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Francestubmap.png This user comes from France.
fr Cet utilisateur a le français comme langue maternelle.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
Bike Liotier
is a bicyclist.

Jean-Marc Liotier

Current tasks

Jean-Marc's latest edits.

What is Jean-Marc usually doing with Openstreetmap ?

Jean-Marc loves maps and loves the Internet. He believes that geographical data is a critical platform, and as such should be free - so he is doing his bit. Jean-Marc mostly maps Senegal (especially the Dakar region), Mali (especially Bamako) and his home are in Hauts-de-Seine. You can take a look at his Openstreetmap user page, his GPS traces, his Openstreetmap diary entries, his Wiki edits and of course his Openstreetmap edits about which there is a handy statistical summary and a nice map.

You can also read his posts on the Openstreetmap mailing lists, in English and in French. Jean-Marc plots to find ways to put even more geography in his information systems projects management career. Meanwhile, maybe he'll answer your questions on the Openstreetmap questions and answers site !

Which areas of the world does he map ?

Jean-Marc lives in Courbevoie, near Paris and La Défense. He maps his neighborhood, the places he knows well and whatever lies in the path of his bicycle or his roller skates as he goes about his daily errands. Jean-Marc sometimes also maps other areas where he travels, especially the French regions he knows best. Jean-Marc loves Africa and will take every opportunity to improve the maps of places he is fond of - especially Dakar and Bamako.

What tools does he use ?

Jean-Marc gathers GPS tracks using a AMOD 3080 GPS logger. Post production tools include Viking and GPSBabel.

Jean-Marc plays with Vespucci and OSMtracker on Android but does almost all his mapping using JOSM on Debian.

Former projects

Jean-Marc started preparing a one way synchronization script that will let Openstreetmap enjoy all the wonderful tree data maintained by the Hauts-de-Seine council - but that has been on hold for a long while.

I want to know more about Jean-Marc Liotier

Jean-Marc lurks on Twitter. You'll find Jean-Marc's CV available online too.

You'll also find Jean-Marc on Wikipedia - en (liotier)


Non-Public domain
All my contributions to OpenStreetMap are released under OSM-F's current free license scheme.