User talk:Mueschel/DestinationTagging
How is the "colour computing" done?
[Here] you say "[...] there is no need to tag this as it can be computed from the ref or symbol."
When i watch the lane visualizer for w39609218 then the colour of the right lane is yellow insteed of blue . Any idea?--MalgiK (talk) 09:13, 3 November 2019 (UTC)
- I suggest to have these software-specific questions in the issue tracker of GitHub.
- The lane visualizer doesn't support Austrian signs (see the drop-down menu in the upper left), it tries to make sense of the sign using the German style and fails. There is a new tool available that is supposed to draw nicer signs: destinations. It has an Austrian style, but doesn't display destination:country yet.
- Btw, I suggest to move A2 and Graz to destination:ref:to and destination:to - A2 can't be reached directly, but only after a longer drive. --Mueschel (talk) 09:39, 3 November 2019 (UTC)
Destinations (following tagging ML discussion)
Hello, Mueschel.
I'm following the discussion about destinations on the tagging ML — I contact you here because, for some reason, I'm not receiving your contributions on the ML. About the mess in the wiki pages about destinations, I'm thinking about creating a One-page-to-rule-them-all about destinations; something brand new, which would synthetize the current tagging practices about destinations. That would take a while to create it, and I'm not sure I can complete it, but I think I'll try, by creating a WIP user page with a rough draft, then asking opinions on the ML and synthetize them, then publishing the result in the general Wiki pages. What to do about the current pages — key/values pages excluded — is to be established, as some of them, but not all, will show outdated or incomplete. The rough draft would be based upon the current Wiki pages, what I know about tagging practices, the current discussion about this matter on the tagging ML and this page about current practices. What do you think of this project?
I noticed your lane visualizer tool; nice work. I may create a pull request to adapt it to FR rules, but that's unsure too.
Regards. --Penegal (talk) 16:48, 2 August 2020 (UTC)
- Hi Penegal,
- If you want to update the Wiki, I'm happy to support this. Let me know if you have anything to discuss / extent / proof read!
- Please don't put too much effort into the Lane Visualizer, I don't want to support the current destination sign display there any more. It is planned to be replaced by the one I use on [1]. There is no French style either. If you can provide me with some rules how to draw signs, I'm happy to implement them.
- Mueschel,
- Tell me what you need for the French style and I'd be glad to give it to you. As a first guess, I think you need to know the colour code for ref signs; they are coloured according to the first letter of the ref=* tag (black font over white background being the default):
- By default :
- destination signs are written in black over white, but it is white over green for important destinations — rules are available, but are probably way too complicated for a program —, and white over blue when the destination is reachable by motorway — may be guessed by a program, I'm unsure about this one ;
- Guessing might be too difficult and requires a database of cities or a query for 'population' on place nodes. I suggest to simply add destination:colour=green for these.
- the
signs are usually placed over the destinations, not under it ; the letter at the beginning of the ref is never dropped, it is always displayed ;- Done.
- when there are turn:lanes=*, the through arrow is down, not up ;
- Done.
- when there are destination:to:lanes=* and destination:ref:to:lanes=*, for instance
destination:to:lanes=Lyon;Chalons ˢ/ S.;Beaune|
anddestination:ref:to:lanes=A 31|
, they are usually indicated using this format ;- A 31 is blue A 311 is red - why?
- Because, in case of destination:ref=*, the reference given is the one of the next road, and is supposed to be of the right colour. It is displayed on what is named in French a cartouche, a little sign over the destinations, which follows the colour convention. On the other hand, in the case of destination:ref:to=*, the ref is not the one of the next road and is not displayed in a cartouche, hence does not follow the colour convention to prevent confusion with the cartouche. For instance, compare this picture with your display; you may also look at this picture and your modelling of it. You can see, in this last case, that I forgot something: when there are both destination:to=* and destination:ref:to=*, they are supposed to be displayed side by side, apart from the other refs, but the precise location on the signs cannot be guessed. Good idea to keep a blue background for destination:ref:to=A *, I forgot to tell you that it was displayed this way.
- A 31 is blue A 311 is red - why?
- when there are destination:to=* and destination:ref:to=*, for instance
anddestination:ref:to=A 41|
, this format is used.
- destination signs are written in black over white, but it is white over green for important destinations — rules are available, but are probably way too complicated for a program —, and white over blue when the destination is reachable by motorway — may be guessed by a program, I'm unsure about this one ;
- There are exceptions, of course, but the rules are these and you can safely assume they are applied, as it will give you a good display for roughly 99% of cases. If you need more informations or just testing, tell me precisely what you need; if this additional informations, I'll give them to you as an issue in your OsmDestinationSigns Github repo. —Penegal (talk) 08:54, 3 August 2020 (UTC)
- I added the first set of rules today. It would be nice if you can give some examples (Tagged OSM way + image of the actual sign) of what is still wrong.
- - I have to think about how to get the exit lane in white colour by default - it's a bit tricky because I don't have the information where this lane leads to. --Mueschel (talk) 15:07, 8 August 2020 (UTC)