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由于各人绘图方法不一 本表只用作方便寻找关系及简单进度确认 欢迎以自己的方式制表 但当绘图人数增加后或需统一


代码 NA 0 1 2 3 4 X
r=……(线路) Routing Routing (0/4) Routing (1/4) Routing (2/4) Routing (3/4) Routing (4/4) Routing (X/4)
状态未知 没有线路 关系中含有少量路径 关系中含有大部分路径 已有一位绘图者确定该关系中的路径已完善 已有两位及以上位绘图者确定该关系中的路径已完善 该线路取消或不存在
h=……(站点) Stops Stops (0/4) Stops (1/4) Stops (2/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (4/4) Stops (X/4)
状态未知 没有站点 关系中含有少量站点 关系中含有大部分站点 已有一位绘图者确定该关系中的站点已完善 已有两位或以上位绘图者确定该关系中的站点已完善 该站点取消或不存在
rl=……(路网) Relation Relation (0/4) Relation (1/4) Relation (2/4) Relation (3/4) Relation (4/4) Relation (X/4)
状态未知 没有关系 关系中含有少量路线 关系中含有大部分线路 已有一位绘图者确定该关系中的线路已完善 已有两位或以上位绘图者确定该关系中的线路已完善 该路网取消或不存在



线名 线编号 relation 進度
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系
京广 0001 relation 193064 Stops (3/4) Routing Relation Stops
京沪 0002 relation 163022 Stops (3/4) Routing Relation (3/4) Stops
京九 0005 relation 162982 Stops (3/4) Routing Relation Stops
京哈 0007 relation 198494 Stops (1/4) Routing (1/4) Relation (1/4) Stops (1/4)
京通 0021 relation 1109833 Stops Routing Relation Stops
锦承 0022 relation 2986496 Stops Routing Relation Stops
津山 0023 relation 3006633 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京包 0028 relation 11543971 Stops Routing Relation Stops
邯长 0031 relation 2973914 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京原 0302 relation 2529615 Stops Routing Relation Stops
石太 0303 relation 1953505 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
西长 0314 relation 12257095 Stops Routing Relation Stops
津霸 0320 relation 10042019 Stops Routing Relation Stops
南堡 0321 relation 11555337 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
塘沽 0322 relation 14567515 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
陈塘庄 0323 relation 11518910 Stops Routing Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
津蓟 0324 relation 10042018 Stops Routing Relation Stops
天津北环 0325 relation 11521247 Stops Routing Relation Stops
进港二 0326 relation 14567660 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京承 0327 relation 1109887 Stops Routing Relation Stops
七滦 0330 relation 11506526 Stops Routing Relation Stops
秦皇岛进出港 0331 relation 14564524 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
丰沙 0332 relation 13456787 Stops Routing Relation Stops
大台 0333 relation 11598922 Stops Routing Relation Stops
宣庞 0334 relation 11598769 Stops Routing Relation Stops
东北环 0336 relation 9694964 Stops Routing Relation Stops
丰双 0337 relation 13456787 Stops Routing Relation Stops
大南 0339 relation 13456793 Stops Routing Relation Stops
永丰 0340 relation 11598974 Stops Routing Relation Stops
柳广 0341 relation 13890345 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
一零一 0342 relation 12221692 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
黄良 0343 relation 14160084 Stops Routing Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
周支 0344 relation 13456792 Stops Routing Relation Stops
保满 0345 relation 9641600 Stops Routing Relation Stops
满神 0346 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
丰沙上行二 0347 relation 14567678 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
良陈 0348 relation 13456789 Stops (3/4) Routing Relation Stops
唐包 0349 relation 11597945 Stops Routing Relation Stops
西北环 0350 relation 11598953 Stops Routing Relation Stops
平定 0351 relation 14523402 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
唐遵 0352 relation 11506527 Stops Routing Relation Stops
承隆 0353 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
房山 0354 relation 13456790 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
南庄 0355 relation 14567392 Stops Routing Relation Stops
阳简 0356 relation 14567394 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
丰沙下行二 0358 relation 14567677 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
霸徐 0359 relation 8400844 Stops Routing Relation Stops
石家庄直通 0371 relation 11588582 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation Stops
石太引入 0372 relation 14195458 Stops Routing Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
石德 0373 relation 2975572 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation Stops
新井 0374 relation 11599042 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
凤山 0375 relation 11599049 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
白荫 0376 relation 11580401 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
阳泉矿正 0377 relation 14567393 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
津山天津三 0380 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
沙午 0381 relation 2973916 Stops Routing Relation Stops
西矿 0382 relation 13447928 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
马磁 0384 relation 2973915 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
新峰 0385 relation 14912151 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
邯郸京广Ⅲ 0386 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
邯济 0535 relation 9240184 Stops Routing Relation Stops
东北环疏解 1305 relation 14133685 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
百东 1311 relation 13887376 Stops Routing Relation Stops
东星 1312 relation 13886605 Stops Routing Relation Stops
机车出入库 1318 relation 13909501 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
百星 1323 relation 13887381 Stops Routing Relation Stops
南曹 1324 relation 13471016 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
石家庄西北环 1333 relation 11588614 Stops Routing Relation Stops
大李 1340 relation 13956626 Stops Routing Relation Stops
石南 1350 relation 13448557 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
星双 1367 relation 13886580 Stops Routing Relation Stops
斜军 1371 relation 14137117 Stops (3/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
茶高 1384 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
泰达 1388 relation 14567514 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
滦菱 2003 relation 14576491 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
卑水 2005 relation 13460162 Stops (1/4) Routing (1/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
阳涉 2306 relation 1953823 Stops Routing Relation Stops
石家庄西环 2308 relation 8388235 Stops (3/4) Routing (2/4) Relation Stops
康延 2315 relation 13456788 Stops Routing Relation Stops
南堡疏解 2337 relation 14467878 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
北京直通 2344 relation 12147859 Stops Routing Relation Stops
邯黄 2348 relation 8355467 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
邯黄疏解 2349 relation 14879430 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
邯济邯黄联络 2350 relation 8356244 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
通乔 7358 relation 14080704 Stops (4/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)


线名 线编号 relation 進度
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系
涉县二联 0383 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
丰润唐遵 1301 relation 14588869 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
沙河驿北 1302 relation 14579195 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
沙河驿南 1303 relation 14579196 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
京锦联络 1304 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
京沪津山联 1306 relation 13983933 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
南北联 1309 relation 14567592 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
京沪京哈联 1310 relation 14043742 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
马广联 1313 relation 13890339 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
丰西京广上联 1314 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
京沪京广下联 1315 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
丰双丰沙联 1316 relation 13905506 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京沪京广联 1317 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
Ⅴ—Ⅰ场联 1319 relation 13909224 Stops Routing Relation Stops
军供联 1320 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
周琉联 1321 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
沙城-沙城西 1322 relation 14477103 Stops (3/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
马沙联 1325 relation 14567745 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
Ⅲ—Ⅱ场联 1326 relation 13905050 Stops (4/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
周良联络 1327 relation 13456791 Stops Routing Relation Stops
津霸上行疏解 1328 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
石德联 1332 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
邯西联 1334 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
沙联 1335 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
张家口-张家口南 1336 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
怀联 1337 relation 13457106 Stops Routing Relation Stops
沙张联 1338 relation 14499723 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京哈津蓟联 1339 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
津山上进 1341 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
京沪上进 1342 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
北京联络 1345 relation 14567776 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
邢贡联 1352 relation 14567441 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
京广朔黄联 1353 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
大秦津蓟上联 1357 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
大秦津蓟下联 1358 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
衡水衡水西联络 1364 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
丰西京沪下联 1368 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
龙联 1370 relation 14568933 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
长八 1372 relation 14567498 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
涉县联 1378 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
大段上联 1385 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
大段下联 1386 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
七丰 1390 relation 14469059 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
丰胥 1391 relation 14477637 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
贾联 1392 relation 14599407 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
崔联 1393 relation 14599408 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
银联 1394 relation 14486306 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (2/4)
津山联络 1395 relation 14567572 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
北仓桥南联络 1396 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
狼窝铺东联 1951 relation 14489260 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
狼窝铺西联 1952 relation 14489261 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
南西联 1953 relation 14567627 Stops (3/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
肃宁下联 1954 relation 14567421 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
肃宁上联 1955 relation 14567422 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
王佐下联 1956 relation 14567419 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
王佐上联 1957 relation 14567420 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
石德货联 2314 relation 14480530 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
康延联络 2316 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
京津联络 2319 relation 13991914 Stops Routing Relation Stops
北金联络 2322 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
军民联络 2324 relation 14462103 Stops Routing Relation Stops
蓟港津山联 2329 relation 14735049 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
西环柳辛庄联络 2330 relation 14229898 Stops (3/4) Routing (4/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
邯黄石德联络 2331 relation 0 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
龙山联络 2332 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
哈港联 2338 relation 14564525 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
泰津联 2347 relation 14567513 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
邯西二联 2351 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
唐山北联络 2352 relation 14265703 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京哈唐张联 2353 relation 14592075 Stops (2/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
北塘新港联 2343 relation 14466246 Stops (1/4) Routing (1/4) Relation Stops (0/4)
北戴河场间联 2345 relation 14564528 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
唐张京承联 2356 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
唐张京通联 2357 relation 13827439 Stops Routing Relation Stops
沙孔联 2358 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
王北联络 2431 relation 15039636 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
阳泉北场间联络 8324 relation 14161602 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops


高速线 主线

线名 线编号 relation 進度
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系
京广高速 3001 relation 12265072 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京沪高铁 3002 relation 356778 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京津城际 3010 relation 6148942 Stops (1/4) Routing (1/4) Relation (2/4) Stops (2/4)
石太客专 3012 relation 5399232 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation Stops
津霸客专 3022 relation 13460161 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (2/4) Stops (4/4)
津秦高铁 3023 relation 13471015 Stops (1/4) Routing (1/4) Relation Stops
京包客专 3066 relation 11597839 Stops Routing Relation Stops
京雄城际 3085 relation 10066765 Stops Routing Relation Stops

高速线 支线

线名 线编号 relation 進度
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系
京南至动车段A 2320 relation 13885824 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
京南至动车段B 2336 relation 13885823 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
京西至动车段走行 2318 relation 13956691 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
天津西动车走行A 2335 relation 15047698 Stops (3/4) Routing (2/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
天津西动车走行B 2334 relation 15047697 Stops (3/4) Routing (2/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (3/4)
天津西动车走行C 2359 relation 13995613 Stops Routing Relation (2/4) Stops (4/4)
石家庄动车所A 2341 relation 14222007 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops
石家庄动车所B 2342 relation 14222008 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops
雄安动车走行A 1355 relation 14185070 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
雄安动车走行B 1356 relation 14185069 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops (0/4)
天津城际上联 2309 relation 14567442 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (3/4) Stops
南仓城际高速联 2311 relation 11607406 Stops Routing Relation Stops
南仓城际京沪上联 2312 relation 11607432 Stops Routing Relation Stops
南仓城际京沪下联 2313 relation 11607432 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Relation (4/4) Stops (4/4)
京广高速京西联 2339 relation 0 Stops Routing Relation (0/4) Stops (0/4)
京广石太高速联 2340 relation 14068483 Stops Routing Relation Stops
津秦城际联 2346 relation 14567443 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops
霸徐京广高速联 2354 relation 14068467 Stops Routing Relation Stops




线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 车站位置、线路走向 配套数据 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 车站数据 桥隧数据 限速数据
京哈(哈尔滨-蔡家沟) 0007 relation 198494 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
图佳(佳木斯-鹿道) 0011 relation 1988906 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
拉滨(哈尔滨东-杜家) 0012 relation 2982545 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
通让(大庆西-太阳升) 0014 relation 2155196 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
平齐(齐齐哈尔-街基) 0015 relation 1565503 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 车站位置、线路走向 配套数据 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 车站数据 桥隧数据 限速数据
齐北 0101 relation 207844729 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
滨洲 0102 relation 538674 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
富嫩 0103 relation 14411184 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
嫩林 0104 relation 11584670 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
林碧 0105 relation 11584391 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (X/4) 本线已废弃,不予整改。
伊加 0106 relation 2148181 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
牙林 0107 relation 2981307 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
朝乌 0108 relation 2981308 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
博林 0109 relation 3234921 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
塔韩 0110 relation 11584414 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
伊敏 0111 relation 13266203 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
呼工A 0112 relation 8384322 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops 欠规范待整改 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本线车站均为其他干线已有车站
呼工B 0113
滨绥宽 0115 relation 14570458 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本线车站均为其他干线已有车站
滨洲宽 0120 relation 14525091 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本线车站均为其他干线已有车站
滨北 0121 relation 2998518 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
北黑 0122 relation 2998442 Stops Routing Stops (2/4) 欠规范待整改 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 北黑铁路正在升级改造中,龙镇-黑河间不整改。
绥佳 0123 relation 2998525 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 哈伊客专建设改造既有车站,绥佳线铁力站不整改。
秋冷 0124 relation 14308833 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) / / Relation (X/4) 本线已废弃,不予整改。
鹤岗 0125 relation 14322060 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
鹤北 0126 relation 14322059 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
佳富 0127 relation 8410924 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
汤林 0128 relation 2759277 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
翠峦 0129 relation 14350097 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) / / Relation (X/4) 本线已废弃,不予整改。
勃七 0130 relation 8387760 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
林密 0131 relation 14322015 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
密东 0132 relation 14322014 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
恒山 0133 relation 13273404 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4)

Stops (3/4)

Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
城鸡 0134 relation 2978898 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
福前 0135 relation 2975618 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
峻德 0136 relation 15003226 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
苇亚 0150 relation 3793594 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
滨绥 0151 relation 1656856 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
火龙沟 0153 relation 11616543 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
图牡货 0172 relation 14399958 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本线车站均为其他干线已有车站
滨绥货 0173 relation 14562678 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本线车站均为其他干线已有车站
京哈货物 0174 已拆除 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) / / Relation (X/4) 本线已废弃,不予整改。
牡佳货 0175 relation 15511614 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
同江 0180 relation 8387747 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
伊阿 0181 relation 13266204 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
前抚 0182 relation 4266587 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
古洛 0183 relation 13269645 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
扎阿 0184 relation 11579912 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
双乌 0185 relation 14350097 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 原“翠峦线”,OSM中关系暂未更名。
同江 0186 relation 8387747 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) Relation (3/4)
同江宽 0187 relation 14529232 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) Relation (3/4)


线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 车站位置、线路走向 配套数据 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 车站数据 桥隧数据 限速数据
榆树 1101 relation 14329336 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
榆红 1102 relation 14537414 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
昂峰 1103 relation 14329335 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
西昂 1104 relation 14329338 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
红峰 1105 relation 14329337 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
卓汇 1107 relation 14411122 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
三榆 1109 relation 14329333 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
榆峰 1110 relation 14570459 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
江北联络 1111 relation 14173805 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
定一联络 1112 relation 14173804 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
定二 1113 relation 14173806 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
滨江 1114 relation 14078801 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
江南 1115 relation 14308836 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
滨八联络 1116 已拆除 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) / / Relation (X/4) 本线已废弃,不予整改。
绥阳南联络 1117 relation 13273402 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
香孙 1118 relation 14152339 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
香东 1119 relation 14078749 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
东新 1120 relation 14078748 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
兴莲联络 1121 relation 14322227 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
公集联络 1122 relation 14322226 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
三峰 1123 relation 14489977 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
西峰 1124 relation 14570460 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
孙新 1126 relation 14078747 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
王孙 1127 relation 11650286 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
哈屯 1128 relation 14078989 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
屯黎 1129 relation 14078990 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
屯黎联络 1130 relation 14173929 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
壮让联络 1131 relation 14174065 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
王岗疏解 1132 relation 14307809 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
王万联络 1133 relation 8351491 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4)
拉滨客车 1134 relation 14570461 Stops (X/4) Routing (X/4) Stops (X/4) Stops (3/4) / Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
准轨联络1 1135 relation 14525093 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
准轨联络2 1136 relation 14525095 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
宽轨联络1 1137 relation 14525092 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4)
宽轨联络2 1138 relation 14525094 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
穆城联络 1140 relation 13273403 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至客标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
牡丹江疏解 1148 relation 14570462 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
平齐联络左 1149 relation 14570463 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
平齐联络右 1150
红峰疏解 1151 relation 14329334 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
昂峰疏解 1152 relation 14329335 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站
哈西机走 1153 relation 16820329 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站 哈尔滨西-哈尔滨
成前货联 1156 relation 0 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (2/4)
佳同 1158 relation 17194186 Stops (3/4) Routing (3/4) Stops Stops (3/4) 仅精确至货标尺 Relation (3/4) 本联络线上车站均为干线已有车站 佳木斯-东佳木斯



线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 车站位置、线路走向 配套数据 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 车站数据 桥隧数据 限速数据
京哈高速线(哈尔滨-扶余北) 3007 relation 3066901 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (3/4)


线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 车站位置、线路走向 配套数据 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 车站数据 桥隧数据 限速数据
哈佳线 3070 relation 8388164 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (3/4)
哈齐客专线 3046 relation 8399169 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (3/4)
哈牡客专线 3073 relation 7047176 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (3/4)
牡佳客专线 relation 11602838 Stops (2/4) Routing (2/4) Stops (2/4) Relation (3/4)


线路名 线路编号 OSM中的关系代码 其他备注
哈西高普联络线 哈尔滨西东场-哈尔滨西西场
京哈联络线 哈尔滨西东场-哈尔滨动车段
哈北联络线 哈尔滨北综合场-裕民
齐南动车联络线 齐齐哈尔南-齐南动车所
牡丹江动车所联络线 桦林东-牡丹江动车所
佳木斯动车所联络线 佳中信号-佳木斯动车所




线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
京哈(蔡家沟-山海关) 0007 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
图佳(图们-鹿道) 0011 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
拉滨(拉法-杜家) 0012 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通让(通辽-太阳升) 0014 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
平齐(四平-街基) 0015 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
京通(通辽-河洛营) 0021 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
锦承(锦州-杨树岭) 0022 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
津山(秦皇岛-山海关) 0023 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
赤大白(赤峰-赤峰北局界) 0042 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation


线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
陶舒 0154 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
伊阿 0181 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈吉 0201 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长图 0202 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长白 0203 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
白阿 0204 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
四梅 0205 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈山 0206 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沟海 0207 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
朝开 0208 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
和龙 0209 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
吉舒 0210 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
龙丰 0211 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
烟白 0212 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
团杉 0213 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
梅集 0214 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
鸭大 0216 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
浑白 0217 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
宇辉 0218 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长双烟 0219 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈金 0220 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通灌 0221 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
和坪 0222 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
宇松 0223 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
双白 0224 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈于 0225 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈山北道 0226 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈大 0231 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
辽开 0232 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
铁法 0233 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
于虎 0234 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
苏抚 0235 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
辽溪 0236 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
本桓 0237 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈丹 0238 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
丹前 0239 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
凤上 0241 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
营口 0242 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
瓦长 0243 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
白老 0244 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
南甘 0246 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
旅顺 0247 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
码头 0248 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
大郑 0261 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
高新 0262 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
新义 0263 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
北票 0264 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
叶赤 0265 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
南票 0266 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
葫支 0267 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
魏塔 0268 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
朝马 0269 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通霍 0270 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
霍白 0271 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
珠珠 0272 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
乌尼 0273 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
乌额 0274 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
甘库 0276 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
松团 0278 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
边海 0279 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
芳八 0280 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
前阳南进港 0281 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
前阳南出港 0282 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
宝东 0283 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
田东 0284 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
高天 0285 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
双山 0286 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
金沙 0287 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
前绥 0288 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
海庄 0289 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
白赛 0290 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
铁田 0291 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
阜金 0292 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
白和 0296 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
葛北 0298 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沙鲅 0299 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
锡乌 0420 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation


线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
九江 1201 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
小新 1202 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
九棋 1203 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
棋盘联络 1204 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
于马三 1205 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
转西直通 1206 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
马西直通 1207 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
于揽三 1208 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
白敦联络 1209 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
闫金联络 1210 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
抚将 1211 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
浑揽 1212 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
浑榆 1213 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
苏北联二 1214 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长大进场 1215 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
灵山下行到达 1216 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
葫西 1217 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
二十广联络 1218 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
南(夏)革 1219 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
兰店联络 1220 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
同金联络 1221 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
和坪联络 1222 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
凤金联络 1223 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
平西联络 1224 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
金桥联络 1225 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
开孙联络 1227 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
龙泉联络 1228 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
城庄联络 1229 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
锦承北票联络 1231 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
新立屯联络 1232 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
孙郑联络 1233 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
于西进场 1234 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
霍白锡乌联络 1235 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
西转出发 1238 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
西永出发 1239 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
灵山上行到达 1241 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
灵山上行出发 1242 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
前阳联络 1243 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈山B 1244 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
前港联络 1245 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
朝凌高铁疏解 1246 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
京沈联络 1247 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
京哈联络 1248 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈山联络 1249 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
土城石矿 1250 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
董田联络 1251 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
姚田联络 1252 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
锦承新义联络 1253 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
龙北联络 1255 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
金窑 1257 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
大安联络 1258 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
大安西联络 1259 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
盘五联络 1260 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈丹客专疏解 1261 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
苏北联三 1262 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长春进场 1263 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
金棋 1264 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
西哈联络 1265 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
中海联络 1266 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
蛟河进场 1268 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通辽北西联络 1269 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
宝长联络 1270 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
锦承叶赤联络 1271 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
马林联络 1272 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈山沟海联络 1273 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
陶赖昭联络 1275 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通辽南环二 1276 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
通辽北南联络 1277 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
宝珠联络 1278 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长春高普联络 1279 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沙尔塔拉环 1280 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
虎辉联络 1282 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长西联络 1283 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
哈长联络 1284 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈皇客专联络 1285 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
大安北联络 1290 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长春货场联络 1291 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
穆白联络 1292 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
致白联络 1293 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
东陵联络 1294 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长旅 1588 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
龙山联络 2332 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation



线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
京哈高速 3007 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈大高速 3019 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation


线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
长珲城际 3020 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
盘营高速 3025 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈丹客专 3045 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
丹大 3054 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
新通客专 3072 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
喀赤客专 3095 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
朝凌高铁 3097 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation


线名 线编号 relation 进度 线路关系 其他备注
站內 站间 线路关系 车站关系 桥隧数据 限速数据
巴珠 4405 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长春西动车入库 1286 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
长春西动车出库 1287 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈阳北动车入库 1288 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation
沈阳北动车出库 1289 Stops Routing Relation Stops Relation