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mit JOSM: Relation in andere Relationen einfügen
Beispiel: Relation: Bus 412 (386705) [1] in Relation: De_VVS_Bus (31792) [2]
Vorbereitung Zur Bearbeitung wird im JOSM die Anzeige "Liste der Ebenen", "Eigenschaften" und "Relationen" benötigt. Liste der Ebenen kann per alt+l, Eigenschaften kann per alt+umschalt+p und Relationen dann per alt+r angezeigt werden.
Daten laden [2] im Browser aufrufen, XML Datei runterladen und abspeichern. Im JOSM Datei öffnen. Nun erscheint die Relation unter "Relationen". Per Doppelklick auf die Relation wird diese in "Eigenschaften" angezeigt. Per rechter Maustaste alle "Elemente herunterladen".
Einzufügende Relation [1] im Browser aufrufen, XML Datei runterladen und abspeichern. Im JOSM Datei öffnen. Nun erscheint diese Relation unter "Relationen".
Es sind noch die beiden Ebenen zu verbinden. Dies erfolgt per strg+m. Nun ist die Vorarbeit erledigt.
Relation einfügen Editor für [2] öffnen. Per Doppelklick auf [1] Relation in "Eigenschaften" laden. Diese erscheint in Auswahl und kann an die richtige Stelle kopiert werden. Editor mit "OK" schließen. Fertig.
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Symbole und Farben
Colour and symbol legend
The status of each map region is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature in a map region.
The status is displayed using a template Template:State
- progress - 1/2/3/4/NA
Meaning of symbols
- Street names are labelled. This means that the map can be used to find an address - Key: l
- All housenumbers are present - Key: h
- All footways are present - Key: fo
- All wheelchair access is present - Key: d
- All cycleways, and field and forest roads suitable for bicycles are present - Key: b
- Roads for car traffic are present. One way streets and pedestrian streets are present. This means that the map can be used for car navigation - Key: c
- All public transports are present (including name of the bus stop/station names) - Key: tr
- All stop/station/harbour names are present - Key: ha
- All bus lines are present (including name of the bus stop names) - Key: bu
- All trolley/guided bus lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: ty
- All tram lines are present (including name of the tram station names) - Key: tm
- All fast railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: tn
- All U-Bahn (subway in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: u
- All S-Bahn (regional commuter train in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: s
- All steam railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: st
- All ship lines are present (including name of the harbour station names) - Key: sh
- All public institutions are present (Churches, sports facilities, venues, schools, hospitals, city hall) - Key: p
- All petrol stations are present - Key: fu
- All restaurants and hotels are present - Key: r
- All tourist attractions are present - Key: t
- All natural resources are mapped (e.g Water, Lakes and Woodland) - Key: n