User:Erik Lundin/Routing and enforcement

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Due to the proposal of enforcement, I started to think of how to place the nodes to best interact with software that might be using the feature. Does it matter to a routing software if the distance between the "from" node and the camera is 5 or 500 meters? To straighten my thoughts out I've constructed some cases (mostly with enforcement example 3b in mind) which highlights some aspects that I think has to be considered when interacting with for instance routing software.

What I'm searching for is an algorithm that handles the cases in a satisfying way, and what implications that has for how to place the nodes in the enforcement relation.

Case 1:
                    __                                     (50)     >#
                -= ó~~ò                                      |       |
                  /                             from                /      to
    This driver wants a warning                                 device
    before the changed speed limit.

Case 2:
                        __                                                          >#
                    -= ó~~ò                                                          |
  from                /                                                             /      to
              And this one doesn't want                                         device
              to hear anything until here
              (say 150 m. from camera).
Case 3:
                from                              |                       /        to
                                                  |                   device
                                                  | <- Intersecting
                                                /o|    road
        The driver here doesn't   -->          | ||
        really need to know about              |_o|
        the camera until he turns                 |
        right. He has to slow                   |||
        down in the intersection.                ||
Case 4:
                from                                          ´           /        to
                                                           ´          device
                               __                        ´
                           -= ó~~ò                     ´
                     ------------------------------- ´
        This driver would like to
        know about the camera quite
        soon, because he doesn't
        need to slow down where the
        two roads are merging.


I claim in no way that I know how to write routing software, but these are the main approaches I intuitively can think of when it comes to how to detect a speed camera and warn the driver:

A - Plain distance

Found a camera
If (The distance (or time) to the camera < threshold &&
    Speed > maximum allowed)
Then warn the driver
+ Simple.
+ Will work for case 1, 2 and 4.
+ Independent of where "from" is placed.
- Warns for cameras aiming in the opposite direction.
- Will warn the driver in case 3 even if he intends to turn left.
- Will continue to warn when you have passed the camera, until the distance is big enough.

B - Vectors (dot product)

Found a camera
Calculate the dot product of the vector from-to (normalised) and the velocity vector of the vehicle.
It will be at a maximum when we're approaching the camera front to front in high speed.
If (The dot product > some threshold &&
    Distance (or time) to the camera < some other threshold &&
    Speed > maximum allowed)
Then warn the driver
+ Elegant solution.
+ Will work for case 1, 2, and 3.
+ Stops warning when you have passed the camera.
- The "from" and "to" nodes have to be placed so the line between them lines up with the road.
- Possible bad performance for cars approaching the camera in a curve - need to be examined.

C - Close enough AND is between "from" and "to"

Found a camera
If (The distance (or time) to the camera < threshold &&
    We're on a road section between "from" and "to" &&
    Speed > maximum allowed)
Then warn the driver
+ Will work for case 2.
+ The driver in case 3 doesn't have to bother about the camera if he not turns right in the intersection.
- Needs "from" to be placed far enough from the camera.
- Doesn't provide a solution to case 1 and 4.
- Will continue to warn when you have passed the camera, until the distance is big enough or you have passed "to".

D - Close enough OR is between "from" and "to"

Found a camera
If ((The distance (or time) to the camera < threshold ||
     We're on a road section between "from" and "to") &&
     Speed > maximum allowed)
Then warn the driver
+ Will work for case 1.
- Needs "from" to be placed close enough to the camera.
- Warns for cameras aiming in the opposite direction.
- Doesn't provide a solution to case 2.
- Will warn the driver in case 3 even if he intends to turn left.
- Will continue to warn when you have passed the camera, until the distance is big enough and you have passed "to".

E - Mini routing

Found a camera
Calculate the route between current position and the camera
If (The distance (or time) to the camera < threshold &&
    Calculated route has some section common with from-to &&
    Speed > maximum allowed
Then warn the driver
+ Will work for case 1, 2 and 4.
+ Independent of where "from" is placed.
+ Stops warning when you have passed the camera.
- Possible somewhat more cpu-intensive due to the routing.
- Will warn the driver in case 3 even if he intends to turn left.