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About Me
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Bike Fsbrace
is a bicyclist.
Gps-304419.svg Fsbrace uses a Garmin Edge 800 and might be willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
Gps-304419.svg Fsbrace uses a iPhone and might be willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
JOSM Fsbrace submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
iD Fsbrace submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Chrome This user prefers Google Chrome.
Firefox Fsbrace prefers Mozilla Firefox.
Tux.svg Fsbrace uses a Linux-based computer.
Flag of Brazil.svg Fsbrace has mapped in Brazil.
Babel user information
pt-N Este utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language


OpenStreetMap isn't a computer project, it's an outdoors activity.
Less of the bulk imports and wikifiddling please.
Go outside and map!

GPS Unit

Utilizo um Garmin Edge 810 para coletar as trilhas por onde passo. Utilizo muito minha mountain bike em estradas de chão e aproveito para apreciar as paisagens. Utilizo um pc com Linux Mint e um laptop com Windows para transferir as trilhas GPX que coleto, utilizo muito o JOSM para editar os mapas no OpenStreetMap, outra opção boa também é o iD.

I use the Garmin Edge 810 to collect the tracks that I take, I use a lot on my mountain bike unpaved roads and take the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. I use a PC with Mint and a laptop with Windows to transfer the GPX tracks collected. I use very JOSM to edit the maps in OpenStreetMap, another good option is also iD.

Where to find me