User:Sawan Shariar

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Sawan Shariar.jpeg


Sawan has extensive GIS & Data Acquisition experience of over 7 years. He has worked & supported Field Supervision for GIS & Data Acquisition projects from the American Red Cross, World Bank, WaterAid, UNICEF, Deltares NL, One Concern US, and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Sawan had also supported Geospatial data-centric research initiatives from Warwick University-UK, and Independent University-Bangladesh. He supported NIHR's global research project on Health Service Accessibility for Slum Dwellers, conducted by the Warwick University CIM team, where he supported the HH-level Mapping in Korail Slum, creating the first-ever detailed & complete map of the slum area. Most recently, he supported a study project under Mapgive (a U.S. Department of State initiative) and the American Association of Geographers on exploring the secondary impact of COVID-19 in Bangladesh, which intensely collaborated with Colorado State University, Michigan State University, and Harvard University. Besides these, He was the Senior Operation Manager at the Mapping Dept. for Pathao, the leading ride-sharing platform in Bangladesh & Nepal, where he supervised Field Data Acquisition in multiple major cities. He has been an active member of the coordination team of the OpenStreetMap community in Bangladesh, remotely supporting regional & global initiatives like HOTOSM, MissingMaps, and UNMappers through mapping and data validation. He is currently working as a Youth Engagement & Operations Manager for Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL). He is currently also a Voting Member, Data Validator for the HOT Validation Pool and a Community WG member for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). He is also a Regional Ambassador of Global Tech Support for YouthMappers, a global initiative from Texas Tech, West Virginia, Washington University and the University of Arizona, supported by USAID. He is a former Youth Chief of the Red Crescent Youth, Dhaka College Unit for BDRCS.

His complete mapper profile can be found at: Sawan Shariar

His OSM Profile can be found at: Sawan Shariar



2024 Community Organizer of the Year Asia Pacific 2024, Recognized by HOTOSM at SotM 2024 Nairobi Kenya 2021 Regional Ambassador, YouthMappers 2021-22
2024 Mentor, YouthMappers Leadership Fellowship 2024, Bangkok, Thailand 2020 Voting Member, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
2024 Best YouthMappers Blog 2024 2020 Regional Ambassador, YouthMappers 2020-21
2023 Speaker, State of the Map Asia 2023, Bangkok, Thailand 2020 Best YouthMappers Blog 2020
2023 State of the Map Asia Community Champion Award 2023 2020 Intern, HOT Data Quality Internship 2020
2023 Regional Ambassador, YouthMappers 2023-24 2019 Fellow Speaker, State of the Map 2019, Heidelburg, Germany
2022 Best YouthMappers Blog 2022 2019 Fellow Speaker, HOT Summit 2019, Heidelberg, Germany
2022 Speaker, State of the Map Asia 2022 2019 Winner, Global YouthMappers Challenge 2019
2022 Participant, FOSS4G 2022, Firenze, Italy 2018 Speaker, State of the Map Asia 2018, Bengaluru, India
2022 Visiting Fellow, State of the Map 2022, Firenze, Italy 2016 Founder & President, YouthMappers DhakaCollege



Dairy at OpenStreetMap

Conference Organizer

Conference Organizer
Year Role Conference Title Participants Participate Country Logo Group Photo
2024 Lead Organizer YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit 2024 - - -
2024 Co-lead Organizer State of the Map Asia 2024 - - - -
2024 Co-lead Organizer State of the Map Bangladesh 2024 - - - -
2023 Lead Organizer YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit 2023 175 01 -
2019 Co-lead Organizer State of The Map Asia 2019 465 19 -
SOTM Asia 2019.jpeg

Contribution on Community Development

Contributions are structured according to the years. Please visit the link of years to read the entire contributions.

>>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2024

Date Activity Type For Whom Title Topics
January 5-6, 2024 Training Bangladesh University of Professionals TRAINING SESSION ON FUNDAMENTAL OSM FOR THE YOUTHMAPPERS AT BUP HOT TM and ID Editor
January 13, 2024 Conference YouthMappers in Sri Lanka Unveiling the Activities of 2023 and Envisioning the Future with the 2024 Annual Activity Plans Speaker
January 15, 2024 Webinar Eastern University Bangladesh Opportunities for Students in YouthMappers Speaker
January 16, 2024 Training University of Barishal Introductory Session on YouthMappers and OpenStreetMap Introduction to YouthMappers & OSM, Basic OSM, ID Editor, HOT TM
January 26, 2024 Conference Jahangirnagar University YouthMappers Conference on Geospatial Technology in Action Speaker
February 01, 2024 to May 2024 Workshop YouthMappers Bangladesh YouthMappers Regional Validation Hub Onboarding call, Basic OSM and mapping, JOSM, OSM Cha + JOSM, OSM Inspector, Keep Right and OSMose, OSMAnd, EveryDoor and Vespucci, Map with AI (RapID), Map Roulette and Mapillary, OpenStreetCam, MapsMe and Map Swipe, Organic Maps and Street Complete, QGIS
February 07, 2024 Workshop Eastern University Bangladesh Connecting With Community: Let's Switch To Mapping Introduction to YouthMappers & OSM, Basic OSM, ID Editor, HOT TM
March 01, 2024 Training University of Barishal Introductory Session on OpenStreetMap with ID Editor Introduction to YouthMappers & OSM, Basic OSM, ID Editor, HOT TM
March 02-08, 2024 Mapathon YouthMappers Bangladesh Bangladesh Open Data Day 2024 Mapathon & Mapping competitions
March 25, 2024 Seminar World Vision, Start Network, Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific, Bari Koi, World University, Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab, and OpenStreetMap Bangladesh Stakeholders Meeting for Dhaka City Humanitarian Mapping Initiative Seminar
March 26, 2024 Workshop University of Rajshahi, Eastern University Bangladesh and Eastern University Sri Lanka Introduction to OSM ID Editor, Field Mapping, and OSM VS ArcMap Example
March 26, 2024 Seminar & Training Patuakhali Science and Technology University PSTU YouthMappers: Orientation, Recognition & Training Launch Seminar and Basic OSM
May 22, 2024 Workshop & Mapathon YouthMappers & OSM Bangladesh Mapathon with OpenStreetMap Workshop & Mapathon
June 5-19, 2024 Mapping Competition YouthMappers Bangladesh & Global You Map We Plant Mapping Competition
June 09-17, 2024 Workshop YouthMappers Fellows 2024 2024 YouthMappers Leadership Fellowship Leadership Fellowship Workshop
June 20, 2024 Seminar YouthMappers Bangladesh Bring Back Knowledge Seminar on sharing knowledge from YouthMappers Leadership Fellowship in Thailand
June 23, 2024 Training Rangamati Science and Technology University Introduction to YouthMappers YouthMappers
June 28, 2024 Training YouthMappers Bangladesh & Global Map with AI RapID
July 05, 2024 Training YouthMappers Global Utilizing GIS For Flood Mapping QGIS & ArcGIS
July 12, 2024 Training YouthMappers Bangladesh OSM Data Extraction for Analysis Over Pass Turbo, HOT TM, QGIS, GeoFabric, OSM Plannet, OSM
July 29, 2024 Training YouthMappers Bangladesh Wiki Page Development for YouthMappers Chapter Wiki Page Development

