Wiki:Files used by data items/6
Files in this gallery are used by data items on this wiki through either the image (P28) or the OSM Carto image (P39) property. Below each file is a link to each item that was using the file at the time this gallery was last updated.
This gallery was last updated on 10 February 2025 by Usage Bot.
Bbqplus port melbourne ex mapillary.jpg
Item:Q22724EA outfall 251998.jpeg
Item:Q22438IMG 20231110 161746.jpg
Item:Q22522Jelenia Góra (Jagniątków) - ul. Karkonoska ex Sobieszowska.jpg
Item:Q22331Kreuzung mit Radspur.jpg
Item:Q2913Line arrangement delta.png
Item:Q22439Line arrangement horizontal.png
Item:Q22440Line arrangement semi-horizontal.png
Item:Q22441Line arrangement semi-vertical.png
Item:Q22442Line arrangement square.png
Item:Q22443Line arrangement triangular.png
Item:Q22444Line arrangement vertical.png
Item:Q22446Markings zebra.png
Item:Q22721North london shops.jpg
Item:Q22862Pipeline tulip outlet.png
Item:Q22704Ru Location underground.png
Item:Q22705Total Beacon.jpeg
Item:Q19828Wide stands 1.jpeg