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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name rw__. |
I support the license
upgrade to ODbL v 1.0
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?
Currently mapping selected areas of Canada and USA.
or, How to Improve your Conference Experience by 32.7% in 30 seconds
Wear your conference badge or name tag up higher, as close to your eye level as you can. I prefer to clip my name tag to my collar, rather than allow it to hang on a lanyard.
This makes it easier for other attendees to see your name and approach you.
Imports often create a mess through technical or social failures. Aerial imagery is also imperfect due to age, alignment, distortion, etc. but has fewer negative impacts on the map.
How can we start to approach Outside Data Sources not as potential imports, but as potential background imagery layers?
OpenStreetMap HOWTOs
Standing for the Board (2008)
I'm standing for election as a board member at large for the OpenStreetMap Foundation. I'd like to share my enthusiasm for OSM by helping wherever I can.
Update: I didn't get enough votes to be elected to the board for 2008-2009. The current board is wonderful and I have had the honour of serving on sub-committees and helping out once in a while.
Open Street Map Presentations
Introduction to OpenStreetMap
Monday 08 September 2008
KWLUG - The Kitchener Waterloo Linux User Group will host an introduction to OpenStretMap. This presentation is suitable for all levels of technical ability. Curious about maps and making maps that work better for you? Join us.
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
HOSUG - The Hamilton (Ontario) Open Source User Group will feature an introduction to as one of two scheduled presentation topics.
This introduction to OSM is suitable for audiences of all levels of technical expertise.
HOSUG is free to attend. See their web site for location.
Toronto Mapping Weekend
Previous Toronto mapping events
LinuxCaffe, Toronto, Ontario Sat 17 Feb. - Sun 18 Feb. 2007
Tillsonburg Mapping Party
Station Arts Centre, Sunday, 04 May 2008.
The Town with No Map
Hick Tech - Rural and modern technology conference.
Tue 01 May 2007, Owen Sound, Ontario
- Introduction OpenStreetMap
Other Events
Ontario Linux Fest 3.0 will be held Saturday, 24 October 2009 - Toronto Ontario Canada. Join us.
The second, now annual, Ontario Linux Fest was held Saturday, 25 October 2008 - Toronto Ontario Canada. Steve Coast, founder of OpenStreetMap delivered a talk and was a huge hit.
The first Ontario Linux Fest was Saturday 13 October 2007 - Toronto Ontario Canada
The OpenStreetMap, GPS and geodata Birds of a Feather session at Ontario Linux Fest was very well attended. Lots of interest in OSM (and lots of mapping in Toronto over the course of 2007).