There are many contributors to OpenStreetMap. There are over one million registered OpenStreetMap users (stats).
It is impossible to adequately acknowledge the many individuals who survey their neighbourhoods with GPS and notepad to contribute the most complete, most current, most accurate data to OpenStreetMap. Also, some publishers (listed and attributed below) allow their data to be included in OpenStreetMap.
If you are looking for how to attribute OSM, see Legal FAQ
You may wish to try and find a list of contributors in a specific area. You can do this by browsing to the desired area, and moving to the 'history' tab, which displays details of all changesets intersecting this area. Generally the display includes a large number of 'big' changesets which covered a big area, and which are less likely to include significant updates actually within your desired area (but can't be sure). Using the data layer might be the better option to view the contributors to a single map object.
You can find users who have last edited all elements in an area. This information is returned in map call e.g. the data you get when you download an area in JOSM. This can also be visualised using OSM Mapper. However this may be discounting the original creators of elements (possibly a more important contribution). You can find the original creator of an element, and all users who have since edited the element, by querying its history. Through the API, your query would be of the form http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/<objtype>/<id>/history where <objtype> is: 'way' or 'node' and <id> is the ID number of the item. This would have to be performed for every node and way within the area.
Contributor specific attribution and disclaimer
In addition to the individual contributions from our members, several commercial and government bodies have contributed and / or permitted to be contributed their data to OpenStreetMap. This may only be a partial list. Imports are also listed at Import/Catalogue
Global / Multiple Countries
GADM (Global Administrative Areas)
Borders in Turkey, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Syria are derived from GADM data. We have been given explicit permission to distribute the datasets for these countries under OSM licensing condistions, including commercial use.
Please note that the normal GADM licence prohibits commercial use and GADM datasets are not legal data for inclusion in OSM without explicit permission from GADM.
More information on GADM can be found on the GADM website.
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission)
SRTM is an elevation dataset covering most of the globe.
ADD (Antarctic Digital Database)
The Antarctic Digital Database is copyright (c) 1993-2013 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. OpenStreetMap may use this data by permission of the SCAR.
Information in the Antarctic Digital Database has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but its accuracy and completeness, and the validity of the opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed. As every effort has been made to provide accurate information in this database, SCAR would appreciate it if users could indicate in writing any errors that may be noticed. SCAR is not inviting reliance on these data, and the user should always check original published data. The information in this database is subject to change.
See the ADD terms for specific warnings concerning use of the data.
Australian government public information datasets
Contains data from Australian government public information datasets. The original datasets are available from the Australian government data website under Creative Commons - Attribution 2.5 Australia (CC-BY) and Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC-BY). We have also been given explicit permission to incorporate and publish such CC-BY licensed geographic coordinate datasets under a free and open license, including the Open Database License, provided that primary attribution is made here and that each dataset used is also listed here in the format Dataset Name, Date Published, License, Agency Name, originally retrieved from http://data.australia.gov.au:
- National Parks and Asset Locations (South Australia), 29 October 2009, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Department for Environment and Heritage (SA), originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/589
- Police Station Locations (VIC), 16 October 2009, CC-BY 3.0 Australia, Victoria Police, originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/406
- Location of ACT Schools (ACT), 2008-11, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Department of Education and Training (ACT), originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/717
- TOLT – Public Toilets (ACT), 15 September 2009, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) (ACT), originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/dataset/tolt-public-toilets-act
- Barbeques (ACT), 15 September 2009, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) (ACT), originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/716
- Queensland Castradal boundaries, unknown publication date, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, unknown agency, originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/152 [dead link]
- Vicmap Lite Local Government, 1 January 2010, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Department of Sustainability and Environment (VIC), originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/1989
- Vicmap Lite Rivers, 1 January 2010, CC-BY 2.5 Australia, Department of Sustainability and Environment, originally retrieved from http://data.gov.au/2035
- Vicmap Transport, CC-BY 3.0 Australia , Department of Environment and Primary Industries, originally retried from http://www.data.vic.gov.au/raw_data/vicmap-transport-scale-various/4840
- Vicmap Hydro, CC-BY 3.0 Australia , Department of Environment and Primary Industries, originally retried from http://www.data.vic.gov.au/raw_data/vicmap-hydro-1-25-000/5162
- Vicmap Admin, CC-BY 3.0 Australia , Department of Environment and Primary Industries, originally retried from http://www.data.vic.gov.au/raw_data/vicmap-admin/4866 [dead link]
- Vicmap Address, CC-BY 3.0 Australia , Department of Environment and Primary Industries, originally retried from http://www.data.vic.gov.au/raw_data/address-vicmap-address/5223
- Vicmap LITE, CC-BY 3.0 Australia , Department of Environment and Primary Industries, originally retried from http://www.data.vic.gov.au/raw_data/vicmap-lite/5016
Contains suburbs data based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data.
