User:E de Wit

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Flag of Netherlands.svg This user hails from The Netherlands
Frisian flag.svg This user hails from the province of Fryslân
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
E de Wit.
JOSM E de Wit submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.



With Permissions (in Dutch) and Permissions Europe (in English) I aim to display a catalogue of open data potentially useful for The Netherlands and datasets stretching over multiple European countries.

This catalogue should increase dataset visibility and reliability and tracks how up-to-date these datasets are.

Electrical grid

The electrical grid in The Netherlands is developing at a fast pace in order to keep up with increasing supply created by the solar- and windparks across the country.

This requires significant modifications because the grid needs to be transformed from a centralized system where electricity is generated at relatively few places to a decentralized system where electricity is generated everywhere.

In order to update this grid efficiëntly there are multiple datasets available to use.

Keep in mind that there is no added value in importing the entire grid all the way up to the 230 v/400 v lines. So you should use this data with caution.

Charging stations

With the increasing demand for charging stations there is a growing need to update and maintain this information. In order to do so I've made a begin in documenting these datasets.

  • Fastned
Permission / Documentation

Mapping the Moon

This is an exploratory study in mapping the moon and all the implications it entails in order to achieve a map of the moon within OpenStreetMap.