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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Flag of Canada.svg This user hails from Canada
Hot logo.svg Alarobric volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
Bike Alarobric
is a bicyclist.
Geocaching.svg Alarobric maps while geocaching.
JOSM Alarobric submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
iD Alarobric submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Twitter user Alarobric tweets as alarobric @twitter alarobric
en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-2 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire de français.

From Richmond, British Columbia. Came to OpenStreetMap for use mostly in trail information, and offline maps while traveling. Now interested in improving the areas I know and HOT.

For ski trails, see WikiProject Piste Maps