WikiProject Georgia Abkhazia South-Ossetia

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For the U.S. state, see Georgia (U.S. state).

Due to political conflicts, the countries that have been in the Republic of Georgia are merged together here. As soon as the conflict there is solved - either way - the Projects will be split into separate Pages or be merged in one page.

Georgia, Western Asia

latitude: 42.12, longitude: 44.22
Browse map of Georgia 42°07′12.00″ N, 44°13′12.00″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality

Georgia is a Country in Western Asia at latitude 42°07′12.00″ North, longitude 44°13′12.00″ East.


There are four channels where mappers of Georgia can communicate:

Data Sources

Geodata, Areal imaginary and etc

Type of Data Description Status of Permission for using in OSM
Areal Imagery Tbilisi high-resolution data (TMS-like data layers).{x}&y={y}&z={z}

No permission obtained yet.
National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR)

The local community has received neither approval nor disprove from this facility. Due to this, we can't use their data.
Areal Imagery Bing's or Maxar's satellite shots Allowed. These photo layers are available in ID editor by default.
Informational Layers The responce recieved:

გაცნობებთ, რომ ჩვენს რუკებში არსებული მონაცემები არის უფასო და ყველასთვის ხელმისაწვდომი, ლიცენზიები ვცელდება მხოლოდ საფუძველ რუკებზე როგორიც არის ორთოფოტები. ყველა დანარჩენი ლეიერი რომელიც განთავსებულია დაზე არის უფასო და არ საჭიროებს არანაირ ლიცენზიას. რაც შეეხება უშუალოდ ინტერაქტიული რუკის სისტემის გამოყენებას იგი არის თბილისის მუნიციპალიტეტის მერიის საკუთრება და მასზე ვრცელდება საავტორო უფლებები. It is allowed to use non-photo layers with data for adding the objects manually or through mass import.

Heat Map Strava heat map Check the status on the corresponding OSM wiki page.
AI Suggestions Allowed.

Areal Imagery OpenAerialMap Allowed
On-ground photos Mapillary. Allowed
Street-level videos Youtube channel Канал про Грузию Allowed by its author
Georgia's Recycling Map parki ar minda recycling map Allowed by author

Books, websites, and other sources

Type of a source Subtype of a source Title Description Date of publication Archived URL
Book Encyclopedia [W]Tbilisi. Streets, Avenues, Squares (Q97360827) encyclopedia about the streets, avenues and squares of Tbilisi, Georgia 2008
Book - [W]History of Georgian Electrical Power Engineering (Q131367521) book about the history of electrical power engineering in Georgia from 1880 to 1998 1998

Names conventions


Georgian mappers decided to put only Georgian in the main name field. Names in other languages should be put in name:en, name:ru, etc tags. Please add name:ka with Georgian name as well, and name:sva for Svanian name.


Consider also adding:

Do not use abbreviations. For non-locals, TSU means nothing. Use abbreviations only(!) in the case of globally and locally known organizations - UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, GYLA, etc.

We use Mkhedruli (მხედრული) alphabet in names. It means there are no capital letters. For fast typing and autocorrection in-fly, it's recommended to use keyboards with predictive input: Google Keyboard or Yandex Keyboard.


Write the street name fully in any language. For example, instead of using an abbreviated form like "Rustaveli Avenue", it is recommended to use the complete name, such as "Shota Rustaveli Avenue". This practice helps to avoid potential confusion, especially when streets are named after entirely different individuals' names that share the same last name. Using the full name ensures that each street is uniquely identified and accurately represented in the mapping data.

Street Naming Rule for Different Languages

  • The name=* and name:ka=* tags should contain the current official Georgian name.
  • In Georgian, the name of the street is usually in the genitive case. In other languages do not include the Georgian suffix, instead, use the grammar rules of the target language. E.g. რევაზ ლაღიძის ქუჩა = Revaz Lagidze Street, not Revaz Lagidzis Street.
  • Transliteration from Georgian:
  • Add Key:name:etymology with wikidata or Wikipedia ID where possible.
  • Add old_name=* tag with the historical name and specify the time period during which the historical name was used. This helps maintain historical context. E.g. old_name:en:1953-1990=Lenin Square
Type of the Name Approach to the Translation Examples
Name of the street after a person (just a first and last name)
  1. name:xx tag:
    • Use the main name from Wikipedia article about this person in target language.
    • If there's no article, use the most common transliteration of the name (e.g. from newspapers, internet articles).
    • At the very least, use transliteration according to the rules described above.
  2. name:ru=* tag:
    • Use the genitive case for names. E.g. ზვიად გამსახურდიას ქუჩა = улица Звиада Гамсахурдии, not улица Звиада Гамсахурдия.
Example (Georgian person):
  • name = გიორგი დანელიას ქუჩა
  • name:ka = გიორგი დანელიას ქუჩა
  • name:en = Georgi Danelia Street
  • name:ru = улица Георгия Данелии

Example (foreign person):

  • name = ანა პოლიტკოვსკაიას ქუჩა
  • name:ka = ანა პოლიტკოვსკაიას ქუჩა
  • name:en = Anna Politkovskaya Street
  • name:ru = улица Анны Политковской
Name of the street after a person (a name with a title)
  1. name:xx tag: Use the most common transliteration of the name from Georgian to the target language. Do not translate the title of a person.
  2. alt_name=* tag: Include a title translated into different languages and other popular transliterations of the name. These translations are commonly used in on-ground navigation and tourist guides, making them valuable for accessibility.
  • name = თამარ მეფის ქუჩა
  • name:ka = თამარ მეფის ქუჩა
  • name:en = Tamar Mepe Street
  • name:ru = улица Тамар Мепе
  • alt_name:en = Queen Tamar Street
  • alt_name:ru = улица царицы Тамары


  • name = მეფე სოლომონ პირველის ქუჩა
  • name:ka = მეფე სოლომონ პირველის ქუჩა
  • name:en = Mepe Solomon Pirveli Street
  • name:ru = улица Мепе Соломон Пирвели
  • alt_name:en = King Solomon I Street
  • alt_name:ru = улица царя Соломона Первого
Name of the street after another place far away
  1. name:xx tag:
    • If the transliteration from Georgian doesn't sound similar to the name in the target language, retain the transliteration. For instance, use "Ialbuzi Street/улица Иалбузи" instead of "Elbrus Street/улица Эльбруса".
    • If the transliteration from Georgian sounds similar to the name in the target language, use the orthography of the target language in the proper grammatical case. For example, use "проспект Пекина" instead of "Пекинский проспект". Similarly, use "Newport" instead of "Niuporti".
  2. alt_name=* tag: If name:xx tag contains a transliteration, use alt_name:xx for a commonly used name of the place in the target language.
Example (transliteration for name:en and commonly used name for name:ru):
  • name = ზესტაფონის ქუჩა
  • name:ka = ზესტაფონის ქუჩა
  • name:en = Zestaponi Street
  • name:ru = улица Зестафони

Example (transliteration for both name:en and name:ru):

  • name = იალბუზის ქუჩა
  • name:ka = იალბუზის ქუჩა
  • name:en = Ialbuzi Street
  • name:ru = улица Иалбузи
  • alt_name:en = Elbrus Street
  • alt:name:ru = улица Эльбруса
Name of the street after an object or phenomenon
  1. name:xx tag should contain a transliteration of the official Georgian name.
  2. alt_name=* tag: Include an alt_name:xx tag with translations to different languages. These translations are commonly used in on-ground navigation and tourist guides, making them valuable for accessibility.
  • name = ცისარტყელას ქუჩა
  • name:ka = ცისარტყელას ქუჩა
  • name:en = Tsisartqela Street
  • name:ru = улица Цисарткела
  • alt_name:en = Rainbow Street
  • alt_name:ru = Радужная Улица


