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Flag of the United States.svg Longhorn256 has mapped in the United States
Texas Flag This user hails from the state of Texas
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Twemoji12 1f408.svg This user is a cat
RapiD Longhorn256 submits data to OpenStreetMap using RapiD.
iD Longhorn256 submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Every Door Longhorn256 submits data to OpenStreetMap using Every Door.
StreetComplete Longhorn256 submits data to OpenStreetMap using StreetComplete.
JOSM Longhorn256 submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Mapillary Longhorn256 takes photos for Mapillary as Longhorn256.
Slack user Longhorn256 uses the workspace on Slack.
(Request to join)
Mastodon user Longhorn256 toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon user@{{{2}}}
Firefox Longhorn256 prefers Mozilla Firefox.
Hiker Longhorn256
is a hiker.
Bike Longhorn256
is a bicyclist.
Swimming Longhorn256
is a swimmer.
Kayaking This user agrees that Kayaking is the best sport in the world.
Go Do Some Mapping Longhorn256
prefers to go outside and map.
Sinnbild PKW.svg Longhorn256 is a motorist.
Public transport This user maps and travels public transport.
Gnome-emblem-photos.svg Longhorn256 takes photos to contribute map data by photo mapping.

I've been enjoying contributing to OpenStreetMap since 2013. Cartography is one of my favorite hobbies. I have mainly contributed in Northwestern Pennsylvania, Northeastern Ohio, and Central Texas. I also use OSM data in QGIS to make road maps.

Where I'm currently mapping:


• Ashtabula County: Adding townships.

• Trumbull County: Adding landuse, buildings, addresses, POIs, traffic signs, and relations for county and township roads.


• Colored detour routes along the Interstates.

• Crawford County: Adding landuse, buildings, addresses, POIs, ref:penndot=*, unsigned_ref=Txxx, and traffic signs.

• Venango County: Adding landuse, buildings, and POIs.