On this page you will see they procedure and progress of my project where I wish to eradicate the tag landuse=reservoir and nodes containing water=reservoir from the state of Arizona.
New Resources
I am using a few resources that make this project possible.
- US Topo Maps
- USGS 3D Elevation Program
- Bing Maps
- Ersi Clarity
- Continuous Download JOSM Plugin
- Map Roulette
Old Resources
I am using a few resources that make this project possible.
- US Topo Maps
- Bing Maps
- Mapbox Satellite
- TODO List JOSM Plugin
New Procedure
In this project I am doing this by hand with no use of bot edits.
First I choose where I would like to edit by finding a task on MapRoulette.
I open the task in JOSM and first try to identify if the reservoir is in the correct location. If it is in the correct location I will continue onto the next step. If it is in the wrong location I try to identify it by first looking through the surrounding area with a USGS Topo Map. If I still can't find it I try checking Bing and Ersi Clarity for any water features that might be represented by the node. If I still can't find it I check the USGS 3D Elevation Program for any terrain that might indicate a reservoir. (dam, dropoff in canyon, etc.) As a final resort I will quarry for the GNIS id and check its coordinates in the database. If none of these methods prevail I delete the node and move onto the next task.
Next I will try and map the reservoir at a certain water level. Sometimes I have to get imaginative when tracing the outline of the reservoir. If there is a NHD body of water there I will modify it to my liking to make it correctly mapped.
Once I have traced the outline of the reservoir I will combine the tags of the node with the closed way. I will also add natural=water, water=reservoir, and intermittent=yes. My general rule of thumb is if the reservoir is not maintained by some government organization (National Forests, State Parks) and has no constant flow of water filling it then I will tag it as intermittent. If it does fill one of these criteria then I will likely tag it as not being intermittent.
Old Procedure
In this project I am doing this by hand with no use of bot edits.
To start off a changeset I first download data from Overpass turbo via JOSM. I use the query:
out skel qt;
I next select the objects that I will edit in that changeset and add them to the todo list via the TODO List plugin.
I finally cycle through the list of all the nodes/areas/relations manually and add appropriate tagging for each feature.
In the above step I first position the node/area/relation correctly. Many of the nodes with landuse=reservoir are imported from USGS GNIS and do not have correct positioning. I find positioning by first looking at Bing. If the imagery is bad I use Mapbox Satellite which has similar quality. If there is no obvious reservoir within close proximity of the node I check US Topo Maps for the possible location of the reservoir. If I still do not find the reservoir I look up its USGS GNIS code using the query feature. If I do not find a valid code I delete the node. If I find a valid node I see if it matches up with the node on OSM. I then check the coordinates of where it claims the reservoir is. If the location is not correct I remove landuse=reservoir from the node and move on.
Here is the link where you can view the live progress of the project through the view of the OSM database.
Below will be an unordered bulleted list of all the changeset links that have been a part of this project.
- 99337507 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99340486 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99341083 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99342993 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99343285 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99346907 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99462218 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99480837 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99486089 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99538978 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99546840 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99555192 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99666823 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 99667148 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 100154908 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 100169666 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 101220978 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)