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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
JOSM Grant.humphries submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Bike Grant.humphries
is a bicyclist.
en This user is a native speaker of English.


The majority of my edits to OpenStreetMap are made with eye toward bicycle and pedestrian routing. This manifests in the mapping of trails and cut-throughs as well as the tagging of streets with appropriate bicycle infrastructure (cycleway=*) and permissions tags (foot=*/ bicycle=*). I also like to work at a high level of detail and will improve the geometry of existing bike and pedestrian routes if there is a tangible benefit to doing so.

Currently Mapping

Portland, Oregon (metropolitan area)
I work on a multi-modal trip planner hosted by this region's transit provider. This tool has the ability to determine the most efficient path between two locations using a user defined combination of biking, walking and transit. The trip planner, called RTP (regional trip planner) routes on OSM data. My focus area includes three counties in state of Oregon (Multnomah, Washington, Clackmas) and one in Washington (Clark). Beyond routing related edits in this area I am working to make OSM as complete and as possible in the region which has meant mapping parks, waterways, and other natural areas on a large scale.