- See ABS website for more information
ABS data sets in use:
- SSC_2011_AUST
The above permission *may* also extend to the following datasets also incorporated. This is being investigated (2011-09-22).
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Suburb boundaries, probably a 2009 version of State Suburbs ASGS Non ABS Structures Ed 2011 http://data.gov.au/4105
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Postal Code boundaries. Not yet imported?
- Bureau of Meteorology GWeather stations ftp://ftp.bom.gov.au/anon2/home/ncc/metadata/sitelists/
- Queensland police stations
- Queensland national parks, state forests and conservation areas
New South Wales Geographic Names Board place names
Contains place names originally retrieved from New South Wales Geographic Names Board . This material is licensed as per http://www.gnb.nsw.gov.au/copyright and copyright is subject to the operation of the Copyright Act 1968, vested in the Crown in the right of the State of New South Wales.
South Australian Government data
Contains data from South Australian government public information datasets. The original datasets are available from the South Australian government data directory under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. Where specific licence terms (such as Creative Commons) are applied to datasets, those licence terms shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions in this statement. We have also been given explicit permission to incorporate and publish such CC-BY licensed geographic coordinate datasets under a free and open license, including the Open Database License, provided that primary attribution is made here and that each dataset used is also listed here in the format Dataset Name, Date Published, License, Publishing Organisation Name, originally retrieved from http://data.sa.gov.au
- Roads, 28 May 2013, CC-BY 3.0 Australia, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, originally retrieved from http://www.data.sa.gov.au/dataset/roads
- Water bodies, 3 Jan 2013, CC-BY 3.0 Australia, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, originally retrieved from https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/Water-Resources/Surface-Water/SitePages/Downloads.aspx
Queensland Government data (Department of Transport and Main Roads - TMR)
We have been given explicit permission to incorporate Transport and Main Roads datasets sourced through the Queensland Government data portal. The following statement has been provided for attribution purposes:
"Contains data from Queensland government public information datasets. The original datasets are available from the Queensland Government data portal and are subject to Creative Commons licensing. This permission is granted provided that attribution of each dataset used is given in the format Dataset Name, Date Published, Licence, Transport and Main Roads, originally retrieved from http://data.qld.gov.au"
- General transit feed specification (GTFS)—qconnect, 24 December 2013, CC-BY 3.0 Australia, Transport and Main Roads, originally retrieved from http://data.qld.gov.au
- General transit feed specification (GTFS)—SEQ, 24 December 2013, CC-BY 3.0 Australia, Transport and Main Roads, originally retrieved from http://data.qld.gov.au
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio).
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT).
Rio Grande do Sul
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by Labgeo/UFRGS in the following publication: Hasenack, H.; Weber, E.; Marcuzzo, S. (org.). Diagnóstico Ambiental de Porto Alegre: Geologia, Solos, Drenagem, Vegetação e Ocupação. Porto Alegre: Secretaria Municipal do Meio Ambiente, 2008. 84 p.
Natural Resources Canada
The Licensee shall identify GeoBase® as a data source where any of the Data are redistributed, or contained within Derivative Products, and use of the Data shall not be construed as an endorsement by GeoBase® of those Derivative Products.
© Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved. Use of the Data shall not be construed as an endorsement by Canada of any Derivative Products.
© Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved. Use of the Data shall not be construed as an endorsement by Canada of any Derivative Products.
© Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved. Use of the Data shall not be construed as an endorsement by Canada of any Derivative Products.
Source: Geography Division, Statistics Canada, 2008 Road Network File, catalogue number 92-500-XWE, 92-500-XWF
- The incorporation of data sourced from Statistics Canada within this product shall not be construed as constituting an endorsement by Statistics Canada of such product.
British Columbia
OSM may contain information from DataBC or derived from DataBC data. This information is provided by the Province of British Columbia under the Open Government License for Government of BC Information v.BC1.0
DataBC products are a mixture of vector and raster products. Where OpenStreetMap contributors have made use of raster data (mapping images) then any data from these within the OpenStreetMap database will have been derived, principally by hand tracing. Where DataBC products were made available in vector format, these may have been partially or completely imported into OpenStreetMap as modified vector data. Modification may include subtle positional modification, modification of data attributes, updating of data or integration of data with other data.
The Government of BC does not endorse OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap's use of DataBC product data.
More information can be found on the DataBC wiki page.
Canadian Municipalities
OpenStreetMap data may include data from the City of Edmonton. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Alberta.
OpenStreetMap data may include data from the City of Surrey licensed under the PDDL.
OpenStreetMap data may include public sector Datasets made available under the City of Toronto's Open Data Licence v2.0. License Data
Waterloo Region
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo under licence. License Data
Some post-earthquake data in and around Port-au-Prince Haiti is derived by permission from images copyright GeoEye.
On 14 January 2010, GeoEye granted OpenStreetMap permission to derive data from a limited set of their aerial images related to the Haiti earthquake of Tuesday 12 January 2010. Find more information on the WikiProject Haiti Page.
Dirección de Vialidad - Ministerio de Obras Publica
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Dirección de Vialidad (Roads Department) from the Ministerio de Obras Públicas (Ministry of Public Works).
Coordinación General de Transportes de Santiago
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Coordinación General de Transportes de Santiago (General Transportation Coordinator of Santiago) including several thousand bus stops in Santiago.
Secretaría de Planificación de Transporte (SECTRA)
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Secretaria de Planificación de Transporte.
Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago including schools for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago.
Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE)
OpenStreetMap data may include information provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, including streetnames for the biggest cities in Chile.
- City of Vienna (Stadt Wien) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since May 2011).
- City of Linz (Stadt Linz) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since December 2011).
- City of Graz (Stadt Graz) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since June 2012).
- City of Salzburg (Stadt Salzburg) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since June 2012).
- Federal State of Vorarlberg (Land Vorarlberg) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since May 2012).
- Federal State of Tyrol (Land Tirol) licensed "gemäß CC BY 3.0 AT samt Erweiterungen zur Lizenz" (CC BY 3.0 AT with amendments) (since May 2012).
- Republic of Austria (Republik Österreich) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since April 2012).
- Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since June 2012).
- Federal State of Styria (Land Steiermark, GIS-Steiermark) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since January 2013[1]).
- Federal State of Styria (Land Steiermark, OGD-Portal) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since April 2013).
- Federal State of Lower Austria (Land Niederösterreich) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since April 2013).
- Federal State of Carinthia (Land Kärnten) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since June 2013).
- Federal State of Salzburg (Land Salzburg) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since July 2014).
- geoimage.at(wiki) (collaboration of state administrations) under special license (for OSM) (since October 2010).
- basemap.at(wiki) (collaboration of state administrations) under CC BY 3.0 AT (since November 2012).
fill in here
C.I.R.B. UrbIS
Release lot of data under Open licence compatible with « Open Government Licence » (OGL) , CC-BY 2.0 and Open Data Commons Attribution » (ODC-BY) from Open Knowledge Foundation.
AGIV contributed the dataset CRAB under the Flemish OpenData Licence (see AGIV_CRAB_Import).