  • name = თავისუფლების მოედანი
  • name:ka = თავისუფლების მოედანი
  • name:en = Tavisupleba Square
  • alt_name:en = Freedom Square;Liberty Square
Name of the street after a memorial date
  1. name:xx tag should contain a transliteration of the official Georgian name.
  2. alt_name:xx tags may contain translations to different languages, according most common grammar rules of the target languages (see examples).
  • name = 26 მაისის ქუჩა
  • name:ka = 26 მაისის ქუჩა
  • name:en = 26 Maisi Street
  • name:ru = улица 26 Маиси
  • alt_name:en = 26th May Street
  • alt_name:ru = улица 26-го мая

Note that the buildings must have a specified number. We do not write any sign in front of the number, e.g. № or #. Only the building number is written. To find out the building number, if it is not indicated on the building, use the Internet, search the website of the organization and find out the address of the building from the contact info. If it's a school, you can get a list of schools, with addresses, from your local municipality. It is most reliable to ask someone who is onsite, in the building, or lives there for the building number, although sometimes it is necessary to verify the information. Keep in mind that sometimes the numbers on houses are changed, and old number may still be visible on the house/on the contact information for the local businesses.

Numbered Lanes

For Lanes and Dead-ends, there are often numerous offshoots from main roads such as

  • Shota Rustaveli Avenue
    • Shota Rustaveli 1st Lane
    • Shota Rustaveli 2nd Lane
    • Shota Rustaveli 3rd Dead-end

The way these are written on signs varies widely. In Georgian, Roman numerals should be used. In English use 1st, 2nd, etc. In Russian, use '1-й', '2-й', etc.

  • name = შოთა რუსთაველის I ჩიხი
  • name:en = Shota Rustaveli 1st Lane
  • name:ru = 1-й переулок Шота Руставели

Sometimes these lanes and dead-ends contain word "ქუჩას" (street's). For instance, სანდრო ახმეტელის ქუჩას I ჩიხი. We agreed to omit this in name:en, name:ru and other name:xx tags. So, სანდრო ახმეტელის ქუჩას I ჩიხი = Sandro Akhmeteli 1st Dead-end.

Road Type

Use the full street type in the name tags for roads to ensure reliable, consistent, and unambiguous data for various applications. The street type name should start with the capital letter in English and with the lowercase letter in Russian.

While abbreviating street types like "Street" to "St" or "ქუჩა" to "ქ" may seem convenient, it can lead to confusion and ambiguities. For example, the abbreviation "St" can be interpreted as both "Street" and "Saint," depending on the context.

Road Types in Georgian Abbreviation in Georgian Road Types in English Road Types in Russian
ქუჩა ქ. Street улица
გამზირი გამზ. Avenue проспект
ბულვარი Boulevard бульвар
ჩიხი Dead-end / Dead End / Deadend тупик
შესახვევი შეს. Lane / Alley / Turn переулок
გასასვლელი Path / Exit проезд / съезд

Assistant tools

For sequential renaming you can use this tool. Keep in mind, that it works only with NAPR street naming (with some exclusions) and can't correctly operate with Russian nouns' cases


For public schools fill in the following tags in the following format:

grades=1-12 may vary, but most of the public schools teach 1-12
language:ka=main default for schools teaching in Georgian
language:en=yes if there is additional sector for a foreign language students
name=№* საჯარო სკოლა same as name:ka
name:en=Public School N*
name:ka=№* საჯარო სკოლა use the short form of the school name from the official name
name:ru=Публичная школа №*
official_name:ka=სსიპ - ქალაქ თბილისის №* საჯარო სკოლა the official name may include the name of a person or be a custom one, check on the catalogue:
operator=საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო

Disputed place names

Please see Disputes and WikiProject Cyprus#Disputed place names for more information


