Vector tiles/Links
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This page collects links about vector tiles.
Many of the links are no longer relevant (to abandoned software or decade old blog posts). The links that are still relevant should be carefully merged to the Vector tiles article.
Much work required to turn this into a useful resource for people learning about vector tiles. Some sources:
- User:Bk#Vector-Tiling
- Tile data server
- WikiMiniAtlas/Vector tiles - Documentation for the Vector tile system currently in use by the WikiMiniAtlas, Stuff Wikimedia page
- Further work on links below; verify links and descriptions; discuss structure; integrate with Tile data server --Ikonor (talk)
Ongoing projects, people
- Michal Migurski:
- Paweł Paprota: "my personal goal is to make OWL a source of up-to-date worldwide vector tiles"
- Kai Krueger:
- "working on a geojson vector "renderer" for tirex"
- testing GSoC Data Tile Service
- Pnorman:
- Serving Vector Tiles (Nov. 2016)
- Overview of Vector Tiles (video) (Oct. 2017)
- Klokan Tech with support by HSR: OpenMapTiles
- Lukas Martinelli: Maputnik Style Editor (Open Source)
- Stefan Keller HSR (alias User:Geonick):
- Intro to Vector Tiles
- Vector Tile Reader for QGIS (Open Source)
- Alan Grant:
Student projects
- Segmentation of OpenStreetMap Data - Generating, Merging, and Distributing Tiles - Bachelor Report 09/2011, see OSMT
- OSM2VectorTiles (now OpenMapTiles) originates from a bachelor and a study thesis of Lukas Martinelli and Manuel Roth supervised by Prof. Stefan Keller (alias User:Geonick)
- 3D OSM mit WebGl? (German)
- Libraries to render vector-based maps in the browser (GIS Stack Exchange)
- dev Forum: Real Time Rendering in the Browser - Ideas how it can be done
- dev: OSM formats optimised for client-side vector rendering?
- Forum: Rendering auf dem Clientrechner (German)
- Forum: 50 km x 50 km "Chunks" (German)
- Talk-de Projektidee: Segmentierung von OSM-Daten (German)
- How to create Vector Polygons at the same amazing speeds GISCloud is able to render them?
- OpenLayers User List: GisCloud showing tons of vectors features on Web Browser
- OpenMapTiles provides the fastest way how to setup custom styled world maps with open-source software. Successor of OSM2VectorTiles.
- Internet Archive - static mirror with whole planet vector mbtiles files (snapshot from October 2020)
- Mapnik Vector Tiles - Road Lines+Labels, Land Usages, Water Areas; GeoJSON + MVT
- Freemap GeoJSON Vector Tiles - Freemap API delivers GeoJSON tiles of selected areas of the UK. Please contact me (nickw) on freemapinfo at gmail dot com if interested, to avoid bandwidth issues on my server.
It has been proposed that this page or section be merged with Vector tiles#Servers. (Discuss)
- openstreetmap-carto-vector-tiles - port of the OSM Carto style to support vector tiles.
- vector-tile-server - node.js server based on Mapnik, protocol buffers tile format, used by OpenScienceMap (according to Tile_data_server)
- Kartotherian is a vector tile server based on open-source Mapbox stack, developed by Wikimedia Foundation for use on Wikipedia.
- TileStache
- Providers
- VecTiles - MVT (Mapnik Vector Tiles) and GeoJSON from PostGIS
- Vector - GeoJSON (and others) from OGR drivers
- PostGeoJSON - GeoJSON from PostGIS
- Hand-Rolled Vector Tiles – TileStache (blog)
- Providers
- Kothic JS, json_getter-setup
- Mapnik Metawriter, Demo - replaced by UTFGrid
- Trapi - Perl, OSM SVN
- node-tileserver - node.js server which can generate GeoJSON tiles for KothicJS
- Tegola - Vector tile server from PostGIS and GeoPackage sources (Go)
- t-rex - Vector tile server from PostGIS and GDAL sources (Rust)
- mbtileserver - Vector tile server from mbtiles sources (Go)
- Tilegarden - Mapnik on AWS Lambda
- pg_tileserv
File based
- Cloudmade Vector Stream Server - SVG output
- MVT (Mapnik Vector Tiles) - binary with WKB (well-known binary), optimized for Mapnik as Client, supported by TileStache VecTiles provider, blog
- Mapbox vector tile format - A format based on Google Protocol Buffers, using a serialization of the Mapnik API
- OpenScienceMap OSciM-PBF: binary Protocol Buffers format. The current version is implemented by TileStache OSciMap4 provider. Version 2: oscim-draft.txt [1], supported by vector-tile-server [2] and TileStache OSciMap provider
- GSoC2012 Data Tile Service - similar to Kothic
- Kothic JSON: custom GeoJSON-like, supported by Kothic and TileStache JsonOSciMap provider
- GeoJSON, provided by TileStache
- Mapsforge: Specification: Mapsforge Binary Map File Format
Not specific to vector tiles:
- MBTiles is a file format (SQLite binary file) for storing tilesets incl. raster and vector tiles with metadata.
