This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name wolfgang8741.
Wolfgang8741 is a bicyclist.
Wolfgang8741 links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
Wolfgang8741 has an account on GitHub as @brierjon.
Wolfgang8741 submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
My name is Jonathan Brier. I map to make a more open map for all, but I'm also interested in some research questions that benefit from the openness. I'm a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of Maryland and map in my limited spare time. Generally I can be found via the pseudonym: wolfgang8741
I'm particularly interested in linking to Wikidata and Wikipedia for semantic linking. wolfgang8741 (en)
My current mapping focus:
Bodies of water in Michigan and linking them to Wikidata and GNIS.
Trying to learn:
What the data and controls are as well as how to development with OSM data for use in enhancing various platforms for citizen science.
Favourite tools:
Note to self
GNIS Missing