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I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots, endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on and actually do stuff.

About User

Meme de la Torre

This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Mexico Flag Mdelatorre hails from Mexico
id Mapping mainly Ciudad de México
JOSM Mdelatorre submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
BadElfSurveyoy.png Mdelatorre uses a Bad_Elf_GNSS_Surveyor and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
Mapillary Mdelatorre takes photos for Mapillary as Mdelatorre.
GitHub logo Mdelatorre has an account on GitHub as @Mdelatorre.
Go Do Some Mapping Mdelatorre
prefers to go outside and map.
Translator Mdelatorre
is a wiki translator.
Unix Logo.gif Mdelatorre uses a Unix-based computer.
Bike Mdelatorre
is a bicyclist.


Mail-closed.svg Mdelatorre can be contacted by e-mail via this wiki.

Twitter user Mdelatorre tweets as @MemeNews
Babel user information
es-N Este usuario tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Users by language

Meme de la Torre

geek, pentester, security professor, privacy defender, photo/video enthusiast, open-source advocate, e-learning specialist, proud father.

GPS Equipment

  1. Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor
  2. Garmin Nüvi 850

OSM-related accounts

JOSM resources

RoadSigns Mexico preset

RoadSigns is a JOSM plugin for OSM that offers a dialog for selection of traffic signs from a list of presets. With simple clicks you can create combinations of signs and generate tagging suggestions.

One limitation with this plugin is the limited number of country presets available. Here I present the Mexico preset available to download at RoadSignsMX github repository

RoadSignsMX installation

To install the Mexico preset follow these instructions:

  1. Search for the following key entry plugin.roadsigns.presets in the JOSM advanced preferences. (available when in expert mode).
  2. Click on the Edit button in the lower left of the window.
  3. Click the + button to add a new entry.
  4. Select the new entry and add the following keys/values. Where PATH is the URI where you have installed the preset.

Key Value
code MX
display-name Mexico
preset-path <PATH>/roadsignpresetMX.xml
icon-path <PATH>/images/


Preset Description Download
Beautified JOSM preset Vespucci version of the original preset set.

Map Paint Styles

Map Style Description Download
Apple JOSM Paint Style This map paint style improves the visibility of the highway network for easier editing of ways and nodes. All supported OSM tags render in this custom base style; no need to stack styles.

Searching and filtering

JOSM search is a fairly advanced system which first takes your string, compiles it into a tree structure and runs that over the data. At the base level there are matching tokens, which can then be combined to form complex searches. To access the search dialog, press Ctrl-F, or click the Edit menu, then Search.

There is provision for case-sensitive matches, directly activated from the search dialog.

Expression examples[1]

Note: To view the table click on Expand

Search or Filter Expression Description
building inview nodes:4- Buildings in view with more than 4 nodes
highway=* name: Highways that have a name
type:way highway=* name~"^[0-9]+.*" Highways of any kind that the name starts with one number
type:way name:- Ways that do not have a name
type:node untagged Nodes that are not tagged
type:node untagged -child Nodes that are not tagged, neither part of a way
type:way highway=residential AND type:node child highway=residential Residential highways without the child nodes
new tags:0-0 nodes:3- New objects with no tags with more than three nodes
nodes:3- -(building=*) Objects with more than three nodes that are not buildings
nodes:3- -(building=*) -(highway=*) As the previous excluding highways
type:node -highway=stop Nodes excluding stop signs
type:node new "addr:housenumber" Nodes with new house numbers tags
type:node is_in: Nodes with an is_in tag set
new modified Objects that are in state new or modified
timestamp:2020-01-15/ Objects that were last modified after the YYYY-MM-DD date given
timestamp:2020-01-01/2020-04-30 Objects that were last modified in the date range given
waterway | boundary=administrative Objects that are a waterway or an administrative boundary
type:relation admin_level=10 Relations that have an administrative level equal to 10
child(type:relation id:<ID>) waterway=river Children of the relation (the members) with the id <ID> tagged waterway=river
closed areasize:-200 Closed ways (areas) with areas up to 200m² in size
closed waylength:1000- Closed ways with perimeters greater than 1000m in length
type:node -untagged child closed Tagged nodes which are part of closed ways
parent(child(selected)) type:way Neighbouring ways of a selected way
parent child selected type:way Same as above. Parentheses are optional for single-argument expressions
parent(type:node highway:stop) highway:residential Residential ways that have a stop sign in a child node
child (type=route "<NAME>") Everything that is member of a relation of type route with name <NAME>
type:node ways:2 child highway=residential  Intersection nodes of residential ways
type:way and highway=residential and

name!=* and noname!=yes

Residential roads missing a name
type:way and (highway in (motorway,

motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, primary,

primary_link, secondary, secondary_link,

tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified,

residential, living_street, pedestrian) or

(highway=service and service=alley))

All types of highways
building=* and building!=no and


All buildings. This filter also excludes the (rare) objects marked with building=no, which is a tag used to indicate that a feature might be expected to be a building
leisure=park and geometry:polygon or

amenity=bench and (geometry:point or


Parks and park benches
(landuse=forest or natural=wood) and


Forests and woods

Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

File:JOSM keyboard cheatsheet.png
Note: Probably outdated cheat sheet

Mapillary Resources

  1. Mapillary API v3 Documentation
  2. Mapillary Traffic Signs

Mexico WMS servers

These are WMS servers I have found that provide information of Mexico. I hope they can help you in you own OSM mapping. If you have knowledge of any other I will appreciate telling me using the information provided in this page. Note: To view the table click on Expand

WMS Service Name URL Server Layers
Acervo de información geográfica INEGI (Mapa Digital de México v5)

Note: Server not responding

Meme (talk) 08:26, 1 January 2025 (UTC)
  • EML catalog
  • Relief data
  • Geodesy
  • Georeferencing (MGN)
  • National Geostatistical Framework (MGE)
  • Cartographic Frame
  • Remote perception
  • RNG
  • Natural resources
  • Red Carretera
  • T1m
  • T250
  • T50
  • Insular territory
Acervo de información geográfica INEGI (Mapa Digital de México v61)
  • Unique catalog of keys of state geostatistical areas
  • Satellite image coverage
  • Relief data
  • Geological phenomena
  • Geodesy
  • Topographic information 1: 250,000
  • Topographic information 1: 50,000
  • INEGI information centers
  • National Geostatistical Framework (MGE)
  • Natural resources
  • National road network (RNC)
  • Island territory
  • Hydrogeological zones
Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales Abiertos (IDEA) de la GITS (UNAM) The data contained in the IDEA fall into three categories: Fundamental Data, Basic Data and Value Added Data.
  • Natural resources
  • Geographical names
  • Cadastral data
  • Hydrographic features
  • Communication routes
  • Planimetric features
  • Images
  • Relief data
  • Coastal, international, state, and municipal limits
  • Geodetic references
  • National Censuses
Portal de Geoinformación del SNIB (CONABIO)
  • SNIB specimen
  • Production
  • Biodiversity
  • Topography
  • Hydrology
  • Edaphology
  • Geology
  • Climatology
  • Vegetation and land use[2]
  • Political division
  • Population
  • Infrastructure
  • Regionalization
  • Satellite products
  • Risk
Atlas Cibernético del Estado de México
  • Many layers available
Áreas Naturales Protegidas SINA (CONAGUA)[3]
  • ANP spatial data 1971-2000[4]
  • ANP spatial data 1981-2010[5]
Distritos de Riego SINA (CONAGUA)[3]
  • Irrigation Districts 2015-2016[6]
  • Irrigation Districts 2016-2017[7]
API de Datos Abiertos de México (Gob México) WMS:


Sistema Nacional de Información del Agua
Depósitos de Cobre en México (GeoSUR)
  • Phorphyry copper MX_pCu Prospects
  • Phorphyry copper MX_pCu Tracts[8]

GnuPG information

GnuPG Fingerprint: 0x9E743B5C | D5E8 11EE 171E 06E8 D7AC 2973 EC1A 441E 9E74 3B5C


Public-images-osm logo.svg
Licensing rights granted to OpenStreetMap Foundation
I hereby grant non-exclusive permission to the OpenStreetMap Foundation to relicense my contributions, under any copyleft license that it chooses, provided it maintains the free and open spirit of the CC-BY-SA. This permission acknowledges that future licensing needs of the OpenStreetMap project may need adapting in unforeseen fashions to facilitate other uses, formats, and locations. It is given for as long as this banner remains.


  1. DELATORRE, Manuel;JOSM search and filter examples;;2020
  2. Link WMS for JOSM: wms:{width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  3. 3.0 3.1 Servicio de Mapas del Sistema Nacional de Información del Agua. CONABIO
  4. Link WMS for JOSM: wms:{width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  5. Link WMS for JOSM: wms:{width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  6. Link WMS for JOSM: wms:{width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  7. Link WMS for JOSM: wms:{width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  8. wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}