User:James Park

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About Me
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
JOSM James Park submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Firefox James Park prefers Mozilla Firefox.
Chrome This user prefers Google Chrome.
Babel user information
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
ja-2 この利用者は中級日本語ができます。
ko-N 이 사용자는 한국어모어입니다.
Users by language

I am Korean and live in Seoul, Korea.

I am running my private company in Seoul,Korea and often enjoying riding my Harley-Davidson at the weekends. I have many interests in learning a new technology about IT and Computing, specially in the location based applications.

More information about me see my facebook at Route777and my Duam Cafe at Route777.

Have a nice Wiki trip.

I recently have joined to this WiKi contribution page and found my MUST TO DO in the OpenStreetMap pages, which is the translation to Korean. I will try to translate all documents about the OpenStreetMap Projects to Korean. I am best at Korean and better at English and good at Japanese.

--James Park 07:19, 16 November 2012 (UTC)

My contributions in WiKi Pages

I record my works in this page. Most of my works will be a translated Korean page as follows;

-19 November,2012: Translated How_to_Articles_about_OsmAnd into Korean.

-19 November,2012: Translated OsmAndMapCreator into Korean.

-19 November,2012: Translated OsmAnd into Korean.

-19 November,2012: Translated KML into Korean.

-18 November,2012: Translated OpenStreetMap에 대한 FAQ into Korean.

-17 November,2012: Translated 경로주행(Routing)을 위한 OSM 태그들 into Korean.

-17 November,2012: Translated 경로주행(Routing:네비게이션) into Korean.

-16 November,2012: Translated 한국지도만들기 가이드 into Korean.

-16 November,2012: Translated 한국지도 위키프로젝트 초기화면 into Korean.

-15 November,2012: Translated 오픈스트리트맵의 초보자 안내서 into Korean.

-14 November,2012: I found this OSM project in WiKi through the web surfing accidentally and joined it immediately because I like to enjoy the volunteering activities to do a good thing.