XC Map Changelog
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- New: routing for XC trails
- New: weather data for trails
- New: editable trail status
- New: experimental relation sanity checking (notice the warning for some relations)
- Fix: distribute overlapping POIs on zoom-level > 9
- Fix: also works with chrome and firefox now
- Fix: reduced number of POIs on low zoom levels
- track coverage is now worldwide
- switched from local DEM DB (D/A/CH coverage only) to topocoding.com - worldwide coverage for altitude profiles
- tracks in the currently visible map area are shown in the sidebar
- added Nominatim based map search
- using http://gitorious.org/ajax-proxy for the Nominatim access
- redesigned overall layout a bit
- switched to local XAPI interface
- currently, the available XAPI interfaces are slow and unreliable. I therefor create a pgsnapshot based local DB which only includes XC tracks (relations, ways, nodes - tagged as described in Loipemap). This DB is presently updated on a weekly basis (due to CPU and disk space constraints)
- started this with coverage for Europe only
- local XAPI interface is based on https://github.com/iandees/xapi-servlet
- added altitude profile diagrams for tracks