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I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?

Babel user information
nl-N Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
nds-2 Disse Bruker versteiht good wat vun Plattdüütsch.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language

I support the license
upgrade to ODbL v 1.0



I'm Henk Hoff, I live in Assen (in the nothern part of the Netherlands)

You can mail me at toffehoff (at) gmail (dot) com or at henk.hoff (at) osmfoundation (dot) org.

Or skype me (id: toffehoff)

About me

I got involved in OpenStreetMap in April 2007. After finding Richard van der Weerd via the mailinglist, we joined forces and completed the map of Assen in June 2007. (the main credit for completing the city must go to Richard). However, the AND-donation got me really started. This was *the* opportunity for OSM to set itself on the map in the (open) geoworld.

I am still mapping occassionally (e.g. new residential areas), but spent most of my time for OSM to "spread the word": representing OSM at seminars etc, giving talks, etc. And trying to find opportunities for organisations to use OSM data.

In my working life I am a freelance internet consultant. I need to get my bills paid somehow ;-) Besides that I was also member of city council in my hometown Assen from April 2002 until March 2010.

OSMF board 2009

In the past year as part of the OSMF board I've spend most time on the State of the Map and the License Working Group. Realizing that there is only a limited amount of time, I would like to focus on the following:

  • State of the Map The last SotM in Amsterdam was a huge success. I'd like to continue to make SotM bigger and better. An event where the OSM community can meet and get inspired by others and where businesses and organisations who are new to OSM can find out what OSM is and how it can be made to use.
  • Evangelism We all know what OSM is. But there is still a large group out there who don't know what they can do with OSM. And there is even a larger group who haven't heard of OSM at all. We do have a lot of information, but scattered and not always easy to find (for a newbie).

Further, I will support the following:

  • Hired staff for the Foundation. While OSM is getting bigger and more used, more work needs to be done. Hired staff is inevitable (from a continuity perspective).
  • Local chapters
  • Distributed (tile) servers to secure a high on-line availability
  • Rewrite of the Foundations' Article of Association
  • Change to ODbL, because it's a better license for us then the current CC-BY-SA.

OSMF board 2008

I'm currently a board member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

My reason to apply for board membership:

I am currently helping out the Foundation by drafting a proposal for OSM merchandising. To me, merchandising is in more than one way good for OSM. Not only for the obvious reason of potential funding of the organisation, but also as a promotion tool and to strengthen our community. This is a good example of the Foundation's role: facilitating the community. E.g. generating promotional "noise" and providing the means to get things going. I'm looking forward to do some more work within the Foundation to make OSM the premiere choice for getting (free) geodata.


Besides trying to keep my hometown up-to-date, I've focussed most of my mapping elsewhere. The following places have my special interest.

  • DPRK (I've started mapping Pyongyang)
  • Arkansas USA (Greater Little Rock area and Ouachita National Forest region)
  • Alaska

These are all places I have visited or where I've lived and has left a lasting impression on me.


I've talked about (will talk about) OpenStreetMap at the following conferences/seminars/meetings