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osm traces carte
Pays France
Région Île-de-France
Département Paris
Ville Paris
J’édite avec JOSM.

Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
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I am based in Paris area. Thus since knowing OSM I have added data to the map in the Paris area, as it is where I was born and lived most of my life.


I did some work on the Haiti map after the events.. Adding paths and tracks & refugees camps if spotted. I mostly used JOSM and WorldBank aerial for that. More recently this has evolved whit the HOT web site to help/mapping on demand.


  • Ski resorts, vacation spots

I've map the ski paths and this gives my speed. Fun ! And quick to do.


  • Aerial tracing of empty places with an ok resolution

I do Madagascar, Mayotte and/or La Réunion lately


Recently I have improved the map of the INRA center where I work ( and also trying to add emergency features. I also try to add lit=yes tags as well as wheelchair tags to help with routing disable people.

Boot-hat.png Samusz joined in
Operation Cowboy

Useful links