Blocal186 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Draft Projects
Active Projects
Pennsylvania Resources
PennDOT Open Data
Interesting data sets:
- PennDOT Roadway Shoulder Information
- State Roads State Route numbers should be added to roads using [ref:penndot=SR ####]
- Posted Roads Posted Weight Limit, State roads only
- Drain Pipes Help identify culverts from imagery
- At-grade Intersections
- Railroad Crossings Help identify railsroad crossings from imagery
- Local Roads Helps identify Township Roads [unsigned_ref=TXXX]. Also contains road start and end intersections with road names. May be a useful tool to help identify bad road information.
- Exits and Endpoints
- State and Local Bridges Help identify bridges. Includes the bridges "BRKEY" a unique identifier for every bridge in Pennsylvania. Tag with [bridge:ref=#####] Note that ref numbers are integers, ignore any decimals. Also lists limit weights.
- Park and Ride
Might be interesting for others:
Pennsylvania Spacial Data Access (PASDA)
Most datasets should be safe to use. Check the "metadata" for the key "Use_Constraints: None". Note: PennDOT data available here has odd verbiage in the constraints, best if used for verification not primary source.
Most datasets have an option to preview the data on a map. Downloaded data can be used in JOSM.
- PEMA Orthoimagery Cycle 2 can be added to JOSM for extended coverage. 2021-2023. Note: Eastern imagery is the same as 2021 data.
- Road Centerlines Many counties have data on existing roads, including Names, TXXX routes, SR XXXX routes, and Federal routes.
- Tax Parcels While OSM does not want tax parcels mapped (rightly so) this can help you find right of ways where roads, driveways or other paths may be hidden under tree cover. It can also help in determining where landuse boundaries may be appropriate.
- Addresses Add missing addresses to OSM! Note: Some address points may be for building permits of additional buildings (Garages) and should be left out. Also check for "status" tags as not all values are valid.
Many of these datasets have a WMS service which can be added to JOSM. However, it does not pull any additional data with most sets. This is useful for LIDAR imagery which help in heavy tree covered areas to identify streams, ponds and roadways.
They also contain a REST API, with a visual interface. See an example here.
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Blocal186 enjoys solving MapRoulette challenges. |
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This user hails from Pennsylvania |