V・T・E![]() |
latitude: 47.200, longitude: 11.532 |
Browse map of Tirol 47°12′00.00″ N, 11°31′55.20″ E |
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Tirol is a state in Austria at latitude 47°12′00.00″ North, longitude 11°31′55.20″ East.
OGD Tirol
Tirol hat seit geraumer Zeit ein OGD-Portal. Der Datenabruf findet über den entsprechenden Datenauftritt auf Open Data Österreich statt.
Die Daten liegen unter CC-BY und größtenteils als Shapefile vor!
Known Problems imports
The main problem while trying to increase quality of OSM data in tyrol is definitely the importet data. Instead of fixing the data e.g. by using the yahoo areal imagery, many unexperienced users just add their own roads/paths/trails with potlatch using the yahoo overlay. one of the reasons for this is that roads are not rendered by both mapnik and osmarender due to a not supported tag "". This seems to be a hint to us map makers (in addition to the "fixme=*" tag) to rearrange/adjust paths.
Ok, data has not the best accuracy, yet it contains valuable information on streetnames. losing those data would be non-productive. so think about repositioning data instead of adding new roads/paths. In my opinionI think we have to find a way to either delete the data at some critical places or we try to fix them. In view mode you won't see many of the datasets due to a not recognized tagging "*". you will see them in edit mode.
--Om3g4 16:28, 2 May 2009 (UTC)
Yahoo Areal Imager (YAI) NOT AVAILABLE
At some places in eastern tyrol (starting at jenbach) YAI seems to be unavailable.