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Flag of Norway.svg This user hails from Norway
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name

Mapping the historical Kongsberg Sølvverk silver mines in Norway.

In 2024 it will be 400 years since the founding of Kongsberg Sølvverk and the town Kongsberg. Since July 2018 it has been my intention to make the first complete map of these mines since the 1790s and finish the work before the jubilee.. Basing the map on OSM I hope it will be a valuable tool for people visiting the area, not the least those bringing a phone with an OSM app and GPS.

To spread history knowledge through the OSM map

Another important aspect of this map will be to show how limited water supplies were carefully managed to run the necessary machinery at the mines. On the map this is done by drawing the network of reservoirs, streams and ditches and the remains of the machinery - the numerous dry stone watermill foundation walls still standing.

Long term plans also includes creating wiki-pages with information about as many as possible of the 300+ mines and 2000+ holes of varying sizes in the ground made by the historical geologists searching for silver.

Since different sources have been using different spelling and sometimes even different names to the individual mines over the centuries, I also see it as my responsibility to include as many alt_name(s) and old_name(s) as necessary to make the OSM map useful for people with access to sources such as those listed below, helping them to find location names from these sources in the real world.

Please note!

I'm a newbie to mapping. The learning curve since I started July 2018 has been very steep. There have been and will continue to be errors in my work even though I've received lots of help and knowledge from helpful OSM mappers. Please report to me instead of making changes yourself - even if I unintentionally should have broken OSM rules or guidelines. Such changes may affect negatively ongoing work not yet visible in the map. Thank you!

Important contributors

3 persons have contributed more than anyone else to the accuracy of the map, not least by enduring my constant questions about details in the map:

  • Bjørn Ivar Berg (dr.philos, scientist at Norsk Bergverksmuseum - The Norwegian Mining Museum)
  • Odd Arne Helleberg (author of the book "Kongsberg Sølvverk 1623-1958" and numerous reports for the Norwegian Mining Museum)
  • Geir Loe Winsrygg (very knowledgeable local Kongsberg Sølvverk enthusiast and artefacts collector)


Sorted by relevance:

  1. Kartverkets DTM Digital Terrain Model (in ID and Go Maps editors)
  2. Riksarkivet 0002 - KS II A I 2: "Geometrisk kart over Kongsberg Sølvverks gruber, skjerper og skjerpinger med tilhørende damme, vandledninger og maskiner, som ligge mellem Jondahls og Kobberbergs elve samt bergstaden med dens til- grænsende løkker". (by Cæsar Læsar Boeck, 1794)
  3. Kartverkets historiske kart: "Buskerud amt nr 9: Situations Carte over Skjerper søndenfor Kaaberbergs-Elven: Buskerud". (by Cæsar Læsar Boeck, 1795)
  4. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelser BA3244: "Rapport over Kongsberg Sølvverks gruber, Overberget og Underberget" (Arne Bugge, 1930)
  5. Private notes and maps handwritten/hand drawn as part of his extensive research on Kongsberg Sølvverk (Bjørn Ivar Berg, Norsk Bergverksmuseum)
  6. Hand drawn individual maps showing the extension of the reservoirs, ditches and mining machinery in 1683, 1690, 1711, 1760, 1794 & 1889 (drawn by Per Jostein Sagvolden to Odd Arne Hellebergs 1984 thesis on the subject)
  7. Norsk Bergverksmuseum: "Kongsberg Grubefelt Over og Underberget" 1:5000 (unknown, apx. 1920)
  8. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelser BAkart2802: "Rapport over Kongsberg Sølvverks gruber, Overberget og Underberget, kartmappe" (Arne Bugge, 1930)
  9. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelser BA3245: "Rapport over Kongsberg Sølvverks gruber utenfor Overberget og Underberget" (Arne Bugge, 1931)
  10. Norsk Bergverksmuseum: "Beskrivelse av Kongsberg Sølvverks gruber" (Caspar Herman Langberg, written between 1836-1888)
  11. Norsk Bergverksmuseum: "Generaldagsbefaringer ved Kongsberg Sølvverk 1738-1804" (ed.Odd Arne Helleberg 2011)
  12. Kartverkets DOM Digital Surface Model (in ID and Go Maps editors) - used where Kartverkets DTM lacks details
  13. Kartverkets Orthophoto (in ID and Go Maps editors) - used where Kartverkets DTM lacks details
  14. Kartverkets historiske kart: "Buskerud amt nr 8: Situations Kort over Kongsberg Sølvverk: Buskerud" (G. N. Angelo, 1795)
  15. Kartverkets historiske kart: "Buskerud-amt nr 15-2: Kart over Kongsberg Sølvværks Grubefeldt: Buskerud" (Gerhard Munthe, basert på Cæsar Læsar Boeck, 1796)
  16. Book: "Kongsberg Sølvverk 1623-1958" (Odd Arne Helleberg, 2000, 2010, 2011)
  17. Book: "Kongsberg sølvverk 1623-1957" (Kristian Moen, 1967, 1969, 1978)
  18. I may also occasionally have a look at Google Earth,, and for extra confirmation of findings from other sources, and with to determine which way the water has been flowing in some of the ditches.