
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
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| templatename  = Template:KeyDescription
| type          = key
| key           = {{#property:P16}} <!--{{{key|}}}-->
| image         = {{#statements:P4}} <!--{{{image|}}}-->
| image_caption = {{{image_caption|}}}
| description   = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getDescription | lang = {{lang}}}} <!--{{{description|}}}-->
| group         = {{{group|}}}
| onNode        = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getElement | element=Q3 | template_value=}} <!--{{{onNode|}}}-->
| onWay         = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getElement | element=Q4 | template_value=}} <!--{{{onWay|}}}-->
| onArea        = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getElement | element=Q5 | template_value=}} <!--{{{onArea|}}}-->
| onRelation    = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getElement | element=Q6 | template_value=}} <!--{{{onRelation|}}}-->
| requires      = {{{requires|}}}
| implies       = {{{implies|}}}
| combination   = {{{combination|}}}
| seeAlso       = {{{seeAlso|}}}
| status        = {{#property:P6}} <!--{{{status|}}}-->
| statuslink    = {{#invoke: OSMWikiBase/sandbox | getStatusProposal | template_value=}} <!--{{{statuslink|}}}-->
| website       = {{#property:P8}} <!--{{{website|}}}-->
| url_pattern   = {{#property:P13}} <!--{{{url_pattern|}}}-->
<!-- | wikidata      = {{#property:P12}} --><!--{{{wikidata|}}}-->
| lang          = {{{lang|}}}
| rtl           = {{{rtl|{{Dir|lang={{{lang|}}}}}}}}
| class         = {{{class|}}}
| float         = {{{float|}}}
| style         = {{{style|}}}
| languagelinks = {{{languagelinks|<noinclude>no</noinclude>}}}

ABC: {{#property:P11|from=Q896}}