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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Babel user information
es-N Esta persona tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
ca-N Aquest usuari és un parlant natiu de català.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Users by language

About me


Current projects

  • Map Granollers thoroughly.
    • Add missing "recent" areas and fix outdated streets.
    • Add points of interest.
    • Add buildings.
    • Add public transport information (esp. Granollers' city buses).
  • Map Les Franqueses del Vallès.
  • Map Canovelles (forms a conurbation with Granollers).
  • Pretty-ize this user page and add missing info.


Currently, I'm working on adding large missing areas and updating them (for example, Lledoner and industrial zones). Although not part of Granollers, recently I mapped all of La Torreta. It could use a bit more detail, though.

Here's a 2010 map showing all the neighborhoods of Granollers. Some neighbourhoods have been changed since them (esp. Lledoner).

If you see large edits made by me, most of their changes are on node positions (adjusting them to they real position/ways running through the center/etc). If my edits leave something wrong, don't worry, the most probable thing is that I noticed and I'll fix them on my next edit. You can also contact me on my talk page or through OSM, I don't bite (yet).


Nothing done yet.