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Hi, I'm living in Germany, Ammerbuch (near Tübingen).

I like to contribute to osm to increase map details and coverage. Whenever I am outside I will take out OsmAnd to see what's not yet mapped. When I am inside and have some time, I propose new features for osm tools or do Couch-Mapping (well actually mostly sitting on a chair).

Currently increasing coverage by mapping in east of Bulgaria from aerial imagery.

de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Hiker SLMapper1
is a hiker.
iD SLMapper1 submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Bike SLMapper1
is a bicyclist.
OsmAnd icon SLMapper1 uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
car mapper SLMapper1 tracks routes by Car
...? SLMapper1 appreciates the use of Good changeset comments.
Font Awesome 5 regular comments.svg SLMapper1 invites others to review and discuss his changesets.