Tile layers
- Leaflet
- OpenLayers
- Strategy.Grid (Metawriter Demo, see below)
- vector-behavior sandbox OpenLayers.Grid + OpenLayers.Strategy.Grid
- Grid Strategy - feedback and few questions - what still needs to be done
- Blog: Adding Grid Strategy to the mix - make it work with the Cluster Strategy
- Ticket #2720: Refactor Layer.Grid into separate Grid class
- Strategy.TFS, Protocol.TFS: Tile Feature Strategy in OpenLayers
- OL Ticket #1401: Support for tiled WFS - State: Needs More Work
- Patch
- Polymaps - built in, clipped and unclipped, supported by TileStache
- WhirlyGlobe-Maply Supports Migurski's vector tiles[3], their own format[4], and MapBox's format[5]
- Avecado (by is a library for building Mapnik vector tiles, along with language bindings for Python and some utility programs.
- Polymaps, example:
- Cartagen, OSM-dev Cartagen - client-side vector based map renderer, dynamic maps
- Osmarender_Frontend,
- Kothic JS
- VECNIK (CartoDB, Vizzuality) - "Render Vector HTML5 maps using CartoDB and Carto as styling language, on top of ModestMaps"
- cartodb_tile_render - prototype
- Protomaps.JS - TypeScript renderer for MVT vector tiles, early alpha stage
- Mapbox GL JS
- MapLibre GL JS The open-source fork of Mapbox GL JS: Interactive maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL.
- OpenLayers 3 (in development), Blog
- Cesium
- OpenLayers Adapter - KML, Shapefile
- OpenLayers 3 integration
- OpenWebGlobe, Camptocamp news, GitHub
- - OpenStreetMap 3D Viewer and tools - XML3D
- Tangram is a WebGL solution for OpenStreetMap developed by Mapzen, also see blog posting about it.
- Harp GL
- Azure Maps
Experiments, demos
- gl-solar, webGL rendering of OSM data (blog), Demo - with Squares based on D3
- OSM Buildings - iD + three.js
- Freemap 3D
- OpenScienceMap/VectorTileMap - WebGL port of VectorTileMap, written in Java (using libgdx gwt backend). OpenScienceMap
- Google MapsGL
- Nokia HERE 3D
- MapSurfer.NET is a cartographic framework (written in C#) which allows using vector tiles as a data source
- Plain SVG CSS
- OpenLayers Styling
- MapCSS
- carto (MapBox / TileMill)
- GSS (Cartagen)
- Cascadenic (für Mapnik)
- Mapbox GL Style Spec
Native client-side libraries
- Main article: Rendering#Client-side libraries
- Main article: Frameworks#Displaying interactive maps
- Main article: Unity
- OpenLayers LineString.simplify
- Simplify.js / Leaflet
- PostGIS ST_Simplify, ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology
- TopoJSON - for topology-preserving simplification
Note: operations mentioned above can only technically be called "generalisation", full cartographic generalisation means much more complex calculations. Some information about generalisation can be found on GITTA site.
- PostGIS ST_Intersection
- Polymaps/TileStache
Vector tiles at OSM website
![]() | what is the status of this project? how people can help? |
- Migration to vector tiles issue for OSM Carto map style
- Geojson CSS
- Exploring the Future: is HTML5 the solution for GIS Applications on the World Wide Web?
- How Interactivity Works with UTFGrid
- Web mapping with vector data. Is it the future ? 2012
- GIS Cloud Starts HTML5 Mapping Revolution!
- Vector tile tutorial; not OSM specific, but notes on clients and servers
- awesome implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification