User:Mele Sax-Barnett

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Hi there!

I'm a GIS, open source, and transportation geek in Portland, OR. Personal website

I work for a company called Urban Airship managing a team of software engineers and doing some geodata wrangling. We use OSM data among other data sources to help our customers do location targeting. I also served on the OSM US Board for one term from 2013-2014.

From February 2011 - February 2013, I worked in the GIS department at TriMet, the transit provider for the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. I pretty much edited OpenStreetMap for a living (!) among other tasks in support of the OpenTripPlanner/OSM Improvement project. Edits after 2/17/2013 (and some before then as well) are not paid for/approved by/guided by TriMet.

OSM user page: Mele Sax-Barnett

X (Twitter) user @pdxmeleX (Twitter) user