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Еще теги


Тег Тагинфо Описание Википедия
building=triumphal_arch Триумфальная арка
building=mansion -- особняк.
historic=revenue_house Доходный дом. Revenue_house A revenue house is a historic type of multi-family residential building. It was popular in Europe during 18th–19th centuries and became a precursor of what is now known as a apartment building.
historic=peoples_house Народный дом. People's House People's Houses (Russian: Народный дом) were originally leisure and cultural centres built with the intention of making art and cultural appreciation available to the working classes. The first establishment of this type appeared in Tomsk, Russian Empire in 1882. Soon people's Houses became popular in England (1887, "People's Palace"), Scotland, Turkey and other European states. The term "people's house" (e.g., folkets hus, casa del pueblo, maison du peuple, etc.) was further used in continental Europe for working-class public community centres, each of which often had associations with particular trade union organizations and political parties.
historic=almshouse Богадельня. Almshouse, An almshouse (also known as a bede-house, poorhouse, or hospital) is charitable housing provided to people in a particular community, especially during the Middle Ages. They were often targeted at the poor of a locality, at those from certain forms of previous employment, or their widows, and at elderly people who could no longer pay rent, and are generally maintained by a charity or the trustees of a bequest (alms are, in the Christian tradition, money or services donated to support the poor and indigent). Almshouses were originally formed as extensions of the church system and were later adapted by local officials and authorities.

Additional tags for orthodox churh arhitecture

Tag Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia (ru) Taginfo Additional links
building:part=cube Octagon_on_cube Четверик (архитектура)
building:part=porch Porch Портик
building:part=apse Apse Апсида
building:part=refectory Refectory Трапезная
building:part=belltower Belltower Колокольня
building:part=campanile Campanile Колокольня
building:part=tholobate Tholobate Барабан (архитектура)
roof:shape=zakomar Zakomar Закомара
roof:shape=half-dome Semi-dome Конха
roof:shape=onion Onion Dome Луковичные главы


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