la source |heading= Titre |description= Description. }}
  • (de) Benutzung: {{Publication|date= Datum |country= ISO 3166-1 Code |lang= ISO 639 Sprache Code |URL= external Link |source= Quelle |heading= Überschrift |description= Beschreibung. }}

{{Publication|date= 11 Aug 2008 |country= DE |lang= de |URL= http://example.org/ |source= Spiegel |heading= OpenStreetMap übernimmt die Weltherrschaft |description= Ein kurzer Artikel über den Erfolg von OSM. }}