De Lijn (Transport company for Flanders )
Openstreetmap contains data about public transport with permission from De Lijn, the public transport company in the region of 'Vlaanderen' in Belgium. This permission does not mean Openstreetmap is endorsed by De Lijn. Technical solutions are being implemented by Openstreetmap contributors to keep the data accurate and up-to-date on a best effort basis. There are no guarantees however that the data is fit for any purpose.
TEC SRWT (Transport company for Wallonia)
TEC released the data of all the bus/tram stop locations and routes under a CC-BY 4.0 International License. (http://opendata.awt.be/dataset/tec)
Danish Geodata Agency
Provide a 100 % aerial imagery coverage of Denmark in 10 cm resolution. License information. It's like a CC-BY licens more information in danish.
Fugro Aerial Mapping
Provided a complete set of aerial imagery covering all of Denmark for use by OpenStreetMap. More details can be found here.
Haderslev municipality
Provided a set of data such as parking areas, schools, hotels etc. More details can be found here (in Danish)
Provided a dump of all address points from 2002. More details here.
Kolding municipality
Provided building data (and more?).
OIOREST Geoservicen
Web service run by IT & Telestyrelsen which provides access to updated address data. License information.
Stevns municipality
Provided a comprehensive set of data including buildings, water features, roads as well as high-resolution aerial imagery covering Stevns. More info here.
City of Tampere
Contains open data provided by the City of Tampere, including:
- Bus stops, 2012 revision. Data has been modified.
See licence information.
National Land Survey of Finland
Contains data from the National Land Survey of Finland Topographic Database 08/2013. License.
Contains cadastral data sourced from Direction Générale des Impôts.
Baden-Württemberg 
Seit dem 17.01.2013 stellt Baden-Württemberg gewisse amtliche Geodaten kostenlos unter CC-BY 3.0 zur Verfügung. In der zugehörigen Pressemitteilung wird OpenStreetMap erwähnt. Die Namensnennung hat in folgender Weise zu erfolgen: "Datenquelle: LGL, www.lgl-bw.de".
Bayern 
Im Rahmen der OpenData-Bewegung gibt die Bayrische Vermessungsverwaltung folgende Daten zur Nutzung für OSM frei:
- Freizeitwege
- DOP 2m
- Verwaltungsgrenzen
- Geländemodell 200m
(aber NICHT Topo 50)
Es gelten die selben Nutzungs-Bedingungen wie beim Pilotprojekt "Luftbilder aus Bayern":
Die Daten bleiben im Besitz der Bayerischen Vermessungsverwaltung, dürfen aber zum Abzeichnen benutzt werden.
Abgeleitete Daten - also OSM-Elemente - gehören OSM und dürfen unter der OSM-Lizenz veröffentlicht werden. --Markus 19:55, 14 December 2011 (UTC)
Under CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 German License (Datenquelle: Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung – www.geodaten.bayern.de). See [1] for more information. Only the data licensed under CC-BY may be used for OSM!
Stadt Erlangen
Die Stadt Erlangen stellt ihr Luftbild 2013 unter der Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY 3.0 DE) zur Verfügung © Stadt Erlangen | © Aerowest GmbH
Die Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (SenStadtUm) stellt seit dem 1. Oktober Geodaten unter an CC-BY angelehnten Nutzungsbedingungen bereit. Die in § 2 geforderte erkennbare und in optischem Zusammenhang Einbindung der Quellenverweise wird lt. SenStadtUm nur gefordert, wenn die Geodaten einen überwiegenden Anteil im Folgewerk haben. Wenn die veränderten Geodaten nur einen untergeordneten Anteil an dem Folgeprodukt haben, dann kann der Quellenvermerk für abgeleitete Werke auch an einer anderen Stelle (also hier) angebracht werden.
Der Quellenvermerk lautet: "Geoportal Berlin / [Titel des Datensatzes]" und sollte in das source-Tag der Changesets aufgenommen werden.
Bremen 
Auf dem Portal www.daten.bremen.de stellt die bremische Verwaltung Datensätze zur Verfügung. Diese können aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen stammen z.B. Umwelt, Verkehr, Wetter, Statistik, Geoinformationswesen, Bildung, Gesundheit oder Finanzen.
Von OSM werden davon vollständig oder teilweise genutzt.
- Umweltbetrieb Bemen (UBB):Hundekotbehälterstandorte in Bremen
Als Referenz wird das Feld STRASSE benutzt.
- Umweltbetrieb Bremen (UBB):Parkbänke in öffentlichen Grünanlagen und auf kommunalen Friedhöfen.
Als Referenz wird das Feld OBJECTID benutzt.Die Zuordnung zum Datensatz der bremischen Verwaltung ist durch folgendes Tag gegeben. ref:ubb:bench=*
Hamburg 
Die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg stellt im Rahmen des Hamburgisches Transparenzgesetz (HmbTG) folgende WMS-Dienste des Stadtgebietes und Neuwerk kostenfrei für die kommerzielle und nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung bereit:
- Geobasisdaten (DK5, DISK20, DISK60, DIRK150, DIRK600)
- DOP 40 cm
Die Namensnennung der Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg als Rechteinhaber hat in folgender Weise zu erfolgen:
Quelle: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung, <Jahr>
Verkürzt z.B.: HH LGV 2012
NRW 
Die Stadt Köln, Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik veröffentlicht durch E-Government und Online-Dienste unter www.offenedaten-koeln.de u.a. die amtlichen Geodaten als Shape-Dateien unter ccby3.0de. Unter anderem wurden veröffentlicht: administrative Grenzen (level6-11) und Adressen des Stadtgebietes.
Das OpenData-Portal der Stadt Moers stellt Datensätze zum Download bereit. Die Datensätze stehen weitestgehend unter der Datenlizenz Deutschland. Für die Nutzung der Daten in der OpenStreetMap ist das Objekt mit Tag:source=offenedaten.moers.de zu taggen. Außerdem wird empfohlen, den DE:Changeset ebenfalls mit Tag:source=offenedaten.moers.de zu versehen. Sollte an einem Objekt mehrere Quellen verwendet worden sein, so sollten die Werte entweder mit Semikolon getrennt werden (source=bing;offenedaten.moers.de) oder mehrere key:sources eintragen (source:addr=offenedaten.moers.de und source:geo=bing).
(Dieser Artikel wird in Kürze noch weiter ausgestaltet)
A vast amount of data has been imported from Corine Land Cover Hungary. (We attempted to mark all these relations with the tags either "source"="CLC_HUN" or "source"="© EEA, Koppenhága (2009); Készítette a FÖMI a KvVM megbízásából (2009)".)
Source of the data: © EEA, Koppenhága (2009); Készítette a FÖMI a KvVM megbízásából (2009), which translates to: © EEA, Copenhagen (2009); Made by FÖMI on behalf of KvVM (2009)
See [2] (in Hungarian).
Contains data from City of Torino Technical map 2012 provided by Geoportale Comune di Torino released under CC-By 2.5 license. See this page for details (in Italian)
Contains data from based maps of City of Palermo provided by CARTA TECNICA COMUNALE - UNITÀ VOLUMETRICHE released under - CC BY 4.0.
Contains data from based maps of City of Venice provided by Cartografia di base del Comune di venezia released under IODL 2.0 - Italian Open Data License.
Contains data from:
and others. See Lithuanian data sources page for more details
Donated 30GB of tracks (available under NorcTracks account) and the possibility to derive data from their street-view like images for all the countries. See Norc website for more information.
Bergen kommune
Bergen kommune has provided data on playgrounds in Bergen under the Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD). More information.
Kartverket (Norwegian Mapping Authority)
Contains data from Kartverket (Norwegian Mapping Authority) released under the CC BY 4.0 licence. More information.
Miljødirektoratet (Norwegian Environment Agency)
Contains data from Miljødirektoratet (Norwegian Environment Agency). More information.
Sørum kommune
Sørum kommune has provided geodata with foot and cycle routes and cross-country ski pistes in Sørum municipality, which is included in OpenStreetMap with from Sørum kommune. More information.
By permission of NLOD license: "Inneholder data under Norsk lisens for offentlige data (NLOD) tilgjengeliggjort av Kolumbus (http://www.kolumbus.no) “. position, ref and name for highway=bus_stops merged into OSM from from kolumbus.no's GTFS stops.txt.
- UMP pcPL
Contains data from the UMP pcPL project (http://ump.waw.pl/ and also in English) and owned by this project's contributors. This is a community project in Poland very similar in spirit to OSM but with a focus on providing very high-quality road data for Garmin GPS devices.
- Data from gminas and powiats
Contains data from:
- Urząd Miasta Bytom
- Urząd Miasta Katowice
- Urząd Miasta Zabrze
Zaragoza City Council
Data from Zaragoza Open Data under next terms (this is a free translation, you can read original terms in spanish):
- It is prohibited to detract the meaning of information.
- Source must be quoted in the documents of reuse. This quote can be made this way: "source=Zaragoza City Council (or proper administrative office)".
- Date of last update must be quoted if available in the original datasource.
- It is prohibited to suggest that Zaragoza City Council participates, sponsors or supports the reuse which is carried out with the information.
- Included metadata about date of update and reuse terms must be included in destination document. They can't be modified or deleted.
Barcelona City Council (CartoBCN)
Data downloaded from CartoBCN under the Creative Commons - Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) (this is a summary, you can read the original document in catalan)
Confederacción Hidrográfica del Segura
Data dowloaded from Cartography under CC-By-3.0. You can read in [3]
Communal and other administrative borders imported with permission from SwissTopo
Data derived from orthophotos supplied by the Canton Aargau AGIS (see Switzerland/AGIS) .
Building outlines and addresses imported from the Canton Basel Stadt (Geodaten Kanton Basel Stadt)
Includes Skåneleden hiking trails provided by Stiftelsen Skånska Landskap. See Skåneleden project page for more details.
United Kingdom
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
Data from the Food Safety Agency's Food Hygiene Rating Scheme are licensed under the OGL.
Attribution: "© Crown copyright and database right [year]."
See Food Hygiene Rating System for more details
Ordnance Survey OpenData
The OpenStreetMap Database covering the United Kingdom "Contains Ordnance Survey Data © Crown copyright and database right 2010." Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.
Specifically OpenStreetMap has used products released by Ordnance Survey as part of the OpenData™ suite on 1st April 2010. OpenStreetMap contributors are asked to also add a source tag to data entered into OpenStreetMap where this has specifically originated from an Ordnance Survey OpenData™ product.
Ordnance Survey OpenData™ products are a mixture of vector and raster products. Where OpenStreetMap contributors have made use of raster data (mapping images) then any data from these within the OpenStreetMap database will have been derived, principally by hand tracing. Where Ordnance Survey OpenData™ products were made available in vector format, these may have been partially or completely imported into OpenStreetMap as modified vector data. Modification may include subtle positional modification or modification of data attributes.
Ordnance Survey does not endorse OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap's use of Ordnance Survey OpenData™ product data.
Ordnance Survey OpenData™ products and OpenStreetMap
Natural England data
Natural England have provided some datasets under the Open Government License.
Attribution: "© Natural England copyright 2012. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012."
Public Rights of Way Data from local councils
The following councils have given permission for certain data they hold on public rights of way to be used in OpenStreetMap. These data are not the only source used to help map rights of way in OSM, and the use of these data does not imply that OSM's representation of public rights of way is complete or accurate. Nor does the use imply that the councils endorse OSM or its use of the information.
- Hertfordshire -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information from Hertfordshire County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
- Norfolk -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information from Norfolk County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
- Nottingham City Council -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]."
- Oxfordshire -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information from Oxfordshire County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
- Suffolk -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information © Suffolk County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. The information should not be presumed to be accurate."
- Worcestershire -- Permission to use its Definitive Statements under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information from Worcestershire County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
Information in the "List of Streets" maintained by local councils
Under the Highways Act, each Highways Authority has to maintain an official list of "Streets Maintainable at the Public Expense". Typically this list will include each public road name, reference number, and a description of the start and end points. Cycleways and urban footways are also listed. The information is useful in particular for identifying and classifying unsurfaced tracks which are technically public highways but may not appear so (e.g. routes shown on OS maps as "Other Route with Public Access"). Permission has been obtained from the following councils to make use of their "List of Streets" files:
- Norfolk -- Permission to use its List of Streets under the OGL.
Attribution: "Contains public sector information from Norfolk County Council licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0."
University of Cambridge
As part of its Project Drake the University of Cambridge commissioned surveys of its entire estate and its associated colleges down to the level of buildings and entrances. This data comprising all 31 colleges and thousands of manually surveyed locations has kindly been contributed to OpenStreetMap.
Land Registry - Price paid data
OpenStreetMap contributors use the Land Registry Price Paid Data as a source for address data. This data is published under the OGL and the following attribution is required.
This data covers the transactions received at land Registry in the period 01/02/2012 to the last day of the current month. © Crown copyright 2012.
If you have found an error with the data please contact Her Majesty's Land Registry (HMLR)
Department for Transport - NaPTAN data
OpenStreetMap contributors can request an import of bus stop data from the national dataset which is published under the UK Open Government Licence. See the NaPTAN wiki pageNaptan
Middle East
Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (KKL) Land Development Authority
Contains data sourced from GIS Project of KKL Land Development Authority, Israel. KKL Land Development Authority gives no warranty in relation to the data, including its accuracy, reliability and suitability and accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any loss, damage or other costs relating to the use of any data, any compilations, derivative works or modifications of the data.
Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality
Contains data provided by the Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality under the terms of this license (in Hebrew). The Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality accepts no liability relating to use of the data; for further details on this subject please consult the license.
New Zealand
Contains data sourced from Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved. Land Information New Zealand gives no warranty in relation to the data, including its accuracy, reliability and suitability and accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any loss, damage or other costs relating to the use of any data, any compilations, derivative works or modifications of the data.
- See LINZ's website and the OSM LINZ wiki page for more information.
Department of Conservation (DOC) (New Zealand)
The information and data are provided as a public service by the Department of Conservation (DOC) under the following conditions:
- 1) The information supplied is provided for general information only.
- 2) The Department of Conservation makes no claims, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, or its suitability for any purpose.
- 3) The Department of Conservation does not accept any liability for the content and shall not be responsible or liable for any claims of any kind arising from the use of the information.
- 4) The Crown (through the Department of Conservation) remains the sole owner of the intellectual property in the information on this disk.
See DOC#Data_Attribution for more details
Statistics New Zealand
Licensed from Statistics New Zealand under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License.
Christchurch City Council
Licensed from Christchurch City Council under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License.
Manawatu District Council
Licensed from Manawatu District Council under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License.
United States
The Census TIGER data base is the source for maps generated by the TIGER Map Service. The data used to create the maps comes from the Census Bureau, an agency of the U.S. Government, and is in the public domain. Thus the maps you can download from this site are in the public domain and you are free to use them as you choose.
USGS - NHD / Orbview-3
Hydrography data in the US can come from NHD.
USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain.
Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS U.S. Geological Survey[2]
We also use OrbView-3 imagery data courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
District of Columbia OCTO
The data made available here has been modified for use from its original source, which is the Government of the District of Columbia. Neither the District of Columbia Government nor the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) makes any claims as to the completeness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the web feed is being used at one's own risk
Virginia Department of Transportation
On 2011-05-09, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) provided User:Joshdoe the following access and use constraint statement.
- The data you have requested from VDOT are provided to you as exports from VDOT's GIS database. Although the database is the intellectual property of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the data files are not copyrighted and are provided to you without the need for a license. Should you need a copy of our database, however, we will need to negotiate a license agreement. GIS files provided to you include the following provisions, which apply to such files:
- Access Constraints:
- The appropriate VDOT Division is the point of contact for any party who requires access or further information regarding this data. Please refer to the metadata to determine contact vehicles.
- Use Constraints:
- Disclaimer: Any person, organization, firm, corporation or other entity using this database does so at its own risk. The Virginia Department of Transportation accepts no liability for any loss suffered by any person, organization, firm, corporation, or other entity from the use of the information in this database. In addition, the Virginia Department of Transportation does not guarantee system availability and is not responsible for any losses associated with any system unavailability.
- VDOT's digital data files are for use in performing the official business of the Commonwealth of Virginia. VDOT Divisions set all policy on the allowable uses of this data.
- The representations of VDOT business data contained within are believed to be correct. This data is provided without any guarantee of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. No business decisions should be made based on this data without first validating its accuracy against the official Source System of Record (SSR). Users of this data are solely responsible for determining if it is appropriate for their application.
- Please report errors and omissions directly to the appropriate VDOT Division data owner.
- Certain post-disaster locations in the Moore, Oklahoma area are in part derived from aerial imagery provided by Bearing Tree Land Surveying, L.L.C., 4201 North Barnes Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 under the Creative Commons BY-SA license.
PGS, Prototype Global Shoreline Data set
The Prototype Global Shoreline Data set is a global satellite-derived approximation of high water line) provided by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency of the USA. It is assumed to be released under section 105 of the US Copyright Act and so effectively public domain, (confirmation has been requested 2011-09-29).
Washington State
City of Seattle, Washington
In a 2012-11-30 10:49PT email to User:Jeffmeyer, Neil Berry of the City of Seattle Department of Information Technology confirmed that the inclusion of the below notice on this OpenStreetMap Contributors page would suffice for crediting the source of any City of Seattle-derived data used in OpenStreetMap.
- City of Seattle Source Data Disclaimer
- Some data made available here has been modified for use from its original source, which is the City of Seattle. Neither the City of Seattle nor the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) makes any claims as to the completeness, timeliness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the web feed is being used at one's own risk.
King County, Washington
In a 2012-12-09 12:05PT email to User:Jeffmeyer, George Horning, King County GIS Center Manager, confirmed that the inclusion of the below notice on this OpenStreetMap Contributors page would suffice for crediting the source of any King County-derived data used in OpenStreetMap.
- King County, Washington Data Disclaimer
- Data provided by permission of King County.
- King County provides links to third-party applications and sites that use King County data for informational purposes to the general public. King County does not warrant or support these applications or sites, nor does King County endorse or sponsor these sites. King County is not affiliated or associated in any way with these organizations. The content and views expressed on these sites are not those of King County. You access and use these links and applications at your own risk. Neither King County nor any of its employees or agents shall be liable for your use of these links and applications, nor shall they be liable for the accuracy of the information or any actions taken as a result of using the information.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Data from the MD DNR portal is in the public domain according to Dave Foreman, GIS Analyst, MD DNR. I --ElliottPlack (talk) 16:59, 20 April 2013 (UTC) spoke to Dave at the TUgis conference in 2013 and secured permission to put the data on OpenStreetMap, and that there are no use constraints.
Here is an example of the data on OSM: [4]
Data by Administration of Rybinsk.
Data collected by the Enugu State in Nigeria and Upande Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya.
Data provided by Lawson, Japan
Kokudo Suchi Joho =
Government agency GSI, Japan provide numeric geo data in public.
Yahoo! Japan
Yahoo! Japan announces that they provide their ALPS map data to OpenStreetMap in ODbL in 2011 March. It helps much for disaster recovery and map growing in Japan.
Since detail on the contributions is missing, these are listed here:
- Frida
- Comune di Merano (Italy) Merano#Merano_City_Data
- Southern Sudan
- Zenbu
- auto_gns_ar
- educamadrid
- Italian Borders
- NLC (Národné Lesnícke Centrum, Zvolen, Slovakia)
- INC (Institut National de Cartographie, Yaoundé, Cameroon)
- WRI (World Resources Institut, Washington, USA)