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IRDP YouthMappers Dodoma IRDP YouthMappers refers to the Mappers (Students, Alumni, Staff) at the Institute of Rural Development Planning who engaged in mapping and other technologies related to it. The chapters was established so as to enlighten students on starting to learn issues related to their studies, but also to gain the courage to start interacting with the community around them.

About Us

IRDP YouthMappers excited to Make a change in our community and country by organizing, collaborate, and implement mapping activities that respond to actual development needs around the region and country – creating and using geospatial data and information that is made publicly available through open platforms. We share experiences and results while learning, leading, and making a difference in the country and world at the same time.


IRDP YouthMappers in Dodoma was established since 2017 under the support of Crowd2Map and YouthMappers. The chapter was handed under Department of Environment Planning at Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP). It started with students who take Bachelor Degree in Urban Development and Environmental Management. And then starting to spread to other students of Environmental Management. The chapter started with a student of the Meteorology and Climate Science department, Federal University of Technology, Akure. He was enthusiastic about the mission of YouthMappers community and decided to join by volunteering his time to contribute to OpenStreetMap. He then decided to introduce the community to some students of the department of Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information System, Federal University of Technology, Akure, since they are more experienced in the methods and processes of creating, acquiring and analyzing spatial data to provide useable information.

With time, the chapter grew more as a result of the student and other interested students in the Remote Sensing and GIS department's contributions to OSM and YouthMappers at large.

Currently, there are over 30 students chapter members with over 15 erstwhile leaders in the past 3 years.

¤ Our Goal

▪︎ Our goal as a chapter is to equip students with mapping skills.

▪︎ Use open source data to develop innovative solutions that contribute to humanitarian problem.

▪︎ Collaborate and connect with other YouthMappers chapters across the globe.

¤ Our Mission

▪︎ We organize, collaborate, and implement mapping activities that respond to actual development needs around the globe - creating and using geospatial data and information that is made publicly available through open platforms.

▪︎ We share experiences and results while learning, leading, and making a difference in the world.

Contact Information

Twitter handle: X (Twitter) user @youthmapperfutaX (Twitter) user

Email us at:

Our Activities

Task Purpose Details Event type (Virtual/ Physical) Tools Start Date
Mapped Federal University of Technology, Akure Community To develop FUTA-Guide web application for the campus.
The Web application was created to provide a road guide for majorly new students on campus. Physical and Virtual JOSM, OSM ID Editor
Fieldwork for electrical planning To improve electricity availability alerts in the mobile app developed by the E-Detectors Energy Limited. Capturing and collection of transformer data within Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Physical
Mapillary imagery and OSM POI update within the campus To improve osm data by adding (street lamps, speed limit) within the campus The project involves training members of the chapter on using Mapillary App, and how to add point locations using mapillary images on osm. Physical/ Virtual Mapillary, OSM ID Editor
Wastespy The project is aim at exploring how waste management can be improved in our community. SDG 6. Clean water and Sanitation. This project was a Research Fellowship project funded by the YouthMappers program. Physical/ Virtual Mapillary, OSM ID Editor
OSM Training for chapter members This training is centered at equipping the chapter members and other interested external OSM contributors with the required skills to contributing in OSM, ahead of an upcoming mapathon to be organized by the YouthMappersFUTA. Virtual HOTOSM, ID editor, JOSM 21/05/2022
Mapping Ijebu-Ode due to the raining season The mapathon is centered at mapping buildings in areas prone to flood at Ijebu-Ode. The mapathon is to be hosted by YouthMappersFUTA. There will cash prizes for the top 5 winners. Also, certificates of participation will be issued to all participants. The event is schedule to span for 5days, 27/05/22 to 31/05/22. And the winners will announced on 01/06/22. Virtual HOTOSM, ID editor, JOSM 27/05/22