  • For the tag "name", please use the name that people who are living in that area are using (See On the Ground Rule)
  • The "int_name" and "official_name" tags can also be used, but editors must be absolutely sure that the name they want to use is correct
  • If the name was changed only in Abkhazian/Osetian, but Georgian left the same, name:ka=*old name*, in other languages - actual name
  • Deleting, reverting and editing place names in a way that goes against OSM rules will be considered as Vandalism
"name" tag convention

IF place is in South Ossetia

THEN use Ossetic or/and Russian place name

ELSE IF place is in Abkhazia

THEN use Abkhazian or/and Russian place name


use Georgian place name

Administrative Divisions

Georgia is divided into various divisions. There is a proposal for including the Autonomous Republics, Regions, Districts, and Disputed Territories here. Feel free to discuss and to contribute on that page: Administrative Divisions of Georgia

Street Network

User moszkva ter is working on a page Road Tagging in Georgia, where the following content will be expanded. Afterward, it will be deleted from this page.


European and Asian highways through Georgia

E-Roads (European roads)

Road name Highway trace
Tabliczka E60.svg E60 RO - Poti - Senaki - Samtredia - Kutaisi - Khashuri - Gori - Mtskheta - Tbilisi - Rustavi - Tsiteli Khidi - AZ
Tabliczka E70.svg E70 TR - Sarpi - Batumi - Kobuleti - Supsa - Poti - BG
Tabliczka E97.svg E97 RU - Leselidze - Sokhumi - Gali - Zugdidi - Senaki - Poti - Grigoleti - Batumi - Sarpi - TR
Tabliczka E117.svg E117 RU - Larsi - Mtskheta - Tbilisi - Marneuli - Bolnisi - Kazreti - Guguti - AM
Tabliczka E001.svg E001 AM - Marneuli - Sadakhlo
Tabliczka E691.svg E691 AM - Ninotsminda - Akhalkalaki - Akhaltsikhe - Vale - TR
Tabliczka E692.svg E692 Grigoleti - Lanchuti - Samtredia

AH-Roads (Asian Highways)

Road name Highway trace
Tabliczka AH5.svg AH5 AZ - Red Bridge - Rustavi - Tbilisi - Senaki - Poti - Batumi - Sarpi - TR
Tabliczka AH81.svg AH81 Larsi - Natakhtari - Mtskheta - Tbilisi - Rustavi - Tbilisi - Marneuli - Sadakhlo - AM
Tabliczka AH82.svg AH82 RU - Leselidze - Sukhumi - Gali - Zugdidi - Senaki - Khashuri - Akhaltsikhe - Ninotsminda - AM

As of October 2011, all AH-routes are included as relations according to the Asia/Asian Highway Network.

Roads of "international importance" in Georgia

Road of international importance

Road of international importance (საერთაშორისო მნიშვნელობის გზა)[1][2]
Local name Road name in latin Highway trace Length (km) Somehow represented in OSM
S1-GE.svg ს 1 S1 Tbilisi - Senaki - Leselidze (Gyachrypsh) - RU 542.7 Yes
S2-GE.svg ს 2 S2 Senaki - Poti - Sarpi - TR 119.5 Yes
S3-GE.svg ს 3 S3 Mtskheta - Stepantsminda - Larsi - RU 139.0 Partially[3]
S4-GE.svg ს 4 S4 Tbilisi - Tsiteli Khidi - AZ 57.0 Partially[3]
S5-GE.svg ს 5 S5 Tbilisi - Bakurtsikhe - Lagodekhi - AZ 160.0 Partially[3]
S6-GE.svg ს 6 S6 Ponichala - Marneuli - Guguti - AM 98.0 Partially[3]
S7-GE.svg ს 7 S7 Marneuli - Sadakhlo - AM 34.0 Partially[3]
S8-GE.svg ს 8 S8 Khaluri - Akhaltsikhe - TR 97.0 Partially[3]
S9-GE.svg ს 9 S9 Tbilisi - North-East-Bypass 49.0 Partially[3]
S10-GE.svg ს 10 S10 Gori - Tskhinkali - Gufta - Java - Roki - RU 92.5 Partially[3]
S11-GE.svg ს 11 S11 Akhaltsikhe - Ninotsminda - AM 112.0 Partially[3]
S12-GE.svg ს 12 S12 Samtredia - Lanchkhuti - Grigoleti 56.2 Partially[3]
S13-GE.svg ს 13 S13 Akhalkalaki - Kartsakhi - TR 36.5 Partially[3]

