Hello! My name is Benjamin Eunice! I'm a filmmaker and Astrophysics Major from Denham Springs, Louisiana.
Cet utilisateur n’a aucune connaissance en français (ou le comprend avec de grandes difficultés).
My mapping projects mainly focus around the completion of Livingston Parish and my home town, Denham Springs. One of my biggest focuses is rural mapping which often is ignored in the US map, so I am working through developing those areas that are often ignored. This will vastly improve the map's completeness in very visible ways. Many tracts of land in the Livingston Parish area and other areas are natural woods or managed forests. Many of these are crossed through by many dirt logging roads, which in the current implementation are mostly incorrectly tagged as Residential roads. My mission is to completely revitalize the rural and urban parts of Livingston Parish, and Louisiana to create a more complete, honest map.
Active Mapping Pursuits
Cinebeunice submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Cinebeunice is a motorist and drives Honda Civic Si.