United States/Unusual highway networks

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The United States has a significant number of highway networks, especially at the state and local level, which are not easily translated into network=* and ref=* values on their route relations. This page catalogs those networks and provides links to community discussions regarding the tagging of those networks.

Table of Unusual Networks

State Road / System Example
Route Relation
Tagging Scheme
or Example
Shield Example Ref on Sign?[1]
California 49-Mile Scenic Drive relation 109668 network=US:CA:San_Francisco:49_Mile_Scenic_Drive
No ref
San Francisco CA 49-Mile Scenic Drive.svg N/A
Connecticut Merritt Parkway relation 15425309 network=US:CT:Parkway
No ref
Merritt Pkwy Shield.svg N/A
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail relation 14976736 (incomplete) network=US:LHT
No ref
Lincoln Heritage Trail.png N/A
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio Ohio River Scenic Byway relation 16058238 (incomplete) network=US:ORSB
(ref varies by state)
Indiana, Ohio John Hunt Morgan Heritage Trail relation 15504667 (Ohio, incomplete)
No route relation yet in Indiana
network=US:OH:JHMHT in Ohio Indiana Ohio N/A
Iowa et al. Avenue of the Saints No route relation yet N/A Avenue of the Saints banner.svg N/A
Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain Causeway relation 13781610 network=US:LA:Causeway
No ref
[2] N/A
Minnesota (et al) Great River Road relation 456651 network=US:GRR
No Ref
Minnesota Amish Buggy Byway No route relation yet N/A Amish Buggy Byway (Minnesota).jpg N/A
North Carolina; Virginia Blue Ridge Parkway relation 55450 network=US:NPS:Blue_Ridge
No ref
Ohio Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail relation 14287121 network=US:OH:LECO Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail - Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail Roadsign and Logo - NARA - 7719868.jpg N/A
Ohio Ohio & Erie Canalway Scenic Byway relation 3693700 network=US:OH:OEC Ohio & Erie Canalway.jpg Initialism
Ohio et al. Great Lakes Circle Tour relation 4744198 network=GLCT
Lake Erie Circle Tour.svg Initialism
Tennessee Tennessee Scenic Roadways no known examples No Consensus (2022-02-11)
Tennessee Scenic Parkway Small.svg
Tennessee; Alabama; Mississippi Natchez Trace Parkway relation 3300032 network=US:NPS:Natchez_Trace
No Ref
Natchez Trace Parkway Logo.gif N/A
Muliple Historic US Routes relation 3734770 network=US:US:Historic
Typically No Ref, but some ways have ref=HR 66
US 66 (historic).svg N/A


See also


  1. Indicates whether or not the ref is listed on the sign verbatim. Routes listed as "Initialism" have ref values derived from names listed on signage but do not have the initialisms as a standalone increment of text.
  2. The shield only appears on mile markers frequently posted along the roadway. The route is prominently identifiable on wayfinding signage but not using the shield.