Georgian letter San (S): Stands for a long-distance-route, some are marked as Euro-Route. This is not necessary a dual-carriageway-route, but there are Six-Ways that fit into a highway/motorway. highway=motorway or highway=trunk if dual carriageway / highway=primary else.

Road of domestic importance (შიდასახელმწიფოებრივი მნიშვნელობის გზა)

See here

Georgian letter Shin (Sh): Secondary highways, maintained by the state. Some are in very good condition, some are unpaved and only passable with a 4x4-vehicle. numbers შ 1 to 44 seem to be more important and connect important cities and remote regions over longer distances. But only according to the number, it is not possible to determine the general condition. Tag as highway=secondary if several of the following conditions apply:

  • they connect regions and/or bigger cities to the network of ს-roads,
  • they provide shortcuts or attractive alternative routings to ს-roads,
  • they are in relatively good condition - not necessarily paved but at least driveable with a normal car, during most weather conditions,
  • they are somehow signposted,
  • they have significant amount of non-local traffic.

Tag as highway=tertiary if they do not qualify as a secondary highway.

Unnumbered Roads (rural):

Tag as highway=tertiary if they connect to several villages, else as highway=unclassified. It is difficult to make a definite classification scheme, but you can judge by general state of the road, signposting, amount of traffic and so on. Use common sense. Also, tertiary routes (and higher) should form a network, they should have dead-ends only in exceptions, e.g. valleys without exit.

Please use the keys smoothness=*, surface=*, smoothness=*, or tracktype=* to describe the condition and usability of roads, especially the bad ones.

Unnumbered Roads (Tbilisi and other major cities):

Major throughways (connecting primary highways) are classified as primary. Other important roads that interconnect bigger neighbourhoods are classified as secondary. Local collector roads are classified as tertiary. Primary roads that are dual carriageway and do not have many 4-way-crossings, traffic lights and access to private properties can be upgraded to trunk highway. Note, that in Tbilisi, and probably also in other big cities, city roads don't wear numbers, so use common sense for classification.


Local community created a preset compatible with JOSM and Vespucci with common organisations in this region. You can get it from here

Statistics Data

"National Statistics Office of Georgia" is the central authority responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating official statistics in Georgia. Often referred to as GeoStat (Georgian Statistics) or Sakstat (Sakartvelo Statistics).

The specific types of information that SakStat or GeoStat can provide include:

  1. Demographics: Population size, distribution, age structure, ethnicity, migration patterns, and other demographic characteristics.
  2. Economy: Economic indicators such as GDP, inflation, employment rates, trade statistics, investment data, and more.
  3. Social Indicators: Information about education, healthcare, poverty rates, housing, and other social factors.
  4. Agriculture: Data on crop production, livestock, land use, and agricultural productivity.
  5. Industry: Information about manufacturing, mining, energy production, and other industrial activities.
  6. Environment: Environmental statistics, including pollution levels, natural resource usage, and conservation efforts.
  7. Geographic Information: Geospatial data and maps that provide insights into the geographical distribution of various factors.
  8. Tourism: Statistics related to tourism, including the number of visitors, accommodation data, and tourism revenue.
  9. Trade and Commerce: Information about imports, exports, trade balances, and trade partners.
  10. Labor Market: Data on employment rates, unemployment rates, wages, and workforce composition.

