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About Me

osm traces map
Country USA
City Washington, D.C.
I use or have experience with the iD, RapiD, and Go Map!! editors.
Flag of the United States.svg This user hails from the United States
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation with an Active Contributor Membership. Wanna join too?
iD MappyArianna submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
JOSM MappyArianna submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Chrome This user prefers Google Chrome.
Overpass-turbo.svg MappyArianna uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
Wikidata logo MappyArianna links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
Mapillary MappyArianna takes photos for Mapillary as MappyArianna.
Hot logo.svg MappyArianna volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
Pear Leaf icon.jpg MappyArianna uses Leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.

Hello world! I'm Arianna, an active OpenStreetMap contributor with a passion for spatial data, cartography, and data science. I currently have a spatial OSM focus in Virginia and Washington, D.C., but I do map on OSM worldwide!


My overpass queries

My challenges

Wiki Bookmarks

Pages I have significantly contributed to

Other Bookmarks