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OSMF Board 2011 Election Manifesto

About me

I've been involved in OSM since the very beginning, both as a contributor to the map and a developer of software which serves and consumes OSM data. In the past I've worked for Cloudmade, and helped make the latest version of the OSM API happen. I currently work for MapQuest, in part running their OSM services, and have hosted several developer and community events for OSM. I'm on a few working groups (Engineering, Operations, Vandalism) and, until recently, the License working group.


  • Encourage the talent and enthusiasm of mappers without controlling or imposing.
  • Help create a community where people feel confident to do things themselves.
  • Try to reduce reliance on OSMF decision-making and authority (a.k.a small government).
  • Promote the fantastic work we're doing more widely.

Supporting, but not controlling

OSMF was set up with the goal of supporting the OSM community, but not controlling it. We have a wonderful and exciting community within OSM and I think it's important that new ideas and energy come from the community and, where necessary, are supported by OSMF. Likewise, I think it's a mistake for OSMF to try and drive the community in a particular direction by imposing strategy and visions.

I'd like to try and get more volunteer participation in the activities surrounding OSM. We have a great deal of talent internally within the community and it would be a great shame if we were to look outside the community when we could be recognising the dedication and ability of volunteers like any of us.

Encouraging growth

We continue to grow, as a community and as a project, and it's important to promote and nurture that growth. Part of this will have to be a community effort - looking outside rather than in - but OSMF can do more to promote OSM. And, I believe, it is an appropriate role for OSMF to start to try to generate more interest and awareness within the huge pool of potential community members out there.

One of the criticisms which gets levelled at OSMF is the lack of transparency and communication. I don't think that there is a silver bullet for this problem, but we can try to communicate more clearly and openly.