You can access the data via this link

Settlements and Cities


Konstantin Remnev had compiled a detailed spreadsheet encompassing the entirety of Georgian settlements, sourced from Georgian Wikipedia, and organized by region, municipality, and population. The spreadsheet provides great value for the OSM community by offering a distinct WikiData ID to each entry and indicating whether specific settlements have already been tagged within the OSM database.

The purpose of this spreadsheet is to facilitate the linking of OpenStreetMap objects with their corresponding entries on Wikidata using the wikidata=* tag. This allows for better data integration and verification across platforms. Additionally, the spreadsheet could serve as a resource for individuals to review, update, and correct settlement information, and it could potentially aid in identifying missing settlements or removing redundant ones.

The spreadsheet can be accessed via the link. Use the 'Main' and 'Instructions' tabs to get directions.

Issues with settlements on OSM to be fixed

The most common issues with settlements are:

  • Typos or mistakes in name tags.
  • Deprecated is_in=* tag.
  • Missing name:ka=* tag.


Data from OSMLanduse, calculated approximately:

City:en City:ka Landuse coverage
Tbilisi თბილისი ~70%
Kutaisi ქუთაისი ~70%
Batumi ბათუმი ~80%
Rustavi რუსთავი ~50%
Sokhumi სოხუმი ~50%
Zugdidi ზუგდიდი 100%[4]
Gori გორი ~80%
Poti ფოთი ~65%
Tskhinvali ცხინვალი ~50%
Samtredia სამტრედია ~80%
Khashuri ხაშური 100%[4]
Senaki სენაკი 100%[4]
Zestaponi ზესტაფონი 100%[4]
Telavi თელავი 100%[4]
Marneuli მარნეული 100%[4]
Kobuleti ქობულეთი ~50%
Tkvarcheli ტყვარჩელი 100%[4]
Ozurgeti ოზურგეთი ~40%
Akhaltsikhe ახალციხე 100%[4]
Tzkaltubo წყალტუბო ~50%
Ochamchire ოჩამჩირე 100%[4]
Kaspi კასპი 100%[4]
Borjomi ბორჯომი 100%[4]
Tkibuli ტყიბული 100%[5][4]
Chiatura ჭიათურა 100%[5][4]
Sagarejo საგარეჯო 100%[4]
Gali გალი 100%[5][4]
Gudauta გუდაუთა 100%[4]
Gardabani გარდაბანი 100%[4]
Khoni ხონი 0%
Surami სურამი 100%[4]

Tagging Conventions

Tagging Governmental Landuse in Georgia

Following a resolution by the OSM Georgian community, the recommended tag for governmental landuses in Georgia is landuse=institutional.

This decision aims to unify and improve the consistency of tagging governmental areas within the country. While other tags like landuse=civic_admin or landuse=commercial might be used in other regions, for Georgia, please use landuse=institutional for any area primarily dedicated to governmental buildings and facilities.

Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage monuments from the list by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia can be tagged with heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nachpg + ref:GE:nachpg=*, like here: way Former Saint Theodosius church. A link to the corresponding entry in this list can also be provided using heritage:website=*, but bear in mind that this site uses a different enumeration than the official list.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Georgia should be tagged with heritage=1 + heritage:operator=whc + ref:whc=*, like here: way Gelati Monastery Complex. Tags heritage:operator=nachpg + ref:GE:nachpg=* can be added as well, but heritage=1 takes priority over heritage=2.

The object should also have a link to the corresponding Wikidata item, which can be found using this form. Note that in some cases there may be duplicated entries at Wikidata for the same real-life object (e. g. one with links migrated from Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons, and another with data from the cultural heritage list, like it was here: 1 vs. 2). Such entries should be merged using Special:MergeItems.


  1. From Wikipedia
  2. By Roads Department of Georgia
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 As ref on road
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 Whole city is covered as a big one landuse
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 A city currently doesn't have borders and represented as a node