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Goodbye and thanks for the fish


My fellow mappers,

with a sad eye I will stop my activities for OSM. I have “worked” long for OSM, accomplished many things and learnt much (XML, Perl, bash, SVG). But it’s time for something new. A bit I also miss the challenges here.

I will present my program Mapweaver at the Perl Workshop in Frankfurt in a few weeks and then call it a day.

My programs are provided in the SVN where anybody can use, modify etc. them.

My server will be run down when the contract permits it. I think it will be some months. The provision of all regular reports will be stopped.

Should there be the need for Mapweaver maintenance or expansion I might be doing that. (Can’t neglect my “master piece”.)

You can still reach me under my private eMail address.

Thank you all and good luck for the project.

Gerhard Gary68


Liebe Mitmapper,

ein wenig traurig, aber dennoch. Ich werde meine aktive Zeit bei OSM beenden. Ich habe lange für OSM „gearbeitet“, viel Spaß gehabt, einiges erreicht und viel gelernt (XML, Perl, bash, SVG). Aber es ist Zeit für etwas Neues. Es fehlen mir auch ein wenig die Anreize und Herausforderungen.

Abschließen werde ich meine Aktivität auf dem Perl Workshop in Frankfurt, wo ich in drei Wochen Mapweaver vorstellen werde.

Meine Programme liegen im SVN, wo sie jeder gerne weiter nutzen, modifizieren etc. kann.

Meinen Server werde ich bei Zeiten kündigen, aber ich denke, ein paar Monate hat er noch. Die regelmäßige Erstellung der Reports stelle ich ein.

Sollte Mapweaver Wartung notwendig werden oder würde eine Erweiterung gewünscht, so kann ich mir das durchaus vorstellen. (Mein „Meisterstück“ kann ich ja schlecht im Stich lassen.)

Unter meiner privaten eMail Adresse bin ich auch weiter erreichbar.

Vielen Dank euch allen und weiterhin viel Erfolg und Spaß bei OSM!

Gerhard Gary68

Where do I live

I live in Hofheim right next to the Wiesbadener Kreuz.


My programs

Program and source Description Wiki page Reports
All "my" bugs in one file OSB Reports allbugs.gpx
Selected bugs in one file extract PERMALINK could be - Are roundabots correctly in direction? Are areas closed? SomeChecks SomeChecks - - - Are roads properly connected? Do roads cross without intersection or bridge? Are roads nearly touching? WayCheck DE:Aktionen/Aktion 01 DE:Aktionen/Aktion 02 DE:Aktionen/Aktion 04 De:Aktionen/Aktion 07 De:Aktionen/Aktion 08 WayCheck - Which areas are sparsely or densely mapped? Draws maps and lists statistics. Mapping Quality - Unmapped Places - Unkartografiert Mapping Quality Checks for correct motorway directions/oneways. MotorwayCheck MotorwayCheck osmdiff compares two osm files and lists the changes in html file and draws a picture of the differences in PNG and SVG. osmdiff osmdiff reports relationdiff compares two osm files regarding relations and lists the changes in html file. Relation Diff Relation Diff relationcheck checks an osm file for errors in relations. Relation Check Lists of relations in certain areas. HTML and CSV for Excel or Calc. Relation lists Relation lists What is there to do in a certain area? Checks for ways that are intersecting with themselves. De:Aktionen/Aktion 06 Self intersecting way reports Like osmdiff but with focus on who did what. Draws maps and creates statistics, even timetables of users activity. UserActivity - Detect Vandalism - Vandalism UserActivity Program takes osm file and looks for duplicate ways. That are ways that share exactly the same nodes and thus are drawn one upon the other Way dupe check reports Program takes osm file and one location/node and computes and displays distance to node/destination for all junctions. Result is PNG, SVG, GPX, OSM. Valid/usable ways can be given. Extracts poly files (for osmosis) out of osm files. Is capable of simplifying polygons. prints accumulated length of highway types. simple. cretaes simple maps. code can easily be adapted mapgen is an enhanced map renderer which allows more customizing with style files Maps have been created for Haiti after the earthquake. compiles hiking book out of osm file and relation id mapweaver is the successor of Mapweaver

Quality Assurance

Quality_Assurance * Errors * Suspicious Accounts

My PERL programs


These modules are used by the following programs and have to be installed (copied) into the lib folder of PERL.

osm graph module

With this library and the module it becomes very easy to draw simple but good-looking, customized maps

osm module

Some PERL scripts I wrote for OSM...

This program checks an OSM file for ways with open/unconnected ends or it checks certain ways for intersections on the same layer where no common node is present. The checks can be customized in an XML file. Output is HTML with positions, ways, other information and of course links to OSM and Openstreetbugs so you can inspect and correct data.
This script online queries OpenStreetBugs and returns GPX, HTML and CSV files with all bugs in a bounding box. Example definition file: bugs_germany_def.xml
This script takes an osm file like planet.osm and runs some simple statistics. A user name has to be given and then file and user statistics about nodes, ways and relations are given based on the field "user".
This program counts the numbers of nodes, ways and relations per user in a planet.osm file. Of course segments/parts can be used like germany.osm or hessen.osm. No history data is used. Just the field user in xml. Output is first general stats, then lists of users with numbers of nodes, ways and relations, unsorted. Then TOP lists are generated and displayed.
This program calculates the center of a user's activity in a given osm file/area for all users. It uses the field user and builds the means of longitude and latitude for each user. This information is added to the original OSM file and can be fed to a renderer, i.e. KOSMOS. The file is written to STDOUT. Users are labeled light, medium and heavy according to contributed nodes. Limits can be edited in source file. Example output of KOSMOS see here: KOSMOS CenterUserActivity.png

View big pictures

How to view large images