>>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2023

Date Activity Type For Whom Title Topics
January 25-26, 2023 Workshop YouthMappers Bangladesh Participatory GIS Training for Trainers Participatory GIS
February 08, 2023 Seminar Noakhali University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh Introduction on YouthMappers Seminar
February 08, 2023 Seminar University of Gujrat, Pakiatan Introduction on YouthMappers Seminar
February 21, 2023 Seminar & Mapathon Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University International Mother Language Day with mapathon and mapping competition Seminar & Mapathon
February 24-25, 2023 Mapathon YouthMappers Bangladesh Solidarity mapathons for Syria and Turkey Mapathon
March 08, 2023 Seminar & Mapathon YouthMappers Asia and Jahangirnagar University Empowering Women in Geospatial Technologies Empowering Women in Geospatial Technologies; International Women's Day Special Mapathon
March 12, 2023 Seminar Easterrn University Bangladesh Opportunities for CSE students in YouthMappers and Open Mapping Technology Opportunities for CSE students in YouthMappers and Open Mapping Technology
March 31, 2023 Workshop and Mapathon Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Workshop on OSM and Mapathon Contest Basic OSM, ID Editor, HOT TM
June 2023 FGD YouthMappers Bangladesh FGD with Chapter Focal FGD
June 6-7, 2023 Workshop Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Mymensign Participatory Mapping with OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian & Disaster Response Preparedness Introduction to YouthMappers. Basics of OpenStreetMap. Practical OSM editing using ID editor. Utilization of the HOT Tasking Manager platform. Mobile data collection applications like OSMAnd, StreetComplete, and Every Door. Creation of questionnaire forms using KoboCollect. Data collection procedures and management of collected data.
June 18, 2023 Seminar Shahjalal University of Science and Technology The exploration of career-based opportunities opportunities offered by YouthMappers
June 6-7, 2023 Workshop University of Dhaka Participatory Mapping with OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian & Disaster Response Preparedness Introduction to YouthMappers, offering insights into the organization's mission and objectives. In-depth training on the JOSM OpenStreetMap Editor, equipping participants with advanced mapping skills. A foundational understanding of Basic QGIS, enabling members to utilize geospatial data effectively. Proficiency in KoboCollect, with a particular emphasis on questionnaire form creation, data collection techniques, and collecting data management.
July 14, 2023 Workshop the University of Rajshahi Participatory Mapping with OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian & Disaster Response Preparedness An introductory session on YouthMappers, outlining the organization's mission and objectives. Exploration of the versatile applications of OpenStreetMap in the context of Bangladesh. A comprehensive introduction to Basic OpenStreetMap techniques. Practical guidance on mapping with the ID editor. An exploration of mobile data collection applications, including OSMAnd, Organic Maps, and EveryDoor. Proficiency in KoboCollect, with a particular focus on form creation and data collection. A live demonstration of fieldwork, geo-data collection, and data management and reporting nuances.
August 2023 Competition YouthMappers Bangladesh Mapping Competition 1.0 Mapping Copetition
August 2023 Hackathon YouthMappers Bangladesh Disaster Hackathon Bangladesh 2023 YouthMappers Focal and Mentor
October 10, 2023 Training YouthMappers Bangladesh Training on MapSwipe MapSwipe
October 27, 2023 Training Jahangirnagar University Connecting the Dots: Mapping Roads with AI RapID
November 16-18, 2023 Conference OSM Asia State of the Map Asia 2023 & FOSS4G Thailand Presentation/Speaker
November 2023 Competition YouthMappers Bangladesh "Color Your Maps" celebrations for GIS Day and OSM GeoAwareness Week Poster Competition using QGIS
November 24-25, 2023 Training Jahangirnagar University Training on Geospatial Data in Disaster Risk Reduction The significance of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and innovations in disaster response, emphasizing the role of mapping in shaping future disaster management strategies.
November 25, 2023 Seminar YouthMappers Africa Pre-State of the Map Africa Conference 2023; tips & tricks for success Share my conference experiences and offer pertinent tips to ensure a successful and enriching conference experience for the attendees.
December 02, 2023 Conference YouthMappers Bangladesh YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit 2023 Conference
December 16, 2023 Seminar Sahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Maritime University, Rajshahi University, and Patuakhali Science and Technology University OpenStreetMap: A Tool for Empowerment and Collaboration and What’s Next for This Open Source by Students Seminar and Mapathon
December 25, 2023 Seminar YouthMappers Bangladesh YouthMappers Bangladesh Year-end Meet Up & Discussion Seminar

