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de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
JOSM Bitsteller submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Garmin eTrex Legend HCx for template.jpg Bitsteller uses a Garmin eTrex Legend HCx and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
Forums.png Bitsteller is on the Forum
Bike Bitsteller
is a bicyclist.

I'm using a Garmin etrex Legend HCx for tracking and routing. Currently I'm using as my map on the device. Furthermore I am using an iPhone 4 for mobile mapping and viewing maps.

My current contributions to OSM


Wiki contributions

  • currently none


  • Detailled tagging and mapping of shops and public buildings in Uetze (see: Uetze)
  • Tagging of housenumbers in Uetze (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping of various bus stops in Braunschweig, Germany (see: Braunschweig)
    • Finished: Lehndorf, Kanzlerfeld, Völkenrode, Watenbüttel, Lindenbergsiedlung, Rautheim, Südstadt, Stöckheim, Melverode, Bebelhof; Partly finished: Querum, Gliesmarode, Weststadt
  • Detailled mapping of tram stops (platforms etc.) in Braunschweig, Germany (see: Braunschweig)
    • Finished: Hamburger Straße, Cyriaksring, John-F-Kennedy-Platz, Hauptpost, Mühlenpfordstraße; Partly finished: Radeklint, Leonardplatz (Stadthalle), Stadion, Museumsstraße, Campestraße, Botanischer Garten, Theaterwall
  • Update Fallersleber Straße while road works regulary (see: Braunschweig)
  • Add buildings in Uetze (see: Uetze)
  • Add buildings in Dollbergen (see: Uetze)

Tagging public transport routes

See: Ö

VRB (Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig)

Former contributions

Wiki contributions


  • Mapping the village Abbensen east of Hanover, Germany (80% complete) (see: Edemissen)
  • Mapping the village Dollbergen east of Hanover, Germany (96% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping the village Oelerse east of Hanover, Germany (50% complete) (see: Edemissen)
  • Mapping the village Klein Edesse east of Hanover, Germany (80% complete) (see: Edemissen)
  • Mapping tracks southeast of Dollbergen (100% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping tracks between Oelerse and Sievershausen (90% complete) (see: Uetze/Edemissen)
  • Mapping tracks south of Dedenhausen (100% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping tracks northwest of Uetze (Herrschaft) (20% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping missing tracks and streets around Spreewaldseen/Irenensee (Uetze) (0% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping supermarket parking aisles (Uetze) (70% complete) (see: Uetze)
  • Mapping of bus station platforms (Burgdorf Bahnhof) (100% complete) (see: Burgdorf)
  • Refine area around Haus der Wissenschaft (see: Braunschweig)
  • Tagging of building:height and building:levels in Braunschweig (see: Braunschweig)
  • Mapping of some tracks near Ölper (see: Braunschweig)
  • Add some tracks near Wackerwinkel and Dedehausen (see: Uetze)
  • Update names of bus stops (GVH) - Fahrplanwechsel 2010-12-12, Burgdorf/Uetze etc.
  • Add buildings near Wendenring, Neustadtring, Fallersleber Straße, Steinweg (see: Braunschweig)
  • Update road works at Abt-Jerusalem-Str. regulary (see: Braunschweig)
  • Update works at stairs of Forumsplatz (TU BS) (see: Braunschweig)
  • Update road works at Gaußstraße regulary (see: Braunschweig)
  • Add name "Mutterkamp" to way, when it is official (probably in 12/2010) near Riddagshausen (see: Braunschweig)
  • Add details (shops, street names etc.) to city of Leutenberg (Thuringia, Germany)
  • Add some hiking ways near Leutenberg (Thuringia, Germany)

Tagging public transport routes

VRB (Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig)

GVH (Großraumverkehr Hannover)

Mapping history