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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation with an Active Contributor Membership. Wanna join too?
Website GoodClover has a website.
GitHub logo GoodClover has an account on GitHub as @GoodClover.
SourceHut GoodClover is on SourceHut as ~olive.
Mail-closed.svg GoodClover can be contacted by e-mail via this wiki.
Discord Logo GoodClover uses Discord as @GoodClover#5275
Twitter user GoodClover tweets as @_GoodClover_
Own editor user GoodClover is creating their own editor because they have gone insane.
JOSM GoodClover submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
StreetComplete GoodClover submits data to OpenStreetMap using StreetComplete.
Firefox GoodClover prefers Mozilla Firefox.

My natural=human node is here!

Oliver Simmons here! I mostly map in East Yorkshire, more precisely the Willerby/Anlaby area, to the West of Hull.

I am active in the OSM World Discord server.

What I do in OSM

I have been mainly adding houses and fixing up old OSM data as no-one else maps near me. But recently I did alot of work on Hull Infirmary hospital.

If you want to see my OSM to-do list, see my OSM profile.

How did I contribute to OSM? My OSM heatmap