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en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Bike Wolfgang8741
is a bicyclist.
Pole multi attachement.png Wolfgang8741 is interested in micromapping.
Wikidata logo Wolfgang8741 links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
Maproulette logo.jpg Wolfgang8741 enjoys solving MapRoulette challenges.
Mapillary Wolfgang8741 takes photos for Mapillary as Wolfgang8741.
GitHub logo Wolfgang8741 has an account on GitHub as @brierjon.
Website Wolfgang8741 has a website.
Twitter user Wolfgang8741 tweets as @wolfgang8741
OSM Logo Wolfgang8741 has the ORCID identifier 0000-0003-0668-0089
iD Wolfgang8741 submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.

My name is Jonathan Brier. I map to make a more open map for all, but I'm also interested in some research questions that benefit from the openness. I'm a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of Maryland and map in my limited spare time. Generally I can be found via the pseudonym: wolfgang8741

I'm particularly interested in linking to Wikidata and Wikipedia for semantic linking. wolfgang8741 (en)

My current mapping focus:

Bodies of water in Michigan and linking them to Wikidata and GNIS.

Trying to learn:

What the data and controls are as well as how to development with OSM data for use in enhancing various platforms for citizen science.

Favourite tools:


Note to self

GNIS Missing