>>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2022

Date Activity Type For Whom Title Topics
Example Example Example Example Example
October 14, 2022 Seminar University of Barishal Introduction to YouthMappers Seminar
October 30, 2022 Training YouthMappers Bangladesh Training on KoboToolBox KoboToolBox
October 31, 2022 Seminar Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Experience Sharing Session on SotM 2022 & FOSS4G 2022 Seminar
November 18, 2022 Seminar YouthMappers Bangladesh & PSTU Obdervation of OSM GeoWeek and GIS Day 2022 Seminar
December 14, 2022 Seminar OSM Asia and OMH AP Open Mapping in the Classroom: Academic Dialogue Series Seminar
December 27, 2022 Workshop YouthMappers Bangladesh Exploring OpenStreetMap by using QGIS OSM & QGIS
December 27, 2022 Conference YouthMappers Bangladesh YouthMappers Bangladesh Year-end Assembly 2022 Conference

>>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2021

Visit >>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2020

Visit >>> Sawan Shariar Activity/2015 to 2019

Mr. Sawan has worked for sustainable community development from the beginning of his journey. He has organized several events for the community, especially for university students as well as local NGOs, Organizations and companies. His conducted or organized events are on the chart.

Key stats
Years Workshop Seminar Conference
2024 Example Example Example
2023 Example Example Example
2022 Example Example Example
2021 Example Example Example
2020 Example Example Example
2015-2019 Example Example Example

Nurturing Local Team: Create YouthMappers Chapters

Sawan Shariar has selected YouthMappers as a Regional Ambassador for the cohort of 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2023-2024. During this time, he created YouthMappers chapters in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India.

Stats at a Glance
Total New Established Total Revived Total Outreached (Outreach+Est+Revive)
13 05 30
Affiliated YouthMappers Chapters
Year Category Country University Chapter University Logo
2024 New Established Bangladesh Rangamati Science and Technology University RMSTU YouthMappers
2024 Revived Bangladesh Dhaka College, Dhaka YouthMappers at DhakaCollege
2023 New Established Bangladesh Government Shahid Suhrawardy College, Dhaka YouthMappers at GSSC
GSSC Logo.svg
2022 New Established Sri Lanka South Eastern University of Sri Lanka YouthMappers at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka logo.png
2022 New Established Sri Lanka University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka YouthMappers at USJ-Geo
Emblem USJP.png
2022 New Established Bangladesh University of Rajshahi YouthMappers at RU
Logo of rajshahi university.jpg
2022 New Established Bangladesh Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University JKKNIU YouthMappers
2022 New Established Bangladesh Patuakhali Science and Technology (PSTU) PSTU YouthMappers
2022 New Established India Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi YouthMappers at IITBhu
2022 Revived Bangladesh Eastern University YouthMappers at EUB
2022 New Established Bangladesh University at Barishal YouthMappers at BU
2021 New Established Sri Lanka Eastern University, Sri Lanka YouthMappers at EUSL
2021 New Established Bangladesh Jashore University of Science and Technology JUST YouthMappers
JUST Logo.jpg
2020 Revived Bangladesh Khulna University OpenStreetMap KU
KU logo.png
2020 Revived Bangladesh Shahjalal University of Science and Technology YouthMappers at SUST
SUST Logo.png
2020 New Established Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University YouthMappers at BSMRMU
BSMRMU logo.jpg
2020 New Established Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University YouthMappers at BSMRSTU
BSMRSTU Logo.png

Outreached University Name
Year Category Country University University Logo
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
2024 Outreached Pakistan Lahore College for Women University
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Pabna University of Science and Technology
Pust logo.png
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Islamic University of Technology
2024 Outreached Bangladesh University of Asia Pacific .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Cox's Bazar Govt. College .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Brac University .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Islamic University Bangladesh .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Cox's Bazar City College .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh University of Global Village .
2024 Outreached Bangladesh Bangladesh Agricultural University .
0000 Outreached Bangladesh University of Asia Pacific .

OSM-related accounts: