User:EmericusPetro/sandbox/Civil defense organizations
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The international distinctive sign of civil defense, defined by the rules of international humanitarian law and to be used as a protective sign
This page contains organizations related to civil defense (See Wikipedia: Civil defense) with (at the moment) special focus on government agencies. In practice, this exclude NGOs and some branches that do emergency management, but would not fit the concept of civil defense by the international humanitarian law. Red cross are in own dedicated lists.
Civil defense organizations
Related general concepts
TODO: maybe remove this section? EmericusPetro (talk) 04:00, 3 November 2022 (UTC)
- conceptum: /civil protection/@eng-Latn
eng-Latn: civil protection
wikidata: Q852008
- conceptum: /civil defense/@eng-Latn
wikidata: Q10427676
eng-Latn: civil defense
spa-Latn: defensa civil
por-Latn: defesa civil
- conceptum: /emergency management/@eng-Latn
wikidata: Q1460420
eng-Latn: emergency management
spa-Latn: administración de desastres
por-Latn: gestão de emergências
- conceptum: /office of emergency management/@eng-Latn
wikidata: Q7079212
Governmental organizations
Conventions for tagging properties on Wikidata
- property: instance of (P31)
- Values: government agency (Q327333)
- Note: It can be a subtype
- property: field of work (P101)
- Values: emergency management (Q1460420)
- property: operating area (P2541)
- Values: the region, in special if already not the "country")
- Examples:
Items that do not fit these conventions
Note: this list is not comprehensive. They are mostly here to show examples of Wikidata items that would be missed on the conventions. These, however, could be candidates for additional lists in other SPARQL queries.
- UN System
- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Q1065854)
- part of United Nations System
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Q132551)
- (…)
- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Q1065854)
- IFRC related
- CADRIM (Q105264524) - Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Resource Center
- instance of organization
- part of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- CADRIM (Q105264524) - Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Resource Center
- International organizations (except UN system and IFRC)
- Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (Q5039374) - Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency CDEMA
- instance of international organization (Q484652)
- Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (Q5039374) - Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency CDEMA
- Foreign aid (not focused on own country; not already UN system; not charitable organization)
- Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (Q3347537)
- parent organization United States Agency for International Development (Q217072)
- Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (Q3347537)
- Related to military
- U.S. Air Force Emergency Management (Q19878356)
- part of United States Air Force (Q11223)
- Plan DN-III-E (Q253066) - Mexican Secretariat of National Defense aid operation
- instance of military unit (Q176799)
- U.S. Air Force Emergency Management (Q19878356)
- Other reasons
- EURETS (Q1276285) - European Emergency Temporary Shelter
- Cabinet Office Briefing Room (Q1790966) - UK emergency committee
- instance of committee
- MapAction (Q6753712) - UK charitable organization
- instance of non-governmental organization
- Bundesministerium des Innern. Schutzkommission (Q17354068) - Germany (West)
- instance of panel
- Disaster Management Bureau (Q48725793)
- instance of government organization (Q2659904)
- Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Q88096332) - UK government advisory body
- instance of advisory board (Q4686866)
- University of Washington Population Health Initiative (Q104732823) - Population Health Initiative, University of Washington
- instance of university research group (Q28863779)
Wikidata SPARQL
Query 1
This query will return more results. But wrong results, such as persons.
# organizations: field of work = emergency management
SELECT ?item ?label ?country ?_image WHERE {
?item wdt:P101 wd:Q1460420.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es,pt,de".
?item rdfs:label ?label.
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?_image. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P17 ?country. }
# OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1448 ?official_name. }
LIMIT 1000
Query 2
# organizations: field of work = emergency management (Q1460420)
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label ?country ?operating_area (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?official_website; SEPARATOR = "|") AS ?official_websites) WHERE {
?item wdt:P101 wd:Q1460420;
(p:P31/ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q327333.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es,pt,de".
?item rdfs:label ?label.
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P17 ?country. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2541 ?operating_area. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?official_website. }
GROUP BY ?item ?label ?country ?operating_area
ORDER BY (?country) (?operating_area)
LIMIT 1000
List of emergency management governmental agencies
To do
- As 2022-10-22, several governmental organizations are still not labeled as field of work = emergency management. We need to improve this topic
The SPARQL query still returning people (however it would be necessary fix all items to be governmental organizations before "fix" it)
See also
Starting points to find more organizations to tag on Wikidata
- participant sectionDone!