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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Hot logo.svg JaakkoH volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
Gps-304419.svg JaakkoH uses a Android and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
OsmAnd icon JaakkoH uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
JOSM JaakkoH submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Sinnbild PKW.svg JaakkoH is a motorist.
Dog.svg JaakkoH maps while walking a dog.
Flag of Haiti.svg JaakkoH has mapped in Haiti.
Flag of Nicaragua.svg JaakkoH has mapped in Nicaragua.
Flag of the United States.svg JaakkoH has mapped in the United States
Flag of Spain.svg JaakkoH has mapped in Spain.
Flag of Finland.svg JaakkoH has mapped in Finland.
Flag of Senegal.svg JaakkoH has mapped in Senegal.
fi Käyttäjä puhuu suomea äidinkielenään.
en-5 This user speaks English at a professional level.
fr-3 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
sv-2 Denna användare kan prata och skriva tillräckligt braSvenska.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.

I'm currently living in Nicaragua mapping and advocating for broader use of OSM in general and for humanitarian action and (economic) development in specific. Since writing the text below I've found OsmAnd and am _loving_ it! I still use OSM tracker for recording traces, taking geotagged pictures (and editing based on them with JOSM) and uploading traces (that are of good quality without need to clean them) directly to OSM from OSM Tracker.


My name is Jaakko Helleranta and I joined OSM in September 2008 and found the project Very fascinating.

I started out by mapping mostly with Yahoo imagery on areas that I know or have a keen interest on for some other reason (e.g. Finland, Washington DC area & other areas in the US, Dakar-Senegal, Tobago, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Bali-Indonesia, Malaga-Spain). Simple edits in areas with areal imagery is one good way to get started.

The Haiti earth quake of January 2010 bumped up my activity significantly and Haiti has been my main focus since (albeit I have mapped a lot more on other areas ever since, too). I moved to Haiti in September 2010 partially because of my profound interest in OpenStreetMapping Haiti and so I will continue to map the island of Hispanola at least for two years or so that I'm hoping to live here.

I am very interested to get in touch with anyone and everyone interested in building a mapping community in Haiti as well as all others who have a continued interest to mapping Haiti be it for humanitarian, hobbyist, business or for whatever reasons.

Mapping interests:

  • Getting tags right (so that they get rendered as they are supposed to (to match "reality" as well as possible & work for "non-OSM purposes", e.g. humanitarian needs)
    • I ran into a good set of "favorite" tags via Frankie Roberto and am adopting my own "cheat sheet" based on that. Result: "My Tags". Certainly work-in-progress.

Random things:

  • My "mapping gear" is:
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" (since fall 2011). I'm absolutely loving it! Other than bigger screen it seems to have clearly better / more sensitive GPS (vs. Galaxy S / other mobile phones I've used).
    • Samsung Galaxy S Android device with Maverick map viewing and route + POI recording app (the app is/was $5, I think, but certainly worth every penny)
    • Holux M-1000C GPS data logger, which is great because it runs on "standard" Nokia batteries (which make it easy to have a weeks worth of battery life in the pocket with me when travelling; I'd love it even more if it recorded to .gpx directly -- now needs a conversion w/ proprietary software)
    • camera for taking photo notes (I haven't yet done "proper" photo mapping with embedded geo-tags as I've used the photos mostly for reference on places I remember w/out a geo-tag).
    • Garmin Nuvi navigator (not exactly mapping gear but helps in identifying errors in the map; a surprisingly well functioning thing with Geofabrik's exported OSM-on-Garmin map data of the Hispanola -- even though there's a lot to work on to make the navigating experience sufficiently smooth for non-mappers.)
  • For a reasons I can't remember I originally registered to the OSM wiki as Jaakko even though I usually use jaakkoh as my nick. Hence some of my edits may be under the wiki user name Jaakko.

You can contact me through the OSM contact form (if you are logged in), by email at Jaakko {ät} or you can find me at

Other contacts: @jaakkoh at Twitter, & Facebook; Google+ / Google profile; Linkedin; Skype: jhelleranta; Gtalk: jaakko {ät}


Subpages (before I learn how to automatically create a sub-page listing in MediaWiki):