Hey All!
I was first introduced to OSM in April of 2009, and have been making minor edits ever since. I am looking to host some mapping parties in the future(current date: 3/12/20010)in my home city of Denver.
Things have been slow in the area, but I'm looking to help change that. I believe that we can get a good mix of students, travelers, map makers, and GIS professionals to contribute their precious knowledge to this awesome map of the world, and have fun while doing it! I still have many questions about different aspects of OSM, and must take time to communicate with the more experienced users across the globe to figure them out.
A map that anyone in the world(with a computer and internet) can contribute what they know of the local geography in a few clicks of a button, is one of the best resources a person could ask for. As this project grows, the large community can contribute what they know, constantly updating the map, making it more and more accurate. The community can update the map on a daily basis making it more reliable than many of the commercial and public maps available today. We, OSMappers, have numbers on our side, which also means a far greater amount of resources available, even if everyone contributes a very small amount. It is constantly getting better, and needs our help.
It's a great way to catch some rays and explore the beautiful city of Denver. I'll keep you posted on any activity in the areas
My last OSM SN was MetroStateMan
OSM Data
Cloude Made. To download OSM data in shapefile format you must go to Cloude Mades web page under Downloads. Here is a link to the Shapefiles of Colorado.
Wiki to convert shapfile to OSM.
Mapnik can be used to render maps from OSM data. Here is a link to the Wiki of Mapnik.
- email:
- skype: DenvaDude
- blog: DenverOSM
Here's a link to my page at[1].
Tips, Tricks, and questions
Current Map
Other Maps
- Just the beginning of many online maps.
- Umapper Map of hangout